The Sin Of Greed
Reply #171 - January 20, 2014, 02:40 AM
Because, as a battered spouse, reading about the effects of battering from the point of view of older children, and their reactions to it, confirms my choice to leave the situation and safeguard my children from it.
The fact that it is remembered, in detail, is telling, too.
My children remember standing in between victim and perpetrator, as well, and they were toddlers. They still ask me how I felt at the time, they truly do not know, from my reactions then. Now they request consistency in my responses, that it is wrong to hit people, that being hit makes you feel sad.
You understand, I am sure, what internal cultural issues I am dealing with, that turn inside out the concepts of right and wrong, in regards to women and children under Shariah. It is better, but it is not gone. I still argue with myself.
I am appreciative of any support I get from outside sources, to aid in bolstering the right side, the common sense, in that internal argument.
I win, you know, every time. Or I would not be here. One day I will not have to argue against any past remnant at all anymore. That will be a nice day.
Don't let Hitler have the street.