britain is classist society and most people know their place in the system.
Sure it is the classiest ... you can see all the way from Kings , queens to Prime minster ........ And.. and ., yes,, yes I see the class every where in Britain all the way from 1607 to 1970 .. Do you know which was the last country in African Continent that saw British Class system dear Crumble??
May be that class is the reason why young girls get abused.... and no one questions any one ....... too much class in British families... British governance policies
I have already explained my comment but despite that, you appear to be believe I'm discriminating against the poor and the downtrodden? I'm not responsible for their lives or choices and there is no need for you to police the narrative.
you have every right to explain and I have every right to question your explanation .,
As far as policing is concerned ., no one is stopping and no one is policing you and it also goes to every member of CEMB forum including me,., what all I am saying is., I question your class based criminal identity., And by saying Criminals who abused and victims who got abused are
"LOW CLASS" ., You in fact identified .. LOW CLASS FOLKS ARE CRIMINAL MINDED Or THEY CAN GET ABUSED because of their class without any one caring for them,
and I still do not know what actually you mean by "LOW CLASS" dear crumble...