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 Topic: Evolution

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  • Evolution
     Reply #30 - June 04, 2013, 01:26 PM

    To your first message
    1. i didnt disagree with evolution in adaptaion terms but in phylogany which contradicts islam and as yasir qadhi puts it the human evolution in particular
    2. Yasir Qadhi answers your questions

    Why did Uthman radiyallahu anhu burn the Qur'an - Sheikh Yasir Qadhi

    Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 15 - The Incident of the Satanic Verses - Yasir Qadhi | November 2011

    to the second message
    please stop believing the 1% as they cant represent 100% entirely
    happymurtad please answer my god questions first and stop avoiding

    Smile Smiley
    its Sunnah
  • Evolution
     Reply #31 - June 04, 2013, 01:48 PM

    You do realize that every single argument you use to prove the existence of Allah could also be used to support the existence of Vishnu, Zeus, Baal, or the Christian God the Father. Consider just how not worried you are that the religions of those gods might actually be true.

    But lucky you, you just happened to be born into the REAL one true faith, right?
  • Evolution
     Reply #32 - June 04, 2013, 01:52 PM

    Alhamdulillah but that doesnt mean im definatly going to die a muslim or that all the people who were born "non-muslim" will die a non-muslim

    ps does this mean you believe in God because there is MUCH more to come if you do

    Smile Smiley
    its Sunnah
  • Evolution
     Reply #33 - June 04, 2013, 01:56 PM

    I don't believe in gods, fairies, leprechauns, angels, goblins, jinns, unicorns, or gnomes (except the little lawn gnomes.)  Wink
  • Evolution
     Reply #34 - June 04, 2013, 01:58 PM

    Lawn gnomes atlease there is a start Cheesy
    please check what i wrote and see if there is any mistakes or error because obviously im human
    and what i believe/what you believe could be wrong

    Smile Smiley
    its Sunnah
  • Evolution
     Reply #35 - June 04, 2013, 02:02 PM

    You didn't say anything that requires deep thought or a response. It's the same vacuous argument that apologists of all delusions give.
  • Evolution
     Reply #36 - June 04, 2013, 02:08 PM

    call it Delusion or Magic
    i didnt make it a deep thought because you might get lost in the train of thought and take my words out of context e.g everything you say

    Smile Smiley
    its Sunnah
  • Evolution
     Reply #37 - June 04, 2013, 02:30 PM

    obviously you have FREEWILL which means you can chose and im not allowed to force you but please think rationally and be openminded because at the end of the day being truthful leads to good whether its this religion or not
    please think carefully and dont make ''assumptions''

    plus from my beliefs since God created us he deserves our worship  and thats his rights.thats why imaan means the belief and worship of God
    just doing good deeds wont get you into heaven there needs to be belief Smiley

    This little bit about freewill caught my eye. You seem like an intelligent enough chap, so could you give me an answer to a question which has been bugging me for quite a long time. Ofcourse I could ask certain authorities of Islam (which I have) and they seem to just obfuscate their responses but I want your opinion and how you understand it.

    It's to do with freewill and predesitination. How do you reconcile the two, they both can't exist simultaneuosly. Also how is predestination compatible with hell. Do we really deserve to be tortured for a test which was rigged for us to fail e.g God "designed" us this way.
    I have a general idea how you will respond but I'd like to give you a chance to break out the mold and show us the truth of Islam you see.

    Also if it's not too much to ask and you could do it on seperate threads if you like, answer these following questions.

    What is the best proof of your God's existence?
    What is the best proof that Islam is the one true path?

    For both of these if you are going to answer, you need only to bring forth 1 for each case. Ofcourse it goes without saying that the 2nd will be alot easier for you to answer if you demonstate the first sufficiently.

    Since this topic is on evolution what is you opinion on the claim that adam and his corresponding decendants were 80 cupids tall and the claim we are gradually getting smaller.

