Therefore, it can never be
Truth. . because it is infinite and limitless, speculation and conjecture. .
Huh! I never thought that way muslim_a., I thought truth/untruth/lies are simple things., simple expressions of human beings in a given situation or discussion/debate..
.....Truth is infinite and limitless speculation and conjecture.... well if truth is that then that
"untruth" "falsehood" or "lies" could also be infinite and limitless speculation and conjectureanyways I too like that cartoon
by the way . .I like this cartoon. Jesus and Muhammad cartoons are funny but they should have added Moses also in to it.
(Clicky for piccy!)I would have liked it more if it also joked about
Torah or Tanakh or Mesorah or Targum because that joke comes from . So next time get some joke that makes of fun of all faiths and faith heads muslim atheism ........
well here is the link for you to have more with such cartoons..