I can't really explain how I accomplished the same thing with Christianity. I read the stories. I knew the details. I just refused to think about them too much. I was somehow able to detach myself and believe that God must have been right in what he did and if I don't understand what he did, it's because I wasn't there and there must be something wrong with my perspective. If something continued to bother me, I would tell myself that there would be a day in eternity when everything would be understood and explained. In the meantime, I needed to be faithful and believe that God was perfect. This helped me push doubts to the far back reaches of my mind. Whenever doubts would arise again, I would go back through the cycle.
Somewhere and on some levels, I knew there things just didn't add up. I was really good at denying this. I was able to make the attrocities of Joshua into victorious war stories where God fulfilled his promises. I was able to make Sodom and Gomorrah into just annihilation because those people who were burned in sulfur from heaven must have been really really 'evil'. I was somehow able to make God's call for Israelite men to leave their foreign wives and children destitute in order to keep their line 'pure', a righteous decision because it would protect their nation. The list of despicable acts is long.
I guess when you don't want to see something for what it really is, you are willing to twist and twist your mind until it somehow seems ok or at the very least, just something you don't understand yet. For me I think fear was the fuel. Fear of punishment for doubting. Fear that I might lose my faith. Fear that I would find something that I didn't want to know. Fear that I would think God was cruel and unjust. Fear of being misled by Satan. In a lot of ways and on many levels, fear.
Also, I really wanted to believe that God was loving, merciful and kind. I just couldn't imagine how he could be anything else and still be God. It was hell, of course, which remained my biggest problem. Unraveling all of those beliefs packaged under Christianity was quite a painful but freeing trip in the end.
I find so many similarities between Islam and Christianity when I see individuals grasping to continue to believe the unbelievable.
I guess I'm lucky. Although I grew up in a christian family, at least the parents had one of the milder strains and I was fortunate enough to never really got infected.
Constant questioning and reading everything I could get my hands on got my intellectual immune system in shape for when I went out into the world and had to deal with the real hard core jeezoids.