    Thanks in advance

  • Evolution
     Reply #38 - June 04, 2013, 03:32 PM

    This is my favorite clip ever about evolution vs. creationism. Unfortunately it's out of sync:
  • Evolution
     Reply #39 - June 04, 2013, 04:53 PM

    THANK YOU these are the fundamental questions i was hinting at the whole day and i think i answered the last one but ill give you a link that summarises it

    as for the others, ill make a thread for that

    Smile Smiley
    its Sunnah
  • Evolution
     Reply #40 - June 04, 2013, 05:21 PM

    Not sure how that video clears doubts. It didnt for me... the evidence for human evolution is compelling and near irrefutable

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #41 - June 04, 2013, 05:23 PM

    obviously you have FREEWILL which means you can chose

    If I have free will, I don't need to worry about Hell.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Evolution
     Reply #42 - June 04, 2013, 05:38 PM

    I look forward to your responses to those questions.

    As for the video, The author of it does really well to try and misunderstand that micro and macro are 2 seperate processes, when they are not. Also the fact that he using the the phrase "athiest communities" and "evolutionists" shows that he is regurtating christian apologetics.

    Also he uses the example of a cat to a dog. Clearly he hasn't studied it sufficiently enough to claim that evolutionary bioligist say this is true. I'm not even a biology specialist and even when I was still muslim i wasn't dumb enough to make that claim.

    His argument about fossils is ridiculous to say the least. The reasons there are not an abundance of fossils is because it takes special circumstances for fossils to be produced.  The ones we do have however do well to show a common link.

    Could you explain why humans still have reminents of vistigual organs and a tail bone.

    His explanation of the revelevence of dna is really poor.
    Atleast he didn't use the argument that if wedecending from apes why are there still apes. I was getting worried he was going to drop that bombshell at one point.

    Overall he has done a very poor job of demonstating why human evolution is false. I do however give him credit for acknowledging that we all have a common descent but he is out of his depth when explaining why human evolution is false.

    you should watch the following video and pick out all the errors in it and demonstrate why it is false.

  • Evolution
     Reply #43 - June 04, 2013, 06:08 PM

    This is actually one of the more confused creationist videos I've seen. Nothing is clearer after seeing it.
    "blah, blah, there's a debate going on..." Really? Is there a debate going on? Within the Muslim community? Not enough, and there wasn't long ago a man in London was threatened to death for supporting evolution. From the scientists point of view the idea that we evolved from apes even predates Darwin. The first person to suggest the Man/Monkey connection seem to have been Lamarck. We simply do. The evidence was there in bones and now the genetic material points to nothing else. We evolved from a common ancestor with the chimpanzee.

  • Evolution
     Reply #44 - June 04, 2013, 09:05 PM

    The evidence for human evolution from an ape like/primate ancestor is overwhelming to say the least. I also think it's just infantile to say or concede that evolution is true for all other life forms except humans because we are a special creation that just suddenly came into existence. That argument would be more plausible if that special creation's basic composition, structure & physiology were somehow fundamentally different or unique to all other life on this planet which is clearly not the case so either evolution, which includes speciation, is correct for all species or Allah has gone to great lengths to make his special creation in essence the same as others in numerous ways. We are nothing more than sophisticated animals with a high level of intelligence & an ability to communicate but even those characteristics (i.e intelligence & communication) are not unique to humans and other animals are even more  sophisticated or advanced than us in other ways which makes them better suited to certain environments.
    Putting all that I have just said aside, I think all you really need to do to realise that we are related to other primates is throw away all you've been taught from religion or anything else including science & just go to a zoo, sit, take your time & take a good look at primates like chimps, gorillas bonobos and orangutans & if you don't see it or realise it then you probably never will.

    When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish.
  • Evolution
     Reply #45 - June 05, 2013, 12:20 AM

    am i the only one thinking reading this tool is like reading google translator ?
  • Evolution
     Reply #46 - June 05, 2013, 01:18 AM

    Reading him is like listening to fingernails down a chalkboard.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Evolution
     Reply #47 - July 04, 2013, 12:04 AM

    Some random sidetrack to peacocks....

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #48 - July 04, 2013, 07:48 PM

    I think he skirts around the issue. Neither here nor there

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #49 - July 05, 2013, 06:25 PM

    I still stand by this statement in reference to the video above.

