Look at this piece of shit. What's the difference between her and some trash wannabe thug? Is that a fucking attempt of a gang symbol?! Stop doing the duck face! Rest in pieces, bitch. And I don't care if I'm disrespectful, this piece of shit wanted to kill others for no other reason than to fill her own ego and delusions of grandeur. Of course camouflaging it as religious zealousness.
Question I find myself asking, is if she really did?
There are reports that suggest her body arrived
intact at the hospital, which wouldn't be the case if she did blow herself up.
Also, many other reports are backtracking on labelling her a suicide bomber, since too much evidence suggests she wasn't.
Was she with a bad crowd? yes. Did she know what they planned? maybe.
Can I assign judgment on her case yet? no. I don't feel like I am ready to do that, since I have no idea what her position was within that scenario she was in.
I went through a phase of being ridiculously religious. Not desiring to kill people, and I would have reported my partner if I had believed he was planning something, but still religious. But what if I hadn't been able to tell anybody? I remember being kept in my house for close to 3 weeks once, with him watching my every move. Maybe I couldn't have reported it even if I had wanted to.
That picture floating around of her says nothing to me, other than it is an excellent shot for the media, and really riles people up in the exact way our media wants people to respond.
I honestly don't know how much agency she had once she lost herself in that crowd.
What happened in Paris was disgusting, what happens daily is depressing, but what the media is telling me fills me with disgust also, since it is all so dishonest.