Do people need to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in the human world or not? If they do then why and if they do not then why not? Moreover if they do then what are they doing to achieve this objective?
1)In my view, it is absolutely necessary for humans to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world. Why? Because we human beings do not come into this world all by ourselves nor we give our consent for coming into this world to those who bring us into this world. No scientist, no clergy, no politician can dare to disagree with me on this fact. It is because this is a fact about which we are all fully aware. It means we depend upon others for coming into this world or in other words other people bring us into this world without our consent or agreement.
2)After we are born into this world, we cannot and we do not look after and raise ourselves, so other people look after us and raise us as they like or as they can. This also means we depend on other people for looking after us and raising us. Again none can disagree about this fact either.
3)When we human beings grow old again we need others to look after us. Another fact of life with which none can disagree.
4)We human beings are prone to making mistakes and some mistakes by us cause such accidents which incapacitate or invalidate or disable or cripple us. This also makes us dependent upon others for looking after us.
5)During a person's lifetime be one a child, adult or an old person anyone can develop a crippling disease so one needs help and full support of others to live one's life. This means we all need each other for our coming into this world as well as for our continuous survival.
6)We human beings as individuals cannot grow and prepare our own food, make our own footwear, our own clothes, our own houses nor can we educate and train ourselves or learn skills we need for living in this world purposefully properly. All these facts clearly tell all of us we need each other for having a life in this world worth living.
7)However, we all come from various backgrounds, cultures, atmospheres and environments which have turned us into enemies of each other so we see all people are always at war with each other in our human world. Instead of trying to understand things purposefully properly and solving problems we all face we are still busy creating more and more problems with each other and yet we claim to be a moral people. This means we need an external source for reference of our morality because we all have serious problems with definitions of our moral values which are different from each other. This means our moral values are relative and not absolute. This is why our moral values change with times and places or situations.
8)Even if we try to get our moral values from an external source eg from an alleged God sent scripture still we have problems because to make purpose based proper sense of universal moral values from such a scripture we still need to educate and train ourselves purposefully properly to get the needed skills or we will twist God sent scripture as we see fit to justify our own cultures, atmospheres and environments from which we come therefore we will be back to square one or back to drawing board. So what should we do to overcome our this problem?
9)On one hand these like stated facts tell us we need each other with which none can disagree but on the other we are enemies of each other so how can we bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world? This is why we need to know who is dividing us and keeping us divided and why or how so that we could reverse things.
As I have already explained some facts which cannot be disputed by anyone regardless of one's background they very clearly tell us human beings the fact that we need to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community for having and maintaining a life worth living. It is because if we do need help and full support of each other for living in this world the best we can then we need to help and support each other with compassion, respect and love otherwise our human world cannot be the best it can be because if people will not help and support each other for the right reasons and the right way then they will end up exploiting, manipulating, abusing and blackmailing each other because regardless we like it or not we do need each other for fulfilling our needs for which we fully depend upon each other. This is how we are naturally interlinked and interconnected. So is it not then better and more sensible for us that we get fully engaged and involved with each other the right way for the right purpose rather than getting involved with each other the wrong way for the wrong purposes? That is because the right way will help us become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purposefully properly and the wrong way will put us at odds with each other and in permanent conflict with each other and that way it will harm and destroy us by hands of each other.
This means we need unity, peace, progress and prosperity as our aims and objectives for which we could become and remain united to have peace between us in order to progress to be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our human world. This means we need to help each other educate and train ourselves purposefully properly to have all the needed skills so that we could carry out all the needed works for this purpose. This is why we need to take these aims and objectives most seriously as a mission or a project so that we could turn this idea into a reality purposefully properly. It is because we cannot change our human world for the best possible just by sitting idle or by getting involved in irrelevant activities which take us away from these aims and objectives or by getting involved in fights with each other. Building and maintaining a purpose based proper human community is just like building a house. For building a house we gather needed skilled people and things which help us do that eg builders, bricklayers, plasterers, joiners, carpenters, glaziers, electricians, plumbers, painters, decorators etc etc and bricks, mortar, cement, sand, plaster, pipes, cables, paint etc etc. Likewise for building and maintaining a purpose based proper human community we need to gather people and things which help us build a purpose based proper human community. However once we have people and things they need to be organised and regulated purposefully properly so that we could end up with the intended end result or product.