    Most people who claim that the theory of evolution is compatible with Islam, or indeed, people who reject the theory of evolution all together, seem to completely misunderstand the idea of evolution by natural selection.

    The theory of evolution proves that while genes mutate randomly, it is nature (environment, climate, food supply, predators, mating options, etc) that determines which mutations will prove beneficial for survival and will in turn be passed on to the next generation. I emphasize: nature determines this, and the sole outcome is survival of those most suited to survive. There is no other purpose.

    To assert that a conscious, supernatural being is behind the whole process, for the purpose of creating beings to worship him or to test who is good and who is bad or whatever, is in direct opposition to the theory of evolution by natural selection.

    To assert any purpose to evolution by natural selection other than survival of the fittest is to completely reject the evidence.

    On the same note, detractors of the theory of evolution love to say things like “A million chimps typing for a billion years would never produce the writings of Shakespeare.” This is true, but it is a false analogy. Again, it overlooks the role of natural selection in the evolutionary process. Sure, the chimps carelessly and haphazardly typing away may be a suitable analogy for random genetic mutation, but it completely ignores the role of natural selection. In order to take natural selection into account in this analogy, you would have to add an external element that would immediately kill any combinations the chimps typed that were not actual words.

    This external element would also pair words together such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs, based on their ability to “survive” in a sentence. As these sentences got longer, this external element would also eliminate sentences that could not “survive” in a paragraph, and so on.

    While this would not produce the works of Shakespeare (Shakespeare is a deliberate work that one would expect to find from an intelligent composer with a set purpose) it would produce strange, bizarre, diverse, yet functioning works of literature. That is exactly what we find in the diversity of life on Earth.

    Also, we are not simply speaking of the possibility that Allah could have brought human beings into existence through the process of evolution, we are speaking of whether or not we as human beings should be compelled to believe that such a thing occurred, based on the evidence, or be deserving of eternal torment.

  • Evolution
     Reply #50 - July 05, 2013, 06:56 PM

    For example, I understand how my car works. I understand how the fuel combusts in the engine to move the pistons and propel the car forward.

    Now, if someone wants me to believe that there is also a team of invisible leprechauns that are also running behind my car and pushing the vehicle forward at an undetectable, undisprovable rate, and that I should also be giving credit to them for transporting me from place to place, I should have no reason to believe them.

     Even if the idea of such leprechauns does not contradict my "combustion engine theory," what's the proof for it?
  • Evolution
     Reply #51 - July 05, 2013, 07:21 PM

    But theologically using hadith his argument doesn't wash right? In any case I think his answer is too wishy washy to be definitive

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #52 - July 05, 2013, 07:26 PM

    Using the hadith and the quran from a traditionalist viewpoint, human evolution and the creation of Adam myth are diametrically opposed.
  • Evolution
     Reply #53 - July 24, 2013, 11:40 AM

    To your first message
    1. i didnt disagree with evolution in adaptaion terms but in phylogany which contradicts islam and as yasir qadhi puts it the human evolution in particular

    This is how we know islam isn't true.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Evolution
     Reply #54 - September 03, 2013, 02:30 AM

    He's at it again:

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #55 - September 03, 2013, 03:21 AM

    So much of what he's saying is wrong. Too tired to go into it right now, might tomorrow. Then again we've disproved the "scientific miracles" more than once so eh.

    I watch videos like this and I feel to grateful I was born into a country and culture that has Darwin on it's money.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Evolution
     Reply #56 - September 03, 2013, 03:30 AM

    Fifty thousand years before Allah created the heavens and the Earth, he created the pen. And he commanded it to write everything that would occur until the Day of Judgment.


    Y’ y’es  M’lord?

    Have you finished writing the transmission I sent you about the creation of Adam yet?

    No, not yet, my lord.

    Well why not??

    Well, your holiness, I was looking over the creation of Adam, and I couldn’t help but notice that his structure and genetic make up seem incredibly similar to that of other primates you were planning on making.

    What do you mean?

    Well, you are planning on creating earlier hominid species that are all related, then you are planning on making Adam appear as though he is related to them as well. You are also planning on introducing them into the world in sequence.

