Oh come on Ted, quit asking pointless questions lol, instead ask yourself a few questions like why do I actually believe that the earth is at the centre of the universe when there are a gazillion potential earth like planets out there
Or even, as Galileo observed, moons orbiting other planets. Why would moons be orbiting those planets, if Earth is the center of the universe? The neat thing is, Ted could observe those moons for himself if he were to purchase or build a small telescope and go outside of city lights to where it's pretty dark. Galileo used a telescope with 20x magnifying ability, and he observed the moons every night for three months and charted their locations each night, to prove that the moons were orbiting Jupiter. The great thing about science is that other people can examine and use your method to prove or disprove your observations and hypothesis.
So, Ted can go get a telescope and test how well it works by, for example, writing on a sheet of paper and hanging the paper at a known distance, then seeing how many cubits (length of space equal to distance from elbow to middle finger; approx. 46 cm) from the paper he can read it both without his telescope and using his telescope. If he can read it at 1 cubit without the telescope and 20 cubits with his telescope, then he has found a telescope he can observe the Galilean moons with. Then he can go observe Jupiter for three months and chart what he sees.