Global flood. The Quran doesnt speak of such concept maybe your confusing it with the bible.
Surat Hūd 11:44 within context of other verses.
This verse suggests a mountain, high place or hill. You should really go read the verses about Noah in the Quran and link these together to form a cohesive narrative. Many words and description suggest a massive flood. Waves like mountains. Noah's son unable to take refuge on a mountain to avoid the flood, as told by Noah by decree of Allah. Sure it doesnt suggest a flood which covered the world. It does suggest a flood which would cover much of the sea level land and up to at least a point over that of mount Judi, or river level that was capable of covering Judi. There are a number of Muslim scholars which have theorized where Judi was. lso it depends on your views of Judi, it's location, it's meaning. What are you views on Judi or Al-Judi?
Keep in mind the idea of a global flood is not taken literal by all Christians, they are a minority. Many assign a local flood hypothesis to Genesis these days. To many it is apocryphal. You are taking a minor view and apply it to the whole text at face value.
Haha. I was a very hardcore Atheist for 4 years so trust me you wont be getting any of the idiotic theist cliches.
I can relate. I shifted from a "hard" atheist to a "soft" agnostic-atheist. Although I have moved away from theology all together as it led no where in my opinion. Most theological dialogues are cliches with philosophy tacked on. So I found philosophy much more engaging despite it's inability to provide the 100% guarantee religions do.
The Quran often gives challenges to challenge it such as the infamous:
Sahih International
And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful. [Quran 2:23]
Illogical. Literature is subjective. There are no established judges. no established parameters, only a base challenge. If I produce a surah which I think is better do I win? If X people on CEMB agree is this a rebuttal against this challenge? Who is the judge of this challenge? Muslims themselves can not be the judge as they already hold a bias, a bias they will never be able to challenge. If I challenge anyone to produce a painting like Picasso, which no one can, does this make his from God? If I hold the view that Picasso is the best artist in history as an article of faith you will never be able to challenge this view.
From my point of view this challenge is illogical so proves to me that the Quran is not 100% God's word. Why would God pose an illogical challenge which results in disbelief then look down upon this result as bad or sinful?
No it is very Islamic to contemplate and think and reflect. There is no concept of blindly follow. As I often say on the Dawah Table if your blindly following something then dont follow it.
The Quran often speaks about engaging us to implement our rational faculty's to investigate, reflect and contemplate on various things and fields.
Exercise of free though does not warrant a punishment in reality. Everyone is free to exercise this right. Once punishments are assigned to this freedom you are under the rule of a totalitarian system which supports the idea of thought crimes as real crimes. Not just real crimes but some of the worst crimes in the book. One can murder and repent yet a disbeliever has the whole book thrown at them for a view which harms no external entity. A view which resulted from the "God" given abilities "God" granted us to begin with. It would be as if I disowned and punished my son for not becoming an athlete when I wanted him to become one. Granted I can not punish him for eternity using a form of torture which makes me sick to my stomach. I completely reject this concept coming from a logical loving God, I assign this concept to evil.