My only advice would be to keep on trying new things until you find what you really enjoy. Living in Saudi Arabia greatly reduces your oportunity at finding out what makes you happy. It’s impossible to know what you are missing out on if you honestly don’t even know what you are missing out on. I am today so incredibly different from that young guy who used to sit reading Quran in the prophet’s mosque. I am totally
not that guy anymore. But it took a lot of time for me to figure out who I really was. In many ways, I still am. And in the midst of figuring it out, I sometimes find myself fighting against that part of me that wants to hold back from unfamiliar territory. Embracing that past and present is allowing me to become comfortable in an entirely new identity.
Really, man. Try not to be afraid of that world out there. You’ve got an amazing story and embracing it as you figure out who YOU are and where you are going will help you to become who you want to be.
No one can really figure it out for you, either. You’ve just got to try lots of new things. As you find those things you really enjoy, you’ll think to yourself, “Where has this been all my life!?”
Don’t worry too much about “fitting in.” People come in all shades of weirdness and interestingness. Find that stuff you like and you will find yourself around people with similar interests and backgrounds. Be nice to people. Be accepting of people. Most people are generally not evil.
You say you are into meditation? A few weeks ago I went to meditate at a Buddhist Temple. The people who were there were from all sorts of religious backgrounds, and suddenly, being a son of black Muslim converts who himself also took an interest in Islam and studied it for a while before leaving it didn’t seem like such a strange a thing. It was just part of my own story. I was able to meet to meet people with entirely different stories, all just trying to get through life.
Are you into music? Find some concerts to go to. In Texas in the summer, there are all sorts of concerts for all sorts of genres. Use Yelp or some other app to find out what’s happening in your town or nearby. I know it might seem weird at first, but you’ll meet people. Judging from the responses you got when you uploaded your picture, you are a pretty handsome guy.

You can be that cool, handsome guy with the really interesting backstory. It’s a good thing to be.
I know this might seem like an overly optimistic post, but that is the sort of vibe I’m trying to be on right now. We’ve got this one chance at life. What are we going to do with it? What would you do if someone gave you a chance to live? Here it is.
How is the job search coming along?