sorry to hear about your story, dear

btw, anybody can tell me the exact position in Islamic law regarding FGM? from what i've heard it has no base in Islamic teachings, unlike circumcision.
as for the grooming gangs of UK, reading about it makes my blood boil.
the media called them Asian, funny how in USA and Canada, Asian means people of Chinese Descent (since China has the biggest population in Asia and the world too), but in UK the word Asian means someone of Pakistani, Afghanistan, Persian, or Arabian descent. they call these grooming gangs Asian men because they dare not mention their religion and country of origin. but they're all muslim, and mostly from Pakistan.
ohh.. also Labour MP Yasmin Qureshi said that it has nothing to do with religion and race. FUCK THAT!!
now every time i read story of a girl getting raped in UK, the first that come to my mind is Muslim
UK really has gone down the drain with their political correctness. i remember as a child, at every World Cup there's always a story about British Hooligans making a riot, now they can't do shit against Sharia Enforced Zone and Sharia Patrol. UK may kick Abu Qatada after fighting for it for a long time, but they still got that basterd Anjem Choudary
i really wish someone would shut that piece of shit