This is why we need to know some words and their meanings and how they connect to each other. The fact is, no matter whatever we want to accomplish or achieve or do or someone else tells us to accomplish, achieve or do we start with thoughts that come to our minds. We take them as projects which involve processes and mechanisms. Suppose it comes to my mind that I want to build a bike. To build a bike will become my project or an objective to achieve or accomplish which will involve needed processes and mechanisms so that I could end up with a bike as the final result or output or outcome or end product. Since this project will involve people and things therefore I will have to have an over all ideology and I will have to plan things according to it. So I will need to collect the needed information for the project and make sure I understand the information purposefully properly so that I could plan things for it and then get the needed people and things for it. After that I need to manage people and things in such a way whereby I could end up with a bike. This is why if I want to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world then I will have to do similar activities for that purpose as well. For bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in the human world I will have to have an ideological basis for it to begin with. Once I have that information and its purpose based proper understanding then I will have to gather people on that basis for that purpose by sharing that very information with them. I will also have to get purpose based proper things for completing this projects so that I could end up with my intended objective. So a project can be anything anyone wants to do or is told to do eg an assignment to complete. Process is a series of planned steps and stages through which the project has to go through or has to be put through so that it could complete or becomes completed. Mechanism is the way ideas, people and things are brought together or put together to ensure the completion of the project.
This is why to come to know what a project, process and mechanisms is and how all these terms are connected to each other is absolutely necessary. Likewise one has to know what are ideology, society, politics, culture and economics and how all these terms are interlinked with each other in order to bring about the intended end result. It is because without a purpose based proper ideology a purpose based proper human community or society cannot be brought about and maintained purposefully properly. Community or society is nothing other than a group of people who are involved for accomplishing or completing the project who are purposefully properly organised and regulated so that the intended end result could be achieved. Since people and things need to be organised and regulated or managed or coordinated for completing the intended project therefore the need for politics. Politics means processes and mechanism involved for governing, managing, handling or dealing with people and things in such a way so that the intended end result could be achieved. Ideology helps people come together and bring needed things together and politics help them manage them smoothly by organising and regulating them so that a culture or an atmosphere or an environment is brought about and maintained which is conducive or helpful for achieving the intended end result. Economics is all about people meeting needs and wants of people as a purpose based proper human community purposefully properly by their own purpose based proper hard work.
Not only that but terms like systems, structures, procedures and practices also need to be understood purposefully properly. A system is anything as a complete unit which serves some purpose. For example, a sewing machine, a bike, a car, an aeroplane, a tv, a human body, a plant or tree, a government are systems. They are complete units within themselves because they have all their parts which make them what they are. Structures are parts of systems which are located and interconnected within their given perimeters so that the units could function as units of which they are parts. For example, in a bike there are wheels, handle, seat, brakes, pedals, gears etc etc. They all work together to make the bike a bike. Likewise government is a governing system with its structure or departments which are interlinked so that it exists as a fully functioning unit or system for serving its purpose. Procedures are the ways the units and their parts work to fulfil their functions. For example, a driving licence department works in a particular way for issuing driving licences. Likewise practice is following of the laid down procedures by the offices of a department to get things done. For example, to get a passport made, a person has to follow the procedure that is laid down by the passport office. If that procedure is followed by a person purposefully properly then one will get his passport made by the office. So one can see how vitally important it is for people to understand things purposefully properly or things do not make sense at all and people remain confused and chaos is the end result. This is why only that information and its purpose based proper understanding count which is purposeful and proper otherwise random information and its random understanding only create chaos, confusion, anarchy, disorder and lawlessness therefore comes about mismanagement and mishandling of people and things or corruption. This is why people must get purpose based proper education, training and skills or they will be conditioned, indoctrinated and brainwashed by those who want to control them by taking away their freedom as much as they can. This is how these explained terms need to be understood for judging how the human world works and whether it is working purposefully properly as it should or not.
