Teach me dude. I'm all ears. I want to learn. Rid me of my ignorance. Please.
My point is that you are approaching the problem the completely wrong way.
The scientific method is not about starting off knowing everything. It’s about looking at the problem, forming your hypothesis, testing it out, and observing the results.
If you start off with the attitude of “We’ll never figure it out because it was magical god juice that did it,” you will never learn anything. Again, as I’ve told you before, you’d be stuck with the same level of ignorance as the authors of the Qur’an. “Do they not look at the birds above them – stretching (their wings) and folding them in? Nothing holds them aloft except the Most Merciful.” If we stopped asking questions like “how do the birds fly” and just said, as the Qur’an says, that “god did it,” we would never have found the answers that led to things like aeroplanes and space ships.
Our hypotheses are not always proven to be founded, and science is always about updating one model with a better one, once the evidence supports it. But when you are so eager to sit back and fold your arms and say “Hah! See! God did it!” then it is no wonder that you still believe bronze-age views of the cosmos.