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 Topic: greetings from jakarta, Indonesia

 (Read 7293 times)
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  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #30 - June 30, 2014, 03:34 PM

    If you must be an atheist, you must be a Muslim atheist!!!!!
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #31 - June 30, 2014, 03:41 PM

    i just came up to my dad, and hes fine with it.
    even he agreed with my view and patted me for being critical, word can't describe how grateful i am to be his son.

    and about my mother, her relatives will sit me down and trying to revert me sooner or later. means i have to prepare things. any recommended thread?
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #32 - June 30, 2014, 03:43 PM

    @lilyesque, hahaha muslim atheist, sounds legit tho Cheesy
    culturally i still do muslim stuffs, even i will do ied prayer this year.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #33 - June 30, 2014, 03:44 PM

     Afro good dad! Won't recommend a thread to you but would ask you which type of Muslim are your mothers family, Sunni, Shia? Might help with the advice a bit!
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #34 - June 30, 2014, 05:03 PM

    Welcome to the forum Indostic, have a rabbit!  bunny

    At least now you don't have to fast.  Tongue

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #35 - June 30, 2014, 05:10 PM

    Welcome Indostic Smiley

    Have a parrot parrot

    A Muslim atheist is someone who submits to atheism. So there Tongue

    Really happy to hear about your parent's reaction so far. Especially your dad's. I just hope that the government there doesn't decide to go on a Islamisation binge as seems to be the case in Malaysia.

    Danish Never-Moose adopted by the kind people on the CEMB-forum
    Ex-Muslim chat (Unaffliated with CEMB). Safari users: Use "#ex-muslims" as the channel name. CEMB chat thread.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #36 - June 30, 2014, 07:37 PM

    @lilyesque, my mothers family is sunni muslims, with shafi'i madhab. one of the, are salafi fanboy who still listen to music and shave his beard.

    @asbie, actually i do fasting with a different way, for this 30 days i swear i will never eat junk foods or unhealthy one, i want to bring my six packs back! ahahaha. and its harder than just fast for 8 hours then break fast by eating high fat foods. we Indonesian use to eat high fat food (fried dishes) since our foods are delicious as heaven!!

    @nikolaj, we have that kind of organization who wish to replace pancasila (indonesia's core ideology) with Islamic sharia, but since the party are filled with bunch of fools, their popularity is declining sharply. most of us we dont buy islamic ideology anymore, thanks to malaysia and ISIL in middle east, they open our eyes about the danger of so called islamic (a.k,a sunni) sharia.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #37 - July 01, 2014, 03:28 AM

    @moi, yes, soo typically of us. some even break their fast by eating pork you know. crazy right? well that's us, Indonesian Muslims hahahaha. Liberalism view of Islam is strong here. you ask any indonesia what madhab do they belong and they wont even know what madhab is.

    Perhaps this is why many of your northern neighbours are critical about how Islam is practiced in Indonesia.
    Also just have to say I enjoyed, the few Indonesian 'horror/spoof horror' movies I've seen. And what's with the busty nurses and short skirts, have you guys forgot your modesty codes there as well . . .ha ha. Cheesy
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #38 - July 01, 2014, 03:39 AM

    most of us we dont buy islamic ideology anymore, thanks to malaysia and ISIL in middle east, they open our eyes about the danger of so called islamic (a.k,a sunni) sharia.

    This sounds promising.

    There is a small, but growing, number of Indonesians in Japan. They are conspicuous because most wear hijab of some sort, but they don't strike me as very religious, There is not the weight of 'community' pressure here that there is in the UK, so why don't they just take it off?
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #39 - July 01, 2014, 11:25 AM

    Perhaps it's more of an identiy thing than an overtly religious one.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Japan manage to protect it's own culture by keeping Islam from growing to large through a tight control of it's immigration polices?
    Anyway if I'm not mistaken they already have or had, their fair share of strange and potentially dangerous cults. Undoubtablby the most notorious being 'The Church of Supreme Truth'.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #40 - July 01, 2014, 12:28 PM

    They're tough on all immigration, not Just Islamic.

    I'm married to a Japanese person, and I only get a year's visa. Have to renew every year.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #41 - July 02, 2014, 12:09 AM

    Are you elligible to apply for citizenship and what's the story with 'Aum' these days? They seem to have gone to ground but back in their hayday they could  even have given ISIL a run for it's money in the nuttyness stakes.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #42 - July 02, 2014, 11:11 PM

    Apologies Indostic, if it's looks like I was jacking your thread for a bit.
    @nikolaj, we have that kind of organization who wish to replace pancasila (indonesia's core ideology) with Islamic sharia, but since the party are filled with bunch of fools, their popularity is declining sharply. most of us we dont buy islamic ideology anymore, thanks to malaysia and ISIL in middle east, they open our eyes about the danger of so called islamic (a.k,a sunni) sharia.

    Anyway tell us, do you really feel your northern neighbours are heading somewhere more hardline, a place where the majority of Indonesians are hopefully unwilling to follow?
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #43 - July 03, 2014, 12:50 AM

    Are you elligible to apply for citizenship and what's the story with 'Aum' these days? They seem to have gone to ground but back in their hayday they could  even have given ISIL a run for it's money in the nuttyness stakes.

    I don't want citizenship. It would take forever (15 years?) and I wouldn't be allowed dual nationality anyway. Born a Brit abroad, I'll die a Brit abroad.

    I think you're rather exaggerating the terrors of Aum. Though much diminished, they're still around; every now and again one gets arrested. But they have far more in common with the murderous fruitloops of the USA than they do with ISIL.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #44 - July 03, 2014, 05:23 AM

    ^ Are they the sarin gas people? 

    Welcome to the forum indostic parrot You chose an interesting time to come out Grin Congrats on your family accepting your apostasy. 
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #45 - July 03, 2014, 06:42 AM

    ^ Are they the sarin gas people? 

    They were. What''s left of them is just a sad little cult. They have a few houses and live as cults live.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #46 - July 03, 2014, 10:09 AM

    I don't want citizenship. It would take forever (15 years?) and I wouldn't be allowed dual nationality anyway. Born a Brit abroad, I'll die a Brit abroad.

    I suppose that would be about right, I'm only guessing but presumably single citizenship also helps keep a handle on immigration control.

  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #47 - July 03, 2014, 10:24 AM

    I think you're rather exaggerating the terrors of Aum. Though much diminished, they're still around; every now and again one gets arrested. But they have far more in common with the murderous fruitloops of the USA than they do with ISIL.

    But not for the want of trying, wasn't there a case prior to sarin underground attack where they group were releasing home made anthrax spores from their building top down upon the general population below with the hopes of willy nilly killing nearby random people.
    Fortunately the strain produced was ineffective and amounted to sadly killing some pets and house plants in the nearby vicinity. Eventually complaints about the smell were made by neighbours and when the police arrived the cult told them they were just manufacturing some home made fertiliser lol. At the time not wanting to be seen to be unduley singling out religious minorities/sects(cults) the police let it go. Not long after, the group managed to kill a number of people and poison many more by releasing sarin gas in the underground railway attack.
    Their leader was later arrested and given the death sentance. The group now claim to have edited out the violent parts of their ideology and consider themselves peaceful. With their original cult leader dead perhaps they have genuinely turned over a new leaf and are no longer a threat. It's hard to know by just running a basic google search from thousands of miles away.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #48 - July 09, 2014, 05:32 PM

    hi everyone,

    been a while, and still have to use a proxy to access this forum *sigh*.
    anyway, my mind was just blew by the hypocrisy of my friends, which is muslims.. they can be soo angry towards israeli airstrike to gaza but they say NOTHING to ISIL. many of them post anti jewish picture and many people give their like to the post but they say NOTHING about ISIL.

    i tried to share news about ISIL and its potential to endanger our country, since ISIL's plan is to expand their territory to Indonesia, but my friends says no shit, not even a frowned smiley or whatsoever. why can they be so reactive when it comes to palestine issue (which is perfectly understandable) but they SAY NOTHING when OUR BROTHER IN FAITH did a massive atrocity in the name of OUR GOD! i asked them and they said "what dafuq is ISIL?"

    BAM!! straight into my head!
    they know whats happening in palestine but they know NOTHING about ISIL. why oh why.... but thats not the end.
    short after i tell them the story, they're showing their "i dont care" expression. dude, that was hillarious. why people can be so ignorant? is it THAT HARD to be objective? really?

    sometimes i think ISLAM (sunni) is the cause of all this ignorance!
    and talking about sunni islam, a sunni just said that hijab in shia islam is haram, and shia's shahada is completely different, they emphasize on "COMPLETELY" which means they accusing shia for worshipping another god and following another prophet other than mo.

    anyone had this experience?
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #49 - July 10, 2014, 03:53 AM

    That schism is why Sunni ISIL is killing off Shia groups in Iraq and Syria, at the same time they're killing off other Sunni groups not hardline or batshit crazy as they are. The regional geopolitics get messy with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and indirectly the USA and UK supporting Sunni groups, while Iran supports Shia groups. It doesn't help that the ongoing war in Syria is becoming a training ground for religious crazies for all sorts.

    I think Muslims don't talk about this because it shows the lie of the whole "religion of peace" thing. Muslims can be just as bloodthirsty towards each other as towards the kuffar, with both sides of the Sunni/Shia divide using the Quran as justification.

    It's like the Protestant-Catholic wars repeated 400 years later wacko I guess only the Ahmadiah and Sufi are the only peaceful sects who prefer to be left alone.
  • greetings from jakarta, Indonesia
     Reply #50 - July 20, 2014, 10:28 AM

    That schism is why Sunni ISIL is killing off Shia groups in Iraq and Syria, at the same time they're killing off other Sunni groups not hardline or batshit crazy as they are. The regional geopolitics get messy with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and indirectly the USA and UK supporting Sunni groups, while Iran supports Shia groups. It doesn't help that the ongoing war in Syria is becoming a training ground for religious crazies for all sorts.

    I think Muslims don't talk about this because it shows the lie of the whole "religion of peace" thing. Muslims can be just as bloodthirsty towards each other as towards the kuffar, with both sides of the Sunni/Shia divide using the Quran as justification.

    It's like the Protestant-Catholic wars repeated 400 years later wacko I guess only the Ahmadiah and Sufi are the only peaceful sects who prefer to be left alone.

    Islamic schism happened right after the big boss passed away.
    and the winner is.... the sunnis  parrot

    anyway, this is my first ramadhan as a non-believer and the way i see the khutbah is different now, i used to see it like a divine guidance but now? even i ask myself how the heck i was a believer to these crap.
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