Thanks for the links. The usual PDF links already prove a lot for me to digest while most of these books are far beyond my abilities. Pardon me for saying this but I wish these scholars could write for the average reader instead of for fellow linguists and historians. Then the average wishy-washy Muslim might realize enough to tip him/her over to the side of reason.
The books on Islamic history and analysis of early Islam & Islamic history is NOT for average wishy-washy Muslim shaytanshoes., They are for Islamic Intellectuals who write books
But then again, looking at the sheer number and political power of Christian and Jewish fundamentalists all over the world, I'm not so sure. Both faiths have had their texts researched from a secular angle for lots longer yet there are still people who believe their holy book came down inerrant from heaven.
well in comparison to Muslim Secularists., I think Christian and Jewish secular academics have done a stellar job. They freely criticize in their respective religious environment unlike in so-called Islamic nations. And they do it without getting threats and death threats... on the other hand
if you are a Muslim and criticize anything in Islam in any country with greater than 80% Muslims, you are putting your head in front in front of Russian roulette
on that note that Somalian born Ayaan Hirsi Ali said this