Does anybody else get as miffed off with this word as I do?
I've had to sit through lectures, and seminars about this topic as part of my race and representation module, and not one part of the lecture or seminars, even touched on the fact that the word gets thrown around too often, over the most minor disagreement.
You don't like the way women get treated in most muslim countries? you have Islamophobia.
Don't like the way they treat homosexuals? dude, you have Islamophobia.
Think sharia law is barbaric? yep, you have Islamophobia.
The only way to avoid catching this disease, is to respect every aspect of Islam, and don't challenge any part of it.

I don't fucking think so.
Also, since it was a topic, way too many never been muslims decided to do their presentations on the topic, again, zero fucking analysis, just restating everything the lecturer had. All nice and PC, and very student retarded.
Also, every single muslim female in the class, I kid you not, chose to do a presentation on the Hijab, or the difference between extremism or real Islam.
Funniest moment may have been when some girl was told she had to do a presentation on the origins of humanity, and gave a presentation on the Islamic version of Adam and Eve, along with religious references all confirming that not one scientist has been able to prove that we evolved any other way.

Within all the boundaries of respect I could maintain, I think I still may have pissed a whole bunch of people off, including my PC lecturer, because I can't stomach hearing this crap.
Fuck Islamophobia, fuck allowing students to give pathetic dawah presentations.
Also fuck most of my class mates, for swallowing that crap.
I'm so sick and tired of being diagnosed with Islamophobia, just because I won't practice cultural relativity.
Rant over.....feel free to join in if you have been diagnosed with it too.