Do you think it's possible for human interactions to be win/win?
Hmm, depends on what you mean by this?
I disagree, it really depends on what you consider brave. Facing the known and comfortable? as in life, which is pretty much predictable, good shit will happen and bad shit will happen. All you are doing is hanging on to the known for fear of dying. Or facing the unknown? as in death, darkness, an end.
Again, it depends. Suicide attackers like the Japanese Kamikaze pilots or the 9/11 hijackers were certainly brave (which doesn't make them "good") but suicidally depressed people are not "brave". It's not like this is some new sentiment.
RamiR., I think EzraJT is American., and I think Americans should interact with fish., they have serious fish problems. These are BLOODY ASIAN FISH are killing every other fish. Apparently Americans are thinking to spend 7 BILLION DOLLARS to control those Asian Fish.. and that is Just around Chicago
Someone forgot their meds....
Americans could send that Damn fish and and those billions of dollars to any country around that Israel or to any nation between that Arabian desert and that Desert near Pakistan.
We don't need another welfare case like Israel.
Sad? Yes. Cowardly? No.
Sad? Depends. Cowardly? Depends, but in the case of suicide you mean, most likely.