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 Topic: Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)

 (Read 11740 times)
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  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     OP - December 19, 2012, 11:56 PM

    This thread is for Twitter user ‏@KShah_KE to pose his questions and challenges to Ex-Muslims. Please welcome him and respond to his queries with as much kindness and empathy as he shows to us.


    Welcome @KShah_KE Smiley

    (all you need to do it is register with a username in order to be able to post here)
  • Apostasy and Islam - Thread for K A Shah ‏(@KShah_KE)
     Reply #1 - December 20, 2012, 12:03 AM

    Thank you for the embarrassing thread title - but I feel the love.

    @CEMB_Forum said in another thread: "Islam considers that leaving Islam itself is a mortal sin"

    I would like your proofs from Islamic sources to prove this point. And by Islamic sources I hope you understand I mean The Qur'an and the Prophetic traditions (Ahadith).
  • Apostasy and Islam - Thread for K A Shah ‏(@KShah_KE)
     Reply #2 - December 20, 2012, 12:04 AM

    We can change the thread title Wink What would you like it to be?

    ETA: hope this title is better.
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #3 - December 20, 2012, 12:15 AM


    I would like your proofs from Islamic sources to prove this point. And by Islamic sources I hope you understand I mean The Qur'an and the Prophetic traditions (Ahadith).


    Punishment of Apostacy in Islam

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #4 - December 20, 2012, 02:42 AM


    No death penalty for apostasy in Islam! .
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #5 - December 20, 2012, 02:47 AM

    An explanation on Apostasy based on Quran and Hadith
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #6 - December 20, 2012, 02:51 AM


    If you came onto this forum to preach then your wasting your time. 

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #7 - December 20, 2012, 03:13 AM

    A "mortal sin" is defined as an act that (according to whichever religion is under question) condemns the person who committed it to punishment in hell. This is not important for those of us who no longer believe in there being such a thing as "Jahannum," but this belief that apostasy is a mortal sin is indoctrinated into Muslims from a very young age by families, friends, communities, and clergy who are all also Muslim and afraid of becoming apostates because of the fear of hell.

    The Hadiths explicitly call for the death penalty for anyone leaving Islam:

    Proof of this fear-mongering policy from Islamic sources includes:
    Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84 - Number 57 "Dealing with Apostates":
    Narrated by 'Ikrima
    Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to 'Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn 'Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's Apostle forbade it, saying, 'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"

    Another Sahih Bukhari hadith lists apostasy as one of the 3 reasons killing a "Muslim" is allowed:
    Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83 - Number 17 "Blood Money (Ad-Diyat)":
    Narrated by 'Abdullah
    Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims."

    The Quran does not explicitly mandate the death penalty. However, remember the definition of "mortal sin" above? Well, according to the Quran, apostasy is a "mortal sin":

    "Lo! those who disbelieve after their (profession of) belief, and afterward grow violent in disbelief: their repentance will not be accepted. And such are those who are astray. Lo! those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such an one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers."
    Qur'an 3:90-91

    "O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelief, and did disbelieve after their Surrender (to Allah). And they purposed that which they could not attain, and they sought revenge only that Allah by His messenger should enrich them of His bounty. If they repent it will be better for them; and if they turn away, Allah will afflict them with a painful doom in the world and the Hereafter, and they have no protecting friend nor helper in the earth."
    Qur'an 9:73-74

    Check out these pages for many more sources:
    Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Apostasy
    Islam and Apostasy

    And check out the Skeptic's Annotated Quran for a list of cruel and violent verses in the Quran, many that include hellfire and brimstone based fear mongering against "disbelievers" and "unbelievers".

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #8 - December 20, 2012, 03:16 AM

    achar, Kshah wanted proof from Quran and Hadiths. It has been provided. Lots of scholars and youtubers try and twist what is in the texts to make it seem more or less than what it is. I've provided the actual texts of Islamic scriptures. It's all there in black and white. The fear of hell is indoctrinated into Muslims who are then afraid to question anything lest they cross that line and become apostates who they have told are all going to hell. It's really a pretty standard Muslim belief.

