Anjem Choudary might be born in Britain, but I'm pretty sure his parents or grandparents weren't.
How far back would you propose we go to find a suitable place to deport him to? What about Yvonne Ridley? How far back would we need to go to find a place to deport her to? And then, how would you say we should convince the countries where you surmise they should go to, to take them in?
Promoting mass immigration for cheap labor (starting decades ago) from countries that largely don't share values similar to Britain's was probably one of the biggest blunders Britain ever did. It cannot be undone, but it can be stopped from escalating.
What's needed are more thoughtfully crafted programs for education and integration, not mass deportations.
Almost all the exmuslims here and in other places are also descendants of Muslims. Would you have current or future exmuslims sent to places like Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. along with their families? Especially for those who are minors, how would you ensure that they don't get sent back to a place they have never known and where they'd be hunted and killed?