Hmm, seems to me that you have not thought about it very much. Because everytime I ask you to identify an element of Islam that exists in other cultures that had no contact with Islam you cannot, and the excuse you use is that you don't know, so clearly you have not even looked into these discrepancies.
"excuse you use is that you don't know" - how is this an excuse? It is stating that I do not know. Where I do not know something - I say it straight out. What is more the case - as i started earlier - you wish to e . . . beat me in some kind of "debate" - I don't know why that would give you credence . . . but why this type of questioning?
"Because everytime I ask you to identify an element of Islam that exists in other cultures that had no contact with Islam you cannot"
Actually - I can bring up many many similarities if you wish - however that WOULD not automatically mean that they are from Islam-strand. Because [and this is an important point] there is NO absolute way of knowing. Also - Islam disclosed only limited amount of information regarding other faiths.
Also - I can claim say something of Buddhism was from Allah - and we can argue till the end of Earth - but to an avail - as neither will have any conclusive proof.
"so clearly you have not even looked into these discrepancies."
Which discrepancies have you brought forward? None.
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What? Are you saying that Mo received 313 laws? or that 313 prophets received different sets of laws?
Look you can whatever attitude you wish - the person's name was Mohammed. But if you are going to be like this - I will simply not answer. I meant the second.
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I don't think any other non-Semitic cultures practiced circumcision. Don't you find it odd that Allah would send a rule like that to one specific culture?
Sorry - but that is not true - as you say "think" - that implies you don't either. Ancient cultures before Islam that are non-semitic did used to practice circumcision - but {!Important} - I do not know - and neither can you - whether that was down to Allah or not. hence I said plainly - No. Rather than making things up.
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Why did the Aztecs or the Mayans or the Incans, or the Chinese, or the native peoples of Hawaii never get visited by the Angel Gabriel? Don't you find that to be rather suspicious?
Those ancient communities too were sent messengers. That is according to Islam. But how do you know - that they don't have different names for them? For example - Judaism, Aramaic and Arabic are sister langauges - hence the name Gabriel - is recognizable.
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Well that is not a source, that is just some random Muslims who may never have even been to India, telling stories.
Ah? How do you know? Just because similarities exist . . . that still isn't definitive proof - one way or the other.