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 Topic: Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!

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  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #150 - August 06, 2014, 03:54 PM

    This might be a very important discussion if we discuss it!  I am reading Song of Achilles.

    Achilles, his mother the goddess Thetis, his father, and Patroclus are meeting to hear about the "abduction" of Helen (Plot spoiler - Herodotus much later argues that women are not abducted unwillingly but that is off topic....!)

    What is fascinating is how the gods live along side us humans, and how they need to be educated by Chiron!

    Returning to the OP I think we are living in a very impoverished world, why are the gods no longer part of everyday life?

    Where is our Achilles, half man, half god, in love with life and Patroclus?

    These sentiments have been expressed elsewhere.  Nietzsche is very rude about xianity

    The same arguments do apply to Judaism and Islam, (Islam especially - it means submit!) but I would argue these are more to do with HG Wells type arguments about free peoples as against people in tyrannies.

    So it does have a huge right wing racist background, but that does not make the principles incorrect.

    I have read elsewhere that reading and writing is the cause of us losing touch with the gods.

    I can tell you that people were mostly forced or pressured or coerced into giving up their ancestral beliefs in favour of xianity or islam. They didn't choose to leave voluntarily, unlike many people today that have left xianity and Islam even though there maybe a price to pay, and that there is nothing to go to really.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #151 - August 06, 2014, 03:59 PM

    I don't know whether this has anything to do with this topic but most pagans today deny to accept the negative aspects of their religions, saying that their religion is progressive, they are smear campaigns by the Christians or that the stories should not be taken literally. For instance the Hindus say that their stories are only for moral lessons which is the most important thing. But I still scratch my head while thinking what is the moral lesson to learn about God Shiva ejaculating by only seeing God Vishnu's ravishing female avatar, Mohini? That too in front of His wife Parvati? I think it is that wives should be silent no matter what their husband's do.

    The modern versions of these 'religions' are quit different to what is being described here. Hinduism has a unbroken chain to PIE religion but it has changed alot. The writeris mostly using older Hindu ideas.

    Neo pagans are very different and should not really be compared to what the writer is talking about. They can be quit far from what is being described here.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #152 - August 06, 2014, 04:27 PM

    I have read elsewhere that reading and writing is the cause of us losing touch with the gods.

    Ahh... so reading, writing, Jazz and negro rhythm are the work of evil progressive liberals that made us lose touch with the gods.

    Well it's the internet age, Nazi-lover-boy - can't these gods get Skype? Or at least an email address? I mean they're free.

    Then again these gods inhabit a mythical bygone world, don't they, Nazi-lover-boy, they inhabit your nobly born imagination.

    iow they don't exist.

    We can't lose touch with them, because we were never in-touch with them. lol

    They are not real.

    Get it? Oh nobly born who must bear the slings and arrows with the nobility to which he was born into.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #153 - August 06, 2014, 04:34 PM

    The modern versions of these 'religions' are quit different to what is being described here. Hinduism has a unbroken chain to PIE religion but it has changed alot. The writeris mostly using older Hindu ideas.

    Neo pagans are very different and should not really be compared to what the writer is talking about. They can be quit far from what is being described here.

    Yes of course. Wouldn't want reality to interfere with the myth he's creating of the perfect religion of the perfect Aryan people, now would we, Oh nobly-born one!
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #154 - August 06, 2014, 04:38 PM

    The modern versions of these 'religions' are quit different to what is being described here.
    Hinduism has a unbroken chain to PIE ....................

    well whatever PIE it may be neither it looks  good nor it smells good mubs..  I don't think   you read old  versions of religions including your vedas  nor you are using your brain  to understated why those people wrote/said those things some 2., 3 ??  thousands of years ago..

    You don't even understand the local cultures of that time neither you understand the social/political economical problems of that time.. They are way different from what we have now., They are way different from 21st century.. and those rituals, philosophies are USELESS at this time and age..

    different times ..different way of thinking

    Off course you and others  must have freedom  to  pray that fusion filled son god or cold moon god or some dog/cat/rat .. or...or. bend ass up in to the sky, head in to the sand and start talking with allah dolls or voodoo dolls ..

