In my opinion, it is different when you're talking about a young daughter of yours, which I think was one of your questions. I would think it irresponsible to send a kid out in the world dressed provocatively for pretty obvious reasons (we had a controversy here a couple years ago where Abercrombie kids was selling padded push-up bikini tops for kids ~age 7 and 8, and my neck couldn't handle the judgmental head-shaking I'd have if I saw them on the shelf), but, once she becomes an adult with the ability to make her own decisions, who are we to try to make these decisions for her? Especially ones so trivial as her wardrobe?
That's interesting, because now we come to a point that if we admit push up bikini and similar things being very sexual, then isn't it kinda correct to say that woman dressing very sexually is dressing kinda slutty? It's correct that I'm not an authority to tell what to wear and now that I think more, I don't even want to be responsible for people wearing whatever I want them to wear. But if woman uses this "very sexual" clothes that are immoral when used by children because they are not yet sexual beings, then isn't it kinda self evident that this dressing is "slutty"? Not that there's anything wrong with it but is there then anything wrong in saying that that kind of fashion is slutty, either?
Even though I stated it few times, I put it with all caps on a different not to avoid misunderstanding:
I ask many stupid questions frequently.
I am curious, that's why I ask many questions.
I am overly curious, that's why I ask stupid questions.
I lack patience, that's why I ask frequently.
So forgive me and answer me