There is no education other than that of the Church at that time. Learn to read (even the proto Quranic script one sees in 512 and 568 which are placed in a Christian environment.) is the Church work. But write graffiti is not necessarily.
The fact to build something in this place is also an indication of the knowledge of the Biblical world. Therefore the Church.They build there.
That is NOT necessarily true dear Altara ., these mini kings of that time ..
forexample.....that neo-syrian empire .... the education system being closely coupled to house of kings .. they could also act as centers of education. may be you call it as Private education ....
Ashurbanipal (685 – c. 627 BC), a king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, was proud of his scribal education. His youthful scholarly pursuits included oil divination, mathematics, reading and writing as well as the usual horsemanship, hunting, chariotry, soldierliness, craftsmanship, and royal decorum. During his reign he collected cuneiform texts from all over Mesopotamia, and especially Babylonia, in the library in Nineveh, the first systematically organized library in the ancient Middle East, which survives in part today.
it is true for general public Church of that time was only the way..,,,
Now could anyone get this high level writing skills and able to develop Arabic script to write Quran .. A drama discussion between god and a preacher is debatable...