    That freedom you must have mubs. and   i will fight for you for that freedom .,  provided you use that simple golden rule in your life as much as you can..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #155 - August 06, 2014, 04:52 PM

    We will get to the discussion on Freedom in due course
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #156 - August 06, 2014, 04:57 PM

    We will get to the discussion on Freedom in due course

    Oh good. I can't wait.

    btw you might like to meet RAM. he's on the forum atm - you and he will get along swimmingly  grin12
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #157 - August 06, 2014, 05:57 PM

    I think the discussion is too limited on geography when actually maybe the argument should be that some sets of beliefs are beter than others at helping us live together.  This is from the Andes.  Similar things are from Bali.

    Since pre-Hispanic times, a co-evolutionary relationship built around management of biocultural resources with the mountain environment in Cusco Valley, Peru, has produced the ayllu mindset. While most studies describe ayllu as a political and socio-economic system, few systematic analyses of the ayllu as an ecological phenomenon exist.

    We understand the ayllu as a community of individuals with the same interests and objectives linked through shared norms and principles with respect to humans, animals, rocks, spirits, mountains, lakes, rivers, pastures, food crops, wild life, etc.

    The main objective of ayllu is the attainment of well-being or Sumaq Qausay; defined as a positive relationship between humans and their social and natural environments. To this end, great focus is given to achieving equilibrium between one’s natural and social surroundings and to maintaining reciprocity between all “beings”; including the Earth.

    This practice has proven pivotal to maintaining high biodiversity and has been described by scholars as the product of common-field agriculture. Attesting to this, the majority of subsistence and agricultural activities in the Cusco Valley are based on diversifying uses and the priorities and values of the communities.

    This community focus can best be seen in the several economic collectives that have been established with the objective of conserving and sustainably using biological resources; utilizing such tools as Local Biocultural Databases and audiovisual recordings that store traditional Andean biocultural knowledge, seeds repatriation and conservation and provides benefits for the often marginalised women of the Andes.

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #158 - August 06, 2014, 06:08 PM

    Yeah, I agree, would be better if there was another term that unlike 'Indo-European' didnt have geographic associations. Unfortunately this is the term used in discourse, laymen as well as academic.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #159 - August 06, 2014, 06:25 PM

    I veer towards seeing these as human issues, probably related to how our brains work, and whether we are more comfortable with non verbal or verbal ways of seeing, so we have different examples from around the world.

    If we are being academic I would propose "true gods" as originally used by Julian!

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #160 - August 06, 2014, 06:27 PM

    And what is it that gets onegodists so aereated about followers of the true gods?  

    Did they never enjoy stories?

    Yazidis, who are ethnic Kurds and followers of an ancient religion derived from Zoroastrianism, are at high risk of being executed because they are viewed by the ISIS Sunni militants as devil worshippers.

    Read more:
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #161 - August 06, 2014, 08:47 PM

    Thus the religiosity of the Indo-Europeans, which appears whenever their religion can unfold itself freely, emerges only in that form which religious science has described as nature religions.

    No pressing forward to God is possible in this attitude of mind and spirit, no rigid belief, no pretence of a duty to believe, no anxiety to please the deity; freedom and dignity and the composure of the noble spirited, even under deep stress, are characteristic of the purest religiosity. Indeed, one can almost say that Indo-European religiosity and morality emanates from the dignity of man, the dignity of humanitas — from a dignitas which is characteristic of the great-minded and well-born. According to Cicero, a great and strong-minded person (fortis animus et magnus) wishes to carry himself with honour because in such conduct reason controls desire.

    In the Middle Ages the church used the word humanitas to describe human lowliness (humilitas) when faced by the extra-mundial, other worldly God. It was not until the advent of the scholars of the Renaissance in Florence, around 1400 A.D., that humanitas was again understood to mean human dignity, and conceived of as a duty which it was incumbent on man to observe.

    When today praise is lavished on so-called works of art, it is almost tragic to recall that Friedrich Schiller demanded this very humanitas and dignitas above all from artists; just as Marcus Tullius Cicero did of the Italici:

    The dignity of man is given into your hands.
    Preserve it!
    It falls with you, it will rise with you.