    Yeah, so? What’s your point?

    Well, m’lord, don’t you think that upon finding evidence like this, some humans might come to the conclusion that Adam evolved from earlier primate ancestors?

    Why in my name would they think that?

    Well, your sublime holiness, you’ve already planned to make life on earth appear as though it has evolved. You don’t really say much about evolution in your holy book, but if you want people to think that Adam is an independent, miraculous creation that has nothing to do with the evolutionary process, why create so much evidence that leans in that direction? I mean look at these species you are creating: homo hibilis, homo erectus, homo ergaster! Look at the fossils human beings will end up finding.  Don’t you think this will all just confuse them?

    Why absolutely not, pen. I will reveal in my book that Adam was created from potter’s clay and I will have my prophet teach humans that Eve was created from his rib. He will teach them that Adam was 60 cubits in height, and that mankind has been decreasing in stature ever since. I’m God. Why would it be so hard to believe I could do that?

    Well, M’lord, you don’t seem to be making any of the evidence point to that. I mean, look at this, you put fossils of hominid species exactly where they would need to be if humans had evolved from a primate ancestor in Africa. You made humans and other primates share well over 95% of their DNA and genetic features. You made Neanderthals and humans appear to be direct cousins, even closer than lions and tigers? Why would you do all this, God? Aren’t you afraid that humans might see all this evidence and get confused? What if they start to doubt your messenger?

    No, no, human beings with strong faith won’t doubt anything. I’ll give them plenty of reason to believe.

    Oh, so will you make fossils of human beings that are 60 cubits tall, and make the stature of humans continually decrease as the fossil record progresses?


    Umm, will you give human beings a genetic make up that seems completely independent and separate from that of other primates?


    Will you amend this creation of Adam so that there are no unnecessary, residual traits that appear to be relics of a non-human ancestor?


    Well then how will humans come to know that they were individually and miraculously created? How will they save themselves from eternal torture if they happen to doubt that you created Adam as an independent, miraculous event? The evidence you are creating just does not seem to point to that, God.

    We went over this already, pen. I will have my messenger tell them a story in a language that only 4% of humanity can understand. A story that appears to contradict the evidence and that must be re-interpreted and explained away by scholars as human knowledge increases. Some scholars will say that my story is literal ( Yasir Qadhi ) and others will say that it is all a metaphor. (Usama Hassan). But they’ll have to believe MY story that I tell them in order to go to heaven.

    What? that’s it? That's your plan?

    That’s it. That's my plan.

    And what if people sincerely doubt these stories, once they come across the mountains of evidence you have created that leads them the other way? Will you be oft-forgiving and most merciful towards them?

    No, I will not be oft forgiving and most merciful if someone doubts my messages because of all that stuff you just said. I’ll burn them in hell for disbelieving!!

    What!!?? But God, we can change all of this right now. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can make the evidence match your story, that way no one has to doubt you and no one has to burn in hell. I can’t believe this, God! It almost sounds like you WANT to blame them so you can have an excuse to punish them!

    Damn Right I want to blame them! I want to punish them!  I will throw them into hell to abide therein forever!! Muhuhuwahahaaha! Hell!! Full of flames and hooks and molten brass, thus shall we reward every doubting disbeliever!! Muhuhuwahahahahahahaha Never shall they escape there from and never shall they be reprieved! Now write!!

    But, M’lord


    Y’es my lord.

    And had we willed, we would have given each soul its guidance, but the word shall remain true from me that I will fill hell with jinn and mankind all together!!!

    Umm..should I write that too, M’lord

    No, that’s ok, I’ll reveal that to Muhammad in my final revelation.

    OK, M’lord

  • Evolution
     Reply #57 - September 03, 2013, 03:40 AM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Evolution
     Reply #58 - September 04, 2013, 10:43 AM

    These two give a youth friendly version

    Don't read all those science books bro, you'll just get more confused.

    That's funny. The more science I read, the less confused I get.
  • Evolution
     Reply #59 - September 04, 2013, 01:06 PM

    These two give a youth friendly version


    I can see in their eyes,  rascal are doubting words of allah.. words of Quran...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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