There is 0 evidence to support this claim.
How do you know? Have you looked at all the evidence available?
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As evidence that the Hadiths against dogs are actually from a Divine source and not just cultural. If God does not want people to keep dogs as pets then why do so many societies across the world keep them as pets? But forget about dogs in particular, that is just one example, just find any single thing in Islam that is also observed in other cultures on other continents that would convince somebody that it must have been based on a message from God. I.e. something that is so coincidental that it is highly unlikely that it could have come about by chance.
Most Hadith are not considered as divine*. Where did you get that?
[Except Hadith Qudsi - which are small in number]
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"If God does not want people to keep dogs as pets then why do so many societies across the world keep them as pets?"
I don't think God is particularly worried about dogs - one way or the other. As for other societies - they don't follow Islam.
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But forget about dogs in particular, that is just one example, just find any single thing in Islam that is also observed in other cultures on other continents that would convince somebody that it must have been based on a message from God. I.e. something that is so coincidental that it is highly unlikely that it could have come about by chance.
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= = =
Because that would lend some weight to the idea that circumcision is ordained by God and not a cultural practice of the Middle East.
No it wouldn't - Why would some other societies practicing Circumcision have any effect on Islam?
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Yes I read the article, I am well aware of where circumcision was traditionally practiced, and that it predates the Hebrew faith as you agree. That is the whole point. Africa and the Greco-Roman world were of course in constant contact with the Middle East, part of the Middle East is in Africa and the Greco-Romans ruled the Middle East for a 1,000 years. I am talking about an example of circumcision on another continent that had no contact with Middle Eastern people. There were thousands and thousands of native cultures in the Americas, Australia, East Asia and the Pacific that had absolutely no contact with the Middle East, just find me 1 single society from those regions whose religion has something in common with Abrahamic religions.
If you HAD actually read the article - then you would have noticed - the article speaks about the time - before Abrahamic religions ever got to those societies - circumcision was practiced in Africa. Ancient Egyptians practiced it - It used to be practiced by Aboriginal societies as rite of passage.
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"Circumcision comes from the Hadiths, as does praying 5 times a day."
Praying comes from the Quran - Circumcision doesn't.
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You can never prove anything 100%, with total certainty. But what you are looking for is a body of evidence to support an argument so that it can be believed beyond reasonable doubt.
Why? What has THAT got to do with anything? It is you who is after it - you find it. It doesn't make sense - or much difference to me at all.