    As far as the mature religiosity of the Indo-Europeans is concerned, their morality does not, like the morality of the Bible, spring from a commandment of God, from a “Thou shalt not!” (Leviticus, xix. 18; Matthew, v. 43; Luke, vi. 27). Indo-European morality springs from the positive dignity of the high-minded man, to whom humanity or human love, which may best be described as good-will, comes as second nature — maitri in Sanskrit, or metta in Pali, or eumeneia, philanthropia or sympatheia in Greek, or benevolentia or comitas in Latin. Biblical morality is of alien law (heteronom). Indo-European morality is of its own law (autonom).

    Burkhard Wilhelm Leist (Alt-arisches Jus gentium, 1889, p. 173; Alt-arisches Jus civile, 1892-96, pp. 228, 241, 381-82; 1892, Vol. I, p. 211) has proved that such humanity and good will already existed in the oldest legal records of the Indo-Europeans, that Indo-European human dignity had demanded that in man one should always see one’s fellow and meet him with aequitas, or good will (maitri, metta), one of the highest values of ancient India, and above all of Buddhist morality. According to the Odyssey (VI, 207; VII, 165; IX, 270) Zeus himself guides the worthy man who implores him for help and avenges strangers who are cast out and those in need of protection: Zeus xenios, who looks after strangers and all those in want, corresponds to the dii hospitales of the Romans.

    However, to the Teutons, who according to Tacitus (Germania, XXI) were the most hospitable of all peoples, “moral demands were not divine commands”, for them a good deed had no reward, an evil deed expected no punishment by the deity (Hans Kuhn: Sitte und Sittlichkeit, in Germanische Altertumskunde, edited by Hermann Schneider, 1938, p. 177). Man’s attempt to wheedle himself into favour with the Gods by offering sacrifices is censured by the Edda (Havamal, 145):

    Better not to have implored for anything,
    than to have sacrificed too much;
    the gift looks for reward.

    The morality of human dignity is not inspired on account of the prospect of a reward in heaven, but for its own sake:. This was how Cicero understood the Roman religiosity and morality, . Such aims as the Hellenic kalok’agathia (beauty and fitness), and that of the Roman humanitas — humanitas being understood in the era of the Roman aristocratic republic as a duty or ideal of full manhood, of human wholeness, or of Noble nature — such goals of heroic perfection are therefore particularly expressive of Indo-European religiosity which offers the worship of a resolute, heroic heart.

    Since the advent of the twentieth century the Indo-Europeans have begun to withdraw from the spiritual history of the world. Particularly today, what is described as most “progressive” in music, the plastic arts and literature of the “Free West” is already no longer Indo-European in spirit.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #162 - August 06, 2014, 09:46 PM

    well whatever PIE it may be neither it looks  good nor it smells good mubs..

    PIE is an abbreviation of proto-Indo-European. Here: Afro

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #163 - August 06, 2014, 09:49 PM

    I think the discussion is too limited on geography when actually maybe the argument should be that some sets of beliefs are beter than others at helping us live together.  This is from the Andes.  Similar things are from Bali.

    From what I know of Aboriginal and Amerindian religions (which aint an awful lot but anyway) there seems to be a lot of emphasis on balance with nature. Makes sense for hunter gatherers, when you think about it, since they're relying on nature for their survival. Any hunter gatherer culture that exists for a long time will probably have evolved a belief system like this, just to codify basic survival skills.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #164 - August 06, 2014, 10:47 PM

    PIE is an abbreviation of proto-Indo-European. Here: Afro


    I add that PIE is one of the most, if not the most influential human culture of all time, as it is by definition the ancestor of all civilizations of Eurasiq from India to Europe inc India, Persia, Greece, Latin, Western European and extinct groups such as the Hitites, Skythians etc. It also had a huge effect on the other parts (and vice versa)  that are nit considered IE. Therefore it is obvious that PIE is not something to be dismissed easily.

