I guess I should NOT call that brutal rogues as her parent.. He is a SPERM DONOR .. a dog would have better than him.. any ways as far as your point on hell after this life is concerned..
yeezee you cant solely blame the individual,
.......... the problem is some of us are fed these fairy tales as children, the most impressionable time in our lives and you grow up believing it. ..........
That is true and I agree with you there., But we have to grow out of those fairy tales and Imaginative hell confused_a
And even if you stop believing the fear is not easily left behind. it takes time to get over the fear the is drilled down to the bone.
Ha! Because we are NOT children There we need bit of Psychoanalysis of our own fears on this stupid hell from these stupid religions confusedagno.
Suppose let us say we believe in god hell heaven houries Satan devils dirt .. If the god is good ("which most these religious boos describe") then as long as you are good no fucking god could send you to hell.. Because you are a good person..
Now what do we need to be a good person? Do we need religions ..rituals and bending up and down?
ANSWER IS BLUNTLY NOooooooooo.. You just need a simple golden rule and that is

That you will find in every damn religious books.. That is enough.
But If this god sends you to hell even after you follow that golden rule., that means this goddamn god that is in your brain is NOT god, but some devil...
So get rid of devils from your brain confusedagno Be good do good as much as you can follow that golden rule in life. That is enough for going to heaven..whatever C_D