Currently games have defined strict boundaries between players by their "levels". It's segregation by content

In EQ this line was blurred. A castle could be level 10-20 at the front gates but level 50 within the castle keep. The front guard would be weak, the "Lord(s)" would be a challenge. A level 20 player could wear items a level 50 could. Items had no level restriction nor a limit on what one could trade. Like my new robes? Here have them, I can go kill X mob once to get another. There was no bait and switch or carrot on the stick.
Sounds like that game was revolutionary for its time. Not only do items have a restriction based on level, they are also restricted based on class and sometimes race.
I have been saying this since FF7
I am going to have to disagree there. I am not too much of a fan of FF7 myself, but I can appreciate certain things about it.