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #9 - December 20, 2012, 06:32 AM

     Please welcome him and respond to his queries with as much kindness and empathy as he shows to us.


    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #10 - December 20, 2012, 12:13 PM

    Welcome to the forum KShah_KE  Smiley
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #11 - December 20, 2012, 01:09 PM


    What is it about the faces and eyes of the last two apologists in the videos above?  Is that a result of washing?  I can't state what I am on about - do they not have any life experience to cause wrinkles?

    It is as if they have had a huge shock that has wiped emotion out of their faces.  Are they adult converts who have had adult male genital mutilation?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #12 - December 20, 2012, 01:16 PM

    good stuff Allat?

  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #13 - December 21, 2012, 03:00 PM

    My apologies, the conversational thread in my head that lead to this was following on from a conversation regarding the death penalty for apostasy. That is what I was challenging as being unIslamic.

    I am not here to preach. I was invited here because I raised some points regarding with CEMB_Forum online. I am only here because it appears to me that some of what is said seems to stem for misinformation about Islam. You are free to agree or disagree with what is below, but ignoring it should hopefully not be what you choose.

    I am a Muslim.  I do not believe Islam kills people for ceasing to live by it. I am not a Muslim who chooses to ignore the parts of the religion I don't agree with. I am a Muslim because I DO agree.

    In regards to the death penalty for apostasy in Islam, you have provided two Ahadith and some indirect Quranic verses in support of this. In response I would like to draw your attention to the work of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan - Punishment of Apostacy in Islam (

    Some bits pasted below:

    One of the foremost advocates of death as the penalty for apostacy in Islam, in his desperate search for at least one verse in the Holy Quran which might lend support to his misguided point of view, has had recourse to violating the context and meaning of one verse of the Holy Quran and to deduce from it his horrible doctrine. He has not a word to offer in explanation of the numerous verses of the Holy Quran that form the basis of the above exposition, which is proof enough that he has deliberately misinterpreted the particular verse from which he seeks to draw support. He also appears to be unconscious of the emphatic affirmation made in the Holy Quran, that there is no contradiction in it. Had there been any contradiction in the Quran, it would not be the Word of God, as is said: Will they not meditate upon the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah they would surely have found therein much contradiction. (4.83).
    Let us now examine the verse upon which this particular divine bases his whole thesis. It is verse 12 of Chapter 9. The context of the verse is that after the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, had migrated from Mecca to Medina, Quraish of Mecca had embarked upon hostilities against him and the Muslims for the purpose of wiping out Islam by force. Then after a period of repeated aggression on their part, God of His mercy and grace, established the supremacy of Islam in Arabia, but those who were still disaffected, and entertained hostile designs against the Muslims, and had not laid down their arms, were granted a period of four months within which to make their peace with the Muslims, failing which, the hostilities which they themselves had started, would be resumed against them. In this context it was pointed out that such of them as sincerely accepted Islam would form part of the Islamic brotherhood and there would be no question of any action being taken against them. That had been the situation all through. Those who, continuing disbelievers, concluded a treaty of peace with the Muslims, must carry out the obligations of the treaty strictly. If they failed to do so hostilities would be resumed against them. Verse II of Chapter 9 is to the following effect: If they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then they are your brethren-in-faith. We expound Our commandments for a people who possess knowledge. This is followed by verse 12 which lays down: If those who break their pledge after making a covenant and ridicule your religion, in such case fight these leaders of disbelief that they may desist, for they have no regard for their pledged word. This divine construes this verse as meaning that if those who are referred to in the previous verse as having become Muslims, should repudiate Islam, they should be fought against and subdued.
    Assuming that those who repudiated Islam after having expressed their belief in it, reverted to hostilities, they would, of course, be fought against, not because of their apostacy but because of their reversion to enemy status. The issue that this divine has to face is that Islam prescribes no penalty for a simple change of faith, which involves no treason or rebellion or hostility against the Islamic State. The verse under consideration relates to the breaking of a pledge to live at peace with the Islamic State. Those who are guilty of such breach are to be fought against, as rebels or enemy aliens, and not to be caught and executed for apostacy.
    This is made abundantly clear by the immediately following verses which say: Will you not fight a people who have violated their oaths, who plotted to turn out the Messenger from his home and who were the first to start hostilities against you? Do you fear them? It is Allah Who is Most Worthy that you should fear Him, if you are believers. Fight them; Allah will punish them at your hands and will humiliate them, and will help you to overcome them, and will relieve the minds of the believers of fear and distress and will remove their feeling of resentment (9.13-14 ).
    It is thus clear that these verses have reference to the disbelievers who have no regard for their pledged word, and who should be guilty of breach of treaties and should be bent upon armed hostilities.
    [Hadith Literature]
    Apostate Pardoned by the Holy Prophet
    Abdullah bin Abi Sarah was one of the scribes of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, in Medina. He became an apostate and went and joined the Meccans and identified himself with them. On the fall of Mecca, he was among those few persons who were condemned to death by the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, on account of their misdeeds. He was a foster brother of Hazrat Usman bin Affan, who gave him shelter in his house where he remained hidden for some days. When order was restored in Mecca, Hazrat Usman interceded with the Holy Prophet on his behalf, who remained silent for a while and then signified his forgiveness of Abdullah. This incident is mentioned both in the Tafseer Kabeer of Imam Razi (Vol. V, p.527), and in the commentary Ruhul Maani (Vol. IV, p.484).
    This incident also furnishes clear proof that there was no penalty for apostacy in Islam. Abdullah bin Abi Sarah had been condemned on account of his political offences and not on account of his apostacy. Had the punishment for apostacy been death, Hazrat Usman would never have given him shelter, and the Holy Prophet would never have accepted Hazrat Usman’s intercession on his behalf.
    It is well known that the Holy Prophet never accepted any intercession in respect of the prescribed punishment for an offence. If anyone attempted intercession in such a case, the Holy Prophet rejected it and was gravely displeased with the intercessor . This is well illustrated by the case of a woman of the Makhzoom who had been found guilty of theft. Bokhari has related on the authority of Aisha: The Quraish were much disturbed on account of a Makhzoomi woman who had committed theft. They consulted together and wondered who could approach the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, on her behalf, except Usamah bin Zaid, whom the Holy Prophet held dear. They persuaded Usamah to approach the Holy Prophet, and intercede on behalf of the woman. When he did so, the Holy Prophet rebuked him: Do you intercede in respect of a penalty prescribed by Allah? Then he stood up and, addressing his companions, said: Many people before you went astray because they overlooked the offence of a person belonging to a good family and imposed the prescribed penalty upon a common thief. I call God to witness that if Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, were to be guilty of theft, I would certainly cut off her hand (Bokhari, Indian edition, p.lOO3).
    Thus it can be seen what was the attitude of the Holy Prophet in respect of prescribed penalties. Had Abdullah bin Abi Sarah been liable to the penalty of death on account of his apostacy, the Holy Prophet would never have accepted Hazrat Usman’s intercession on his behalf and would have responded to Hazrat Usman in the same way as he had responded to Usamah.
    Examination from Ahadees
