I think you're rather exaggerating the terrors of Aum. Though much diminished, they're still around; every now and again one gets arrested. But they have far more in common with the murderous fruitloops of the USA than they do with ISIL.
But not for the want of trying, wasn't there a case prior to sarin underground attack where they group were releasing home made anthrax spores from their building top down upon the general population below with the hopes of willy nilly killing nearby random people.
Fortunately the strain produced was ineffective and amounted to sadly killing some pets and house plants in the nearby vicinity. Eventually complaints about the smell were made by neighbours and when the police arrived the cult told them they were just manufacturing some home made fertiliser lol. At the time not wanting to be seen to be unduley singling out religious minorities/sects(cults) the police let it go. Not long after, the group managed to kill a number of people and poison many more by releasing sarin gas in the underground railway attack.
Their leader was later arrested and given the death sentance. The group now claim to have edited out the violent parts of their ideology and consider themselves peaceful. With their original cult leader dead perhaps they have genuinely turned over a new leaf and are no longer a threat. It's hard to know by just running a basic google search from thousands of miles away.