.............Khayyam thought that he was in heaven- 'eternal life' and 'wine'? His writings doesn't surprise me because there are many Muslims like him, nowadays...
No..No..nooooo Omar Khayyam's contribution to huamnity is more than that famous
Rubayyat, heaven- 'eternal life' and 'wine .
Ghiyāth ad-Dīn Abu'l-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khayyām Nīshāpūrī was a Persian polymath, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and poet. He also wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, mineralogy, music, and Islamic theology. There are two things that are not right about him are
Arabic words in his name and Islamic theology which are far from his birth place Persia and Persian philosophy that we see in this Iranian Islamic mullah's like this one..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U28zUnJ6WzgIbrāhīm al-Khayyām Nīshāpūrī was not an Arab guy. I don't know where he gets the part of his name -
Abu'l-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn .. .. Fools..
anyways going back to Omar Khayyam' he wrote this in his famous Rubayyat
If Madrasahs of those drunks
Became the educational institutes
Of teaching philosophy of
Epicures, Plato and Aristotle;
If Abode and Mazars of Peer and Dervish
Is turned into research institutes,
If men instead of following blind faith of religion
Should have cultivated ethics,
If the abode of worships were turned into
Centers of learning of all academic activities,
If instead of studying religion, men
Would have devoted to develop mathematics - algebra,
If logic of science would have occupied the place of
Sufism, faith and superstition,
Religion that divides human beings
Would have replaced by humanism…
Then world would have turned into haven,
The world on other side then would have extinguished
The world would then become full of
And there is no doubt about it.
I am fairly confident to say that Omar Khayyam' was only a nominal Muslim guy, happened to be born in 1048 n that early multi-ethnic/multi-religious Persian culture with ISLAMIC RULERS. He neither read Quran nor he read hadith or early Islamic history. In fact many bearded baboons of Islam after reading his Rubayyat will say that he was an INFIDEL
What Islam/Muslim community has is this stupid idea of
"that alleged Prophet of Islam (whoever he was ) most Ideal infallible Character of all times" where as that literature we have from the early Islamic idiots is all BULL SHIT about him. So Islam and Muslims left great guys like Omar Khayyam and stuck to this stupid haditha and silly Quran to create role models. So what we have in 20th/21st century in is Islam as the leaders that preach hadith in Mosques by the Muslim baboons like this one
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnaCMCeFmas#t=13Look at that idiot from Egypt . He spewing venom ..
He is Dr. Abdullah Badr—
an Egyptian Muslim scholar, Al Azhar graduate, and professor of Islamic exegesis, who spent ten years in prison under Mubarak, but, along with any number of Islamic terrorists and agitators, was released under Morsi gives that
"Muslim doctrine of wala’ wa bara’ (or, “Love and Hate”)—namely, that the true Muslim should love and help fellow Muslims, while hating and being disgusted by non-Muslims.
During a conference last week (see video below, with English subtitles) he explained how he is so “disgusted” by Christians, to the point that, if a Christian were to touch his cup, he would not drink from it:
[It’s] not a matter of piety, but disgust. I get grossed out. Get that? Disgust, I get grossed out man, I cannot stand their smell or … I don’t like them, it’s my choice. And they gross me out; their smell, their look, everything. I feel disgusted, disgusted. I get disgusted not only by that, but by many things.
So unless one cleans the roots of Islam with new way of looking at it., New way of explaining Quran, there is no place to it in 21st century. Islam must become some sort of toothless personal religion of folks who may like to pray in Islamic way.. in his/her room but not in Mosques to erect criminals as head of states in the name of Islam. It also must erase this male control over women folks and kids with-in family as well as outside of the family..
And Rubaya I don't think your father knew anything about who Omar Khayyam was and what he stood for., When he gave that name to you... May be he just thought "you brought the "SPRING SEASON" to his family" so your name is Rubaya.. lol..
Is Rubaya your real name?? You know in forums like this one people normally don't use real names unless you are Maryam namazie or Wafa Sultan or Taslima Nasrin or Ayaan Hirsi Ali .. something like that..