    Some comment may be offered on the ahadees that are set forth in support of their position by those who contend that apostacy is punishable with death. Abi Qalabah reports on the authority of Anas: Some people of Akal or Urainah came to Medina and found that its climate disagreed with them. The Holy Prophet told them to go and stay among his she-camels outside Medina and drink their milk. They followed his instructions, and when they were fully restored they killed the Holy Prophet’s keeper of the camels and drove away the camels. When the Holy Prophet was informed of this incident, he sent some men after them who caught them and brought them to the Holy Prophet. He directed that they should be tortured in the same way as they had tortured his keeper of the camels.
    Now, it is true that those people had become apostates, but it is quite clear that the penalty imposed upon them was not in respect of their apostacy, but on account of the offences which they had committed on the person of the Holy Prophet’s keeper of his camels. This hadees, therefore, does not in any manner lend support to the thesis that apostacy is punishable with death.
    Another instance that is cited in support of the thesis that apostacy is punishable with death is the case of Ibn Khatal who was one of the four people who were executed on the occasion of the fall of Mecca. It is true that he was an apostate, but it is not a fact that he was executed on account of his apostacy. His case is set out in Mawahibal Ludunniyyah where it is stated: The Holy Prophet directed the execution of Ibn Khatal. He had been a Muslim and the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, had sent him to collect the zakat. He was accompanied by an Ansari and a freed man of his who served him and who was a Muslim. They arrived at a place where they were to spend the night and he directed the freed man to slaughter a goat and to prepare dinner. Having given this direction, he went to sleep and when he woke up, he found that the freed man had done nothing for the preparation of dinner. He was intensely annoyed and set upon the freed man and despatched him. He then repudiated Islam and reverted to paganism, and went to Mecca and settled down there.
    This recital makes it quite clear tha Ibn Khatal was not executed as a punishment for his apostacy, but on account of his murder of the Muslim freed man. Our thesis is not that no apostate has ever been punished. We concede that there are several instances of the execution of apostates, but in each case the execution was for some offence committed by the apostate and not on account of his apostacy. We repeat that there has not been a single case in which the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, directed the execution of an apostate whose only default was that he had repudiated Islam and who had not been guilty of any offence attracting the penalty of death.
    The third case which is cited in support of the advocates of the penalty of death for apostacy is that of Maqees bin Sababah who was also executed on the occasion of the fall of Mecca. Concerning him Zarqani has recorded in his commentary on Mawahibal Ludunniyyah: Maqees bin Sababah had become a Muslim and thereafter he killed an Ansari who had killed his brother Hisham during the campaign of Zeeqard, mistakenly thinking that he was one of the enemy. After that incident Maqees had accepted blood money in respect of his brother from the Ansari, and yet, he killed the Ansari. He then repudiated Islam and went to Mecca and joined the Quraish. This again is a case where an apostate was executed on account of a treacherous murder that he had committed.
    Having met nothing but frustration in their search for a genuine case of execution on account of simple apostacy, those who differ with us on this question have been driven to rely upon two utterly unreliable ahadees, each of which mentions the execution of a woman on account of her apostacy. These two ahadees are false on the face of them as there is good authority affirming that the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, never directed the execution of a woman for apostacy.
    In certain ahadees it is merely mentioned as a hypothesis that an apostate deserves to be executed, but in every one of those ahadees, a qualification is added which requires that the apostate should have fought the Muslims or should have committed some other offence. It is not necessary, therefore, to examine those ahadees in detail.
    Before concluding this review of events during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, and the time of his immediate Successors, it is necessary to examine one narrative that our opponents put forward in support of their thesis that apostacy is punishable with death. I t is related that the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, appointed Muaz bin Jabal and Abu Musa Ashari governors of a part of the Yemen each. When they were about to leave him, he admonished them: Make things easy for people and do not put them to difficulty; talk to them cheerfully and not in a manner that might repel them. When either of them happened to be near the other during their tours of their respective territories, they would meet each other and spend some time together. On one occasion, when Hazrat Muaz came to meet Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, he noticed a person sitting near the latter who had been secured with a rope. Hazrat Muaz inquired, who was this person. He was told that he was a Jew who had become a Muslim and had then become an apostate, whereupon Hazrat Muaz declared that he would not dismount till the person had been dispatched and observed that this was the judgment of God and His Messenger .
    It is obvious, however, that it has been assumed in this narrative that the man had been guilty of fighting against the Muslims along with their enemies. There are several indications in the narrative in support of this assumption. For instance, Hazrat Muaz observed that his execution was in accordance with the judgment of God Almighty and His Messenger. We have already made it quite clear that according to the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, a person -can be executed only for murder or for creating disorder in the land as is said in the Holy Quran: Whoso kills a person, except for killing another or for creating disorder in the land, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind (5:33). Waging war against Allah and His Messenger is one species of disorder which attracts the penalty of death (5:34).
    The practice of the Holy Prophet has also established that only such apostates were executed who had fought against the Muslims after their apostacy. Even some of them were forgiven on the intercession of some Companion of the Holy Prophet.
    It is a matter of history that the wave of apostacy that followed the death of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, had already started in the Yemen in the lifetime of the Holy Prophet when Muaz bin Jabal was governor of a part of the Yemen. There is thus every reason for assuming that the person whose execution is mentioned in this narrative had been guilty of taking up arms against the Muslims.
    Then the admonition of the Holy Prophet to Hazrat Muaz and Hazrat Abu Musa at the time of their departure for the Yeman also makes it quite clear that the person mentioned in the narrative could not have been executed for simple apostacy, for such an event would be sure to repel people and to make them look upon Islam as a cruel religion.
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #14 - December 21, 2012, 03:07 PM