As already explained in light of my stated indisputable facts that it is absolutely necessary for us human beings to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world. This means we need to learn human languages as many as we can. Why? There are at least four indisputable main reasons due to which we must learn human languages as many as we can. 1)We are born amongst a people so we need to communicate whatever is in our minds or our thoughts to each other otherwise we cannot get help and support of each other and we cannot give help and support to each other the way we should for the purpose we should. 2)We must learn the language of a people who are most developed and most advanced in our own time be they anywhere in the human world because they will explore, discover or come across and invent new things therefore they will need to modify their language to talk about new things by using old or already existing words or signs by modifying them or they will invent completely new words and signs for them. It is because without using a language which can serve this purpose we cannot talk with each other about things effectively or purposefully properly as we should for our purpose based proper understanding of the things.
3)We must learn the language of the source from which we can get or derive our universal moral codes and values because without knowing that language we will become or remain dependent upon others who may not have their thinking level according to the standard or level which is required for purpose based proper understanding of the source from which we are supposed to derive or get our moral codes or values. For example, English spoken by a small child is not as good as of an adult or a grown up person. Likewise English spoken by an uneducated, untrained and unskilled person is not and cannot be as good as of a purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled person. This is why due to these gaps in knowledge about things people could derive different meanings from the very same moral code and moral value providing source text which instead of uniting people could cause them to fall into needless and unnecessary differences, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars with each other. All because only and only purpose based proper understanding as well as purpose based proper use of moral codes and values can unite us and keep us united and together for the purpose or goal or objective for which we human beings need our unity or we end up as losers.
4) We must also learn other human languages than our own as many as we can so that we could share the information with each other in the whole of human world which we get from the purpose based proper source of moral codes and values otherwise how can we convince each other about what is true or false and why or how or what is right and constructive as well as advantageous and benevolent for us or wrong, harmful and destructive for us and why or how? Therefore if we will not learn languages which people speak then we cannot communicate with each other the needed necessary information so we cannot have unity of purpose or goal or objective between mankind and without unity of purpose or objectives or goal we cannot have peace between us. Without unity and peace between people in the human world we cannot make the progress which we can through unity of purpose and goal or objective due to conflicts, fights and wars between ourselves.
Another vitally important point to understand is, should the universal moral code and value source be translated word for word or interpreted and explained purposefully properly? The best possible answer is, it should never be translated word for word because if it is from God then human beings cannot read mind of God so they cannot directly understand his message purposefully properly. This is why they will have to devise a mechanism whereby they could try and arrive at what God actually means by his message for mankind. This is why human beings must prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of God for mankind purposefully properly. This means people must come to know some vitally important facts regarding human intelligence and language. This is why an alleged message of God instead of word for word translation it should always be interpreted and explained for any given time period so that its remaining consistent with human discovered real world realities could be proven constantly as well as consistently as such which can only and only become evident and obvious for mankind in their own times and places due to progress and discoveries they are going to make. Also moral code and value source text uses less text for conveying more information which means if it is translated word for word instead of interpretation and explanation then rest of information which that text conveys will not come to light for humanity. These two are the main factors due to which the text of moral code and moral value source has to be interpreted and explained and not translated word for word.
Now some more facts which people must come to know before they can try and understand the actual alleged message of God for mankind. These facts will be explained in a bit more detail as we go along in this writing.
1)What is intelligence and how does one get it? This point is of utmost importance because to understand anything at all one has to have this faculty or capability or one cannot understand anything at all to begin with.
2)What is knowledge and how does one get it? Without knowing this, one remains totally lost. This is why anyone without purpose based proper knowledge about something remains ignorant and confused or in doubt about it.
3)What is meant by purpose and why it is important to know about it? Nothing can make purpose based proper sense without a proper or valid purpose based study. It is because understanding of anything at all requires a purpose based proper context and context of anything cannot be known without knowing the actual purpose of it. So this involves use of trial and error method.
4)One has to know what is direct learning so that one could see what it involves and why or how. This helps one decide what to accept as true and right and why or how or what not to accept as true and right and why not.
5)One has to know what is indirect learning so that one could see what it involves, why and how. This too will help one decide what to accept as true and right as well as why and how and what not to accept as true and right and why not.
6)What are rules of judgement, where do they come from and why they are needed and how they are obtained or gotten and used?
7)What is cherry picking or process of elimination and why it is used and how it is used?
Beside these there are other vitally important facts also which one has to know well before one could understand an alleged revelation from God such as follow.
