I lost all of my muslim friends and family. I find it hard to trust people, expect to get hurt I guess. Find it hard cause I can't tell my friends much about my past, and people expect reciprocation in sharing info blah blah and I cant te55 people much for safety's sake. I think I confuse people, I'm too private, but people don't understand that I have to be this way.
I hate it, I hate the loneliness, I hate not being able to tell my friends the reason why I am depressed, or why for example I'll need some alone time all of a sudden, or why I freak out when I see a car that looks the same as my Xs etc... Thank fuck most of my friends are used to me, but meeting new people is painful, have to go through the same thing again.
I tend to avoid socializing a bit, it is less painful being alone, I actually feel less alone when alone then when around other people, cause being around other people just reminds me of how much I cannot share, how alone I really am. Crazy huh?
I hate talking about it, just reminds me of my loneliness, I am pathetic.
Bleh, I'm used to it anyway, life is loney.