    I am a Muslim.  I do not believe Islam kills people for ceasing to live by it. I am not a Muslim who chooses to ignore the parts of the religion I don't agree with. I am a Muslim because I DO agree.

    In regards to the death penalty for apostasy in Islam, you have provided two Ahadith and some indirect Quranic verses in support of this. In response I would like to draw your attention to the work of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan - Punishment of Apostacy in Islam (

    Some bits pasted below:

    you don't need to paste a wall of text KShah_KE..    link is good enough..

    So what happened?   why not put all that in to Islamic constitution of Land of pure.?  Do you believe in  Ahmadiyya Islam??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #15 - December 21, 2012, 03:32 PM

    I am a Muslim.  I do not believe Islam kills people for ceasing to live by it. I am not a Muslim who chooses to ignore the parts of the religion I don't agree with. I am a Muslim because I DO agree.

    Great. Tell it to the Muslims who don't agree with that. Because they are not going to stop thinking that way any time soon. And ex-Muslims are not going to be free to safely express free conscience until they do. So telling this to ex-Muslims is the wrong priority for you, right?

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #16 - December 21, 2012, 04:02 PM

    Yes I am an Ahmadi Muslim.

    I tell it to Muslims, non-Muslims, ex-Mulsims, anti-Muslims all alike. As long as there are people attributing the wrong thing to Islam I will bring it up. You are free to disagree with Islam, and we can discuss that and learn from each other. However we have to be talking about the same religion before speaking for/against it.
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #17 - December 21, 2012, 04:12 PM

    Yes I am an Ahmadi Muslim.

    ............ You are free to disagree with Islam, ....................

    good., Yap same thing with me..  You are free to disagree with what I say and what I write. And i fully reserve my right to criticize any book, any religion and any person mr. KShah_KE.  

    yes we can discuss and learn from each other I agree with that. After all discussion and debates are the way to understand each other views.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #18 - December 21, 2012, 04:18 PM

    Yes I am an Ahmadi Muslim.

    So you believe this drunk idiot was receiving divine revelation ? How deluded are you. the guy was a friggin con man.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #19 - December 21, 2012, 04:23 PM

    .................. drunk idiot ......................

    definition of an "Idiot" is quite useful and good to learn..  often I call myself as an " Idiot" at certain times  in some discussions...  It is not that bad word..

    1).  An unlearned, ignorant, or simple person, as distinguished from the educated; an ignoramus.

    2.) A human being destitute of the ordinary intellectual powers, whether congenital, developmental, or accidental; commonly, a person without understanding from birth; a natural fool; a natural; an innocent.

    3.)  A fool; a simpleton; -- a term of reproach.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #20 - December 21, 2012, 04:24 PM

    Yes I am an Ahmadi Muslim.