1)What is human language and where has it come from and how? What are words and where do they come from and what are meanings of words and where do they come from?
2)What is language of God and is it possible for human beings to understand it, why and how? What is the mechanism involved in the process of decoding an alleged message from God?
3)Why purpose based proper dictionaries tell us about origin, uses and modifications of a word and what does it tell us about usage of human language.
4)Why and how people expanded meanings of words in human languages instead of inventing totally new words each time things did not work unless a new meaning was given to a word?
5)How can expansion of meanings of words be valid for past or ancient or earlier people but not for current people or for people who are yet to come if they use exactly the same basis for it?
Besides these facts there are yet other facts one has to know before a human being could understand or really know something purposefully properly otherwise nothing can make purpose based proper sense to a human being. For example,
1) We humans need light to see things that need to be seen by us otherwise we cannot see what needs to be seen.
2) We human beings also need eyes that can see what needs to be seen otherwise having light alone is not going to be of any use.
3) We human beings need things that need to be seen by us otherwise just having light and eyes on their own mean nothing at all.
4) Having all these still remain useless unless we have intelligence or intellectual ability to be able to make sense of things if they are suppose to be understood by us.
5) All these things still remain useless unless we have a proper context for them to make purpose based proper sense of them.
6) The question is, where from can we get the purpose based proper context of things in which they could be understood purposefully properly or that they could make purpose based proper sense to us human beings?
7) The context of things comes from their purpose for which they are made or designed or planned or for which they came about. So where do the purposes of things come from?

The only one who can tell us actual purpose of a thing in actual fact is the one who has made or designed or planned it. Anything we ourselves assume or guess or conjecture can only be a possibility at the most and not necessarily a reality. To go for endless possibilities when we already have information about something is not a good idea or the right way to go about things because that will waste a lot of our time and energy needlessly hence the need for using cherry picking method.
9) This is why dismissing God and revelation of God altogether to begin with leads us into chaos and confusion therefore anarchy about anything and everything because we are then left only and only to all kinds of possibilities and uncertainties and therefore we end up nowhere so we fall into terrible identity crisis from which we can never come out or get out.
This clearly shows how vitally important it is to know the true purpose of something to begin with because true purpose gives us right direction to go in rather than going nowhere at all other than going in circles and ending up in all sorts of mental and physical problems.
Let me now try and explain some points I stated earlier in a bit of detail so that one could understand what I am trying to convey.
What is direct learning method? It is about how we human beings learn things after we come into this world. It is vitally important to realise that we are born with ability or faculty to figure out things all by ourselves to begin with. Had we not been born with ability to figure out things or with discerning faculty then we could not learn anything at all because to figure out things one has to have inbuilt ability to do so. This is why we are able to self program and our this ability to figure out things is a gift from God ie we are born with it. However learning things ie figuring out things takes time and a lot of practice, experience and hard work.
After birth people learn all they can that is within their direct reach by directly interacting with it ie by experimenting with it. This is how they learn how to use the information they get from their own five senses. They learn things step by step and each step helps them move on to the next step or next level.
This is how one learns how to use one's brain, senses and body mechanisms. This is why we are able to use our limbs and sit up or crawl or stand up or walk or run etc etc. This is how we learn how to read and write or how to drive and make or operate machines etc etc. Each and everything we do it needs a lot of practice to get hang of it. Direct learning does have a flaw and that is we cannot learn all things by direct interaction with all things and also we make loads of mistakes about things till we get them right by keep trying. It is because naturally we are made this way to learn from our mistakes by way of trial and error method. Think about how many times we human beings fall when we are learning how to sit up properly or when we are trying to learn crawling or when we are learning how to stand up or walk or run etc etc. It is a very demanding and taxing situation. In other words learning anything and everything was not a piece of cake at all for us rather it was a constant uphill struggle for us.
This direct learning we call it our life experience or scientific method because we come to know things by experimenting with them directly during whole of our life. Any new information we get we judge it on basis of what we already know. If it fits our already gained experience or model we already have in our minds then it is fine but if not then thinking process restarts by deconstruction and reconstruction or restructuring of information ie we try and refine or readjust information till it all fits in well with each other or we ignore it till we get more information that helps fit it in our inner model in our minds purposefully properly. This is how our inner model of the world keeps changing with time. This is why we keep changing our minds about things as we learn more and more about them with each passing moment.
