This is what I've tried to tell people who question my disbelief. I just can't get my head around this concept. (Plus 90 feet tall giants as opposed to evolution and all the other bullshit stories). They look at me like I'M mad!
This argument first came to me the other month when I got into a debate with a christian bloke from Nigeria. He went on about how if god does it it's good, I made some arguments showing it isn't, he ended up saying all of reality is his house, and that I'm in control of things in my house, blah blah stupid fucking justification. This is what I said in response, and I've used it here on CEMB as well.
Here's a situation. Let's say there's something in your house you don't like. It offends you. Let's also say you have the power of a god. Would you A) throw away the thing you didn't like or give it to charity, or B) bring it to life, give it intelligence so it can understand what's happening, enable it to feel pain, and torture it forever and ever and ever? Which is more merciful?