    All the reds above are IE. See how they are very widespread. This is why we need to understand these people, because they're values created much of modern world, and we should learn about it.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #165 - August 06, 2014, 11:09 PM

    It's too simplistic to say their values created their modern world. The societies that existed even 2,000 years ago had more time to diverge from PIE to 0 AD than they have had from 0 AD to the present. IOW, modern societies that predominantly speak IE languages can still bear little or no relation to PIE societies. This should be obvious, and should (one might think) limit any tendency to obsess over the relationship between PIE and modern, or even classical, societies.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #166 - August 06, 2014, 11:45 PM

    Indian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Western European, America would all not exist had it not been for PIE. And each of those is a mammoth.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #167 - August 06, 2014, 11:53 PM

    Oh FFS. None of them would have existed had it not been for Homo habilis either, but that was a long time ago.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #168 - August 07, 2014, 12:01 AM

    Ok. this thread is almost done anyway. I just need to post one more and I think it should be an interesting one.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #169 - August 07, 2014, 01:31 AM

    Indian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Western European, America would all not exist had it not been for PIE. And each of those is a mammoth.

    well if not mammoth, monkeys and baboons could do their job of procreating and creating  PIE itself and from there, all these Indian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Western European, America xyz species could come out mubs_352

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #170 - August 07, 2014, 08:45 AM


    When in January 1804, in conversation with his colleague, the philologist Riemer, Goethe expressed the view that he found it “remarkable that the whole of Christianity had not brought forth a Sophocles”, his knowledge of comparative religion was restricted by the knowledge of his age, yet he had unerringly chosen as the precursor of an Indo-European religion the poet Sophocles, “typical of the devout Athenian . . . in his highest, most inspired form”, a poet who represented the religiosity of the people, before the people (demos) of Athens had degenerated into a mass (ochlos). But where apart from the Indo-Europeans, has the world produced a more devout man with such a great soul as the Athenian, Sophocles?

    Where outside the Indo-European domain have religions arisen, which have combined such greatness of soul with such high flights of reason (logos, ratio) and such wide vision (theoria)? Where have religious men achieved the same spiritual heights as Spitama Zarathustra, as the teachers of the Upanishads, as Homer, as Buddha and even as Lucretius Carus, Wilhelm von Humboldt and Shelley?

    Since Goethe’s death (1832), and since the death of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1835), the translator of the devout Indo-European Bhagavad Gita, this Indo-European spirit, which also revealed itself in the pre-Christian Teuton, has vanished.

    Goethe had a premonition of this decline of the West: even in October 1801 he remarked in conversation with the Countess von Egloffstein, that spiritual emptiness and lack of character were spreading — as if he had foreseen what today characterises the most celebrated literature of the Free West. It may be that Goethe had even foreseen, in the distant future, the coming of an age in which writers would make great profits by the portrayal of sex and crime for the masses. As Goethe said to Eckermann, on 14th March 1830, “the representation of noble bearing and action is beginning to be regarded as boring, and efforts are being made to portray all kinds of infamies”. Previously in a letter to Schiller of 9th August 1797, he had pointed out at least one of the causes of the decline: in the larger cities men lived in a constant frenzy of acquisition and consumption and had therefore become incapable of the very mood from which spiritual life arises. Even then he was tortured and made anxious, although he could observe only the beginnings of the trend, the sight of the machine system gaining the upper hand; he foresaw that it would come and strike.

    This culture has been described most mercilessly by Friedrich Nietzsche in his lectures of the year 1871-72: Concerning the Future of Our Educational Institutions . Nietzsche above all concentrated on famous contemporary writers, “the hasty and vain production, the despicable manufacturing of books, the perfected lack of style, the shapelessness and characterlessness or the lamentable dilution of their expressions, the loss of every aesthetic canon, the lust for anarchy and chaos” — which he described as if he had actually seen the most celebrated literature of the Free West, whose known authors no longer mastered their own languages even to the extent still demanded by popular school teachers around 1900. If Nietzsche described the task of the West as to find the culture appropriate to Beethoven, then the serious observer today will recognise only too well the situation which Nietzsche foresaw and described as a laughing stock and a thing of shame.

    Another sign of this trend is that today many famous writers are no longer capable of preserving the precious possession of the German language. Other Western languages are also neglecting their form and literature, but this again is poor consolation for the Germans. Such neglect is considered by many writers today as characteristic of, and part of the process of gaining their freedom and liberation from all traditional outlooks.