    I tell it to Muslims, non-Muslims, ex-Mulsims, anti-Muslims all alike. As long as there are people attributing the wrong thing to Islam I will bring it up. You are free to disagree with Islam, and we can discuss that and learn from each other. However we have to be talking about the same religion before speaking for/against it.

    Shah, your community is massacred, persecuted and demonised on a truly frightening scale.

    You should know exactly how mainstream Islam treats non conformists.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #21 - December 21, 2012, 05:35 PM

    I do not believe Islam kills people for ceasing to live by it.

    Let's hope your feelings are more powerful that facts.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #22 - December 21, 2012, 07:56 PM

    As long as there are people attributing the wrong thing to Islam I will bring it up.

    So there is a true Islam that is moderate, pro-human rights, pro-democracy, pro-science and just simply cool after all. OMG maybe I shouldn't have left!!! I just had to research more.... Can I go back to the right version? But if I belonged to a wrong version then I never left true Islam, thus I is innocent, no real apostasy here.

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #23 - December 21, 2012, 08:53 PM

    So there is a true Islam that is moderate, pro-human rights, pro-democracy, pro-science and just simply cool after all...................

    yap. there is Islam for moderates.. there is Islam for human rights .. there is Islam for animal rights.. there is Islam for women rights .. there is Islam for murderers .. there is Islam for thugs .. there is Islam for infidels.. there is Islam for idolaters.. there is Islam for pagans.. there is Islam for every one..

    Oh well let me watch some Islam..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #24 - December 21, 2012, 08:57 PM

    Is everybody here ok with the DarkRebel's approach? I thought this place had standards?
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #25 - December 21, 2012, 09:01 PM

    It does. His post was not exactly polite, but doesn't cross our boundaries. We tend to be a bit lax about people's indiscretions, as long as they're not too frequent or too over the top. He is entitled to think someone is deluded. Bear in mind that it's common for this site to get Muslims claiming that ex-Muslims are deluded. You have to expect that ex-Muslims will think Muslims are deluded.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #26 - December 21, 2012, 09:04 PM

    ... I thought this place had standards?......

    place has freedom.. freedom to express... place has the ability to self correct.. if some one  saying something terribly wrong, other' should be able to correct it. i am sure you are smart enough  to  correct  and change  DarkRebel's approach  KShah_KE.

    You read my posts and you don't agree with me.. SAY SOMETHING WORST ABOUT ME AND MY PHILOSOPHY  Shah.. i will correct you.

    would you like me to correct  DarkRebel's  views of  Mirza_Ghulam_Ahmad??  but i want you to try first...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #27 - December 21, 2012, 09:06 PM


    Has a form of apartheid happened with Ahmadis in London?  I noted several Ahmadi mosques around Croydon, but no other mosques and generally a very low Muslim population compared with East London.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #28 - December 21, 2012, 09:11 PM

    Thinking I am deluded is a subjective opinion. He is entitled to it. Calling a man revered by millions a "drunk idiot" without any proof whatsoever shows poor taste. Call me a sensitive Muslim Danish cartoon emo if you like, I have standards of discussions. If respect for one another's sensitivities is not a pre requisite here, then it is not a place I choose to be.
  • Apostasy and Islam - (@KShah_KE)
     Reply #29 - December 21, 2012, 09:18 PM

    Thinking I am deluded is a subjective opinion. He is entitled to it.

    that is as simple as that .. perfect answer to Darkrebel.. and  ans  is " you are  entitled to your opinion"

    Calling a man revered by millions a "drunk idiot" without any proof whatsoever shows poor taste.

    yes it is., then response should be  "I wish DarkRebel  could provide some sort of proof to call a  person as "Drunk Idiot"  who is revered  by millions across the globe... "

    Call me a sensitive Muslim Danish cartoon emo if you like, I have standards of discussions. If respect for one another's sensitivities is not a pre requisite here, then it is not a place I choose to be.

    the beauty is not in escaping insults and escaping realities..  the beauty is in changing people and "their perception on what you think is right"..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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