Well if God has been paying attention, he knows very well that I have honestly sought him over very many years. The Abrahamic God, to be more specific.
After 55 years of not finding any response, nor strong evidence, I think you ca imagine I'm somewhat sceptical and weary.
If there is a god up there he certainly doesn't answer prayers. Never mind the times he ignored me - one only has too look at the prayers of the mothers in war zones, the families hit by earthquakes, tsunamis. The prayers of the little girls in India, Africa and other places to save them being forced into prostitution. Or the 6 year old girls brutally raped in Syria after seeing their parents murdered.
Did't god hear their prayers?
Maybe they didn't pray right?
God seems to be excessively fussy finicky and fastidious about the 'type' of prayer and to the right name/religion, before he chooses to save a child being swept away from her fathers arms in a Tusanmi - but he will often answer the prayers of good Christians to catch the bus on time.
He will let the poor and starving in Haiti have what little they have washed away and destroyed, but will answer the prayers of church leaders to reach their particular target so they can buy more stuff they don't need.
He will ignore the tears of countless suffering disease, sickness and genetic conditions he kindly invented - while answering the prayer of some guy on a hospital bed for his bottox treatment go well.
Whether its Muslims mumbling to the floor, Jews mumbling to a wall, or Christians speaking in 'tongues' to the sky - it's difficult to avoid the conclusion that there really is no bastard up there.
If there is, he ignores prayers and leaves them to pure chance.
Have a go praying to Mickey Mouse - note the results. You might be surprised.