If you do not believe in God what is all your comments about Islam and Allah about?
“There is no god but Allah and There is not god but god”. There is a difference between the meanings of the two words 'God' (a capital ‘G’) and 'god' (a lowercase 'g')
The first part of the Shahada recited “La ilaha illallah” meaning “There is no God but (except) Allah” can also mean None (nothing) exists except Allah. It depends on the person concerned which one suits to them.
From my point of view “There is no God” this did not mean the God of Bible or Jewish YHWH....but (except) Allah, God, YHWH are the same called Supreme Being or Creator. So, Allah, God and Yahweh worshiped by Muslims, Christians and Jews are the same God of Abraham.
The word “God” in Sahada actually means something bigger or worse than god (idolatry) because idols can be seen with eyes compare to "God in Sahada" is unseen. What I mean a person needs to fix his/her eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
In Islam majority of Muslims say that God and Allah are the same. And some of Christian denies that Allah is not the same God worshipped by Christians or Jews…
Islam teaches that Allah has 99 beautiful names or 99 attributes. In Christian has more than 900 names and titles of God mentioned in the O.T and N.T. I don’t think you know which one a true name of Christian God. It is ELOHIM, YHWH, ADONAI, JEHOVAH, GOD, FATHER etc If Yes, and then what is it?