So yesterday was world hi jab day and i stumbled across this article in the paper on the same day.
The The irony that people are celebrating by even non Muslims wearing a hi jab on the same day that she is being released from hospital.
How the fuck are they going to find the person who did it as she was wearing a full niqab?
So Yay for celebrating a culture that conceals a attacker. and giving a means for others to do so.
EXCLUSIVE: Young woman scarred for life and almost blinded in random acid attack on London street
- Shop assistant Naomi Oni, 20 was on phone to boyfriend when she was covered in chemical
- She faces skin grafts and permanent scarring after late-night attack as she finished work
- Naomi left with partial vision in one eye after random attack
Naomi Oni, 20, was on her way home from work when an unknown attacker dressed in a niqab threw a chemical substance at her leaving the retail assistant with severe burns on her head, neck, arms, legs and body.