I remember way back when
Before my salafi and then further extreme salafi phase,
I was pretty "moderate" in beliefs (didn't really care about sharia law at all, as long as we focused on "imaan.")
I saw an "Umm" online and she would post the sunnah online and found it very appealing.
I made a huge mistake and asked her online if could talk to her father so I could get married (I know, typical muslim guy.) But I felt I had great intentions because I wasn't being perverted.. I just thought she was wonderful to put up so much work.
Big Mistake.
She accused me of harassing her. Wouldn't leave me alone. Her supposed "dad" came online and told me to be more Islamic and support people like Osama Bin Laden etc.
After I left her alone, she could not stop refuting every little thing I had to say.. Then she got her niqabi friends to stalk me as well and say cruel shit to me.
What a nightmare off a simple online marriage proposal done out of stupidity.
A simple "No thank you" would have sufficed.