What I've tried so far:
-Mixing it with olive oil, lemon and honey and leaving it on low heat in the oven over night.
-Putting tea in it
.Well wrong additives Jila ... Anyway people of the subcontinent use this henna leaves for different purpose
1). for coloring their hands, feet and face .. whatever..
2) to cover grey hair
3). or for young girls like you to make red streaks in the hair... lol..
Now henna has powerful redox organic chemical "Quinones" and it is water /polar solvent soluble chemical.. I am going in to some stupid ORGCHEM to you.. lol.
well any way , it depends on the purpose you are trying to use those henna leaves/powder . Now tell me your purpose..lol.. 1 , 2 or 3??
BY THE WAY .. I AM NOT IN TO HENNA CULTURE.. But lot of people around me use henna., so don't mistake me for that.. lol..
go visit the page
http://www.puttisworld.com/2012/08/henna-theme-party.html to see how they color their hands/feet/legs/face ..lol.. but don't take recipe from that link.. I will tell you.. you got to pay me..
Pakistanis/Indians Henna cultures?..
BANGLADESHIS next to Pakistanis/Indians in your OP heading...