I am trying to understand the meaning of كُلٌّ In the Quran this word carries a number of definitions; each, all, etc.
http://corpus.quran.com/qurandictionary.jsp?q=kll#%2839:5:16%29The definition seems to change based on context when in put into English. For example in 39:5 it is each. In 21:85 it is all. Is this also true for the Arabic meaning? Does the definition change according to context? Can either example, or any in the link, use a different definition? Can 39:5 "each" become "all" or 21:85 "all" to "every" or "each"? Although the definitions are very close the use of certain words provides a change in interpretation. In 39:5 "each" seems to be context specific to the Sun and Moon as per the parameters in the previous sentence of day and night. However the use of "all" could modify the verse to be object(s) specific rather than day and night based. Object specific as in Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon. The word used shifts the verses focus drastically. It also undermines the cycle sentence which seems out of place under the "all" use.
In English all is plural, each is singular or small groups and every can be group or frequency of something. Is this true for Arabic in regards to this word?
Every Friday we play tennis rather than each Friday.
Each player has 4 cards rather than every or all.
How much time will it take to watch each of these films? (use of each allows one to break down each required time by movie rather than a sum total. Movie A is 90s mins, B is 120, C is 30, D is 60.
How much time will it take to watch all of these films? (collective, the sum total)