After getting hang of direct learning we need to learn things indirectly and that is because not all things are within our own easy reach directly. This is why to know about things out of our own direct reach we depend on various other things including people and mechanisms they invent to overcome their limitations as much as they can. The main point in indirect learning is that if something is not within my own reach directly then it does not mean it is not within reach of anyone else either. If I am in one place then other people are in other places therefore I can tell them information about things within my reach in the place where I am and they can tell me information about things within their reach. This is what we call sharing or exchanging information with one another or each other. Here all we are doing is sharing with each other our personal direct experiences. This is what we do in our leaning institutions eg schools, colleges and universities. This is what we call teaching and learning. There are many ways whereby people share information with one another throughout the world.
However, just as we have problem with direct learning which we call human error so we have an additional problem with indirect learning as well. This problem is people lying to each other or passing on to each other false information as true. This problem is solved to some degree through formation of rules of judgement whereby we can try and catch out lies of each other in order to reach the actual truth regarding any matter of concern. So one can see how important it is to know rules of judgement and their proper use or one can never come to know the truth regarding anything at all. It is this kind of ignorance that leaves people utterly confused about things. This is how simple minded or ignorant or foolish people end up manipulated or used abusively by those who have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours and because they are cleverer than themselves who use them for furthering their own harmful and destructive agendas. This is why learning sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and having purpose based proper knowledge about things is of vital importance.
Rules of judgement are known by all lawyers throughout the human world and many others as well so no need to go into much detail about them.
The main thing in rules of judgement is consistency in a statement. So any inconsistent statement is either incomplete or defective or faulty or is false. Word evidence means two things a)testimony=witness statement or explanation by a witness through words and b)related facts or objects or real things that are related or relevant to the statement. Word proof means the best possible rationally consistent explanation of something. This will be explained in detail later on.
Suppose a witness makes a statement that I saw a person shooting someone twice in the chest with a gun. This statement could be true or false. The explanation given by the witness will be accepted true if what witness says is backed up by the available evidences or involved or related facts or objects as well. For example, the gun is recovered which is the murder weapon and fingerprints confirm it as a murder weapon. The two bullets are taken out of the dead body from its chest and the ballistic tests confirm that these bullets came out of the gun which was used in the shooting etc etc.
On the other hand if a witness is mistaken or is lying then either his witness statement will contradict itself or will not match the related evidences or facts. In either case the witness will be proven a defective or a false witness.
So one can see how rules are derived from certain situations to decide matters or cases or issues or affairs etc the best they can be solved or dealt with. For example, from here we can clearly see that all claims or accusations or statements which contradict one another cannot be true. The only possibility here is that only one of them may be true or could be true. For example, one person may claim that only one person was involved in a killing but the other person may claim that there were two persons involved. So either one person could be telling the truth or the other but both cannot be telling the truth because they differ about the facts. However, which of them is telling the truth and which of them is lying needs to be investigated otherwise the truth cannot be known.
Similarly a person whose statement or story or explanation contradicts itself or available facts or self evident facts cannot be true. This is how such like rules help us find out the truth about things as much as it is humanly possible for us.
The Process of investigation about things must also be known or one cannot investigate anything at all to find the truth.
Investigation never starts automatically just for sake of it rather it always starts when something comes up which needs to be investigated. In other words we need some reason or purpose which forces us to start an investigation about something.
Investigation involves process of elimination or isolation whereby we try to limit things to only needed things by ignoring all else that is irrelevant. This is also called a cherry picking process and it is used anywhere and everywhere. Why? Because we human beings do not have infinite time on our hands for dealing with infinite number of possibilities involved in things otherwise. To know these like points is of utmost importance.
Let say, two people are walking along a road and they come across a dead body of a person. They report it to the authorities. What are the authorities going to do and why? The authorities will have to establish on basis of available evidences what happened to the dead person or what caused his or her death. They ought to have a standard procedure for investigation of these like cases. They will go through a list of likely possibilities and look at the available evidences and that way they will eliminate those possibilities one by one which cannot be true. They can look at possibility whether this person