    Goethe criticised this as a false idea of freedom

    “Everything which liberates our spirit, without increasing our mastery of ourselves, is pernicious.”
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #171 - August 07, 2014, 08:58 AM

    Getting to the state of todays 'Western' world. Above seems like a accurate foretelling of the decline of virtue in the west and generally poor standard of art, music, literature that is produced these days.

    So much of our culture today is driven by a desire for freedom from traditional values, without understanding the greatness intertwined with those values.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #172 - August 07, 2014, 09:16 AM

    Oh FFS. "Decline of virtue in the West"? WTF is that supposed to mean?

    "Poor standard of art, music, literature"? The standard has always been poor, in general. The only reason we think of the old stuff as good is because nobody pays attention to all the old and bad stuff. It got thrown out. Nobody put it in museums. Tongue

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #173 - August 07, 2014, 09:18 AM

    Getting to the state of todays 'Western' world. Above seems like a accurate foretelling of the decline of virtue in the west and generally poor standard of art, music, literature that is produced these days.

    So much of our culture today is driven by a desire for freedom from traditional values, without understanding the greatness intertwined with those values.

    rubbish mubs_352  rubbish.,  all that you copy pasted from is nothing more than  "Me Baked good PIE Your Pie is Bad"  attitude.

    The core of that Chinese guy's  Confucianism is more  humanistic have better cultural and human values  than your   Hans  Gunther's  German PIE

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #174 - August 07, 2014, 09:43 AM

    Oh FFS. "Decline of virtue in the West"? WTF is that supposed to mean?

    "Poor standard of art, music, literature"? The standard has always been poor, in general. The only reason we think of the old stuff as good is because nobody pays attention to all the old and bad stuff. It got thrown out. Nobody put it in museums. Tongue

    Just one example but this is characteristic of Modern 'Art'

    My Bed is a work by the British artist Tracey Emin. First created in 1998, it was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999 as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize

    "the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as condoms, a pair of knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers)."

  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #175 - August 07, 2014, 09:51 AM

    Just one example but this is characteristic of Modern 'Art'

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    My Bed is a work by the British artist Tracey Emin. First created in 1998, it was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999 as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize

    "the bedsheets were stained with bodily secretions and the floor had items from the artist's room (such as condoms, a pair of knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers)."

    Yap.. yes..yes.......  you are RIOT mubs_352., whole west is on drugs, condoms and stained bedsheets... That is  exactly what Christian Evangelist say on  TVs and Churches.,

      Yes..yes,.. we need feed that German PIE to these rascals..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #176 - August 07, 2014, 10:00 AM

    So what is the point of all this, mubs? Can you cut to the chase?

    I mean the author who's book you have read "several times" (once was not enough) and who you have been treating us to over and over again, wrote all this to support the Nazi ideology of a superior race and to legitimise his ideas on Eugenics - preserving the pure traits of the superior Aryan race and getting rid of the inferior racial traits - i.e. Jewish, African... through sterilising or ethnic cleansing.

    That was his reason for writing all this.

    What is your reason for pasting his works (and reading it several times - because once is just never enough)?
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #177 - August 07, 2014, 10:02 AM

    Its not the same as what the Xians say, for Christianity is not really concerned with Art, but it is a big thing in all IE cultures. That is why European art goes back to Greece and not   Xian rome, and why there is no 'Christian' Art other thank European Art.

    European Art owes itself to IE values, without which it becomes non-sensical as shown on the example.
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #178 - August 07, 2014, 10:02 AM

    So what is the point of all this, mubs? Can you cut to the chase?

    I mean the author who's book you have read "several times" (once was not enough) and who you have been treating us to over and over again, wrote all this to support the Nazi ideology of a superior race and to legitimise his ideas on Eugenics - preserving the pure traits of the superior Aryan race and getting rid of the inferior racial traits - i.e. Jewish, African... through sterilising or ethnic cleansing.

    That was his reason for writing all this.

    What is your reason for pasting his works (and reading it several times - because once is just never enough)?

    One more post to go then you will know
  • Enter, for here the Gods also dwell!
     Reply #179 - August 07, 2014, 10:14 AM

    One more post to go then you will know

    you mean one more "PASTE"..,   well just link of the chapter you are pasting from that book  will be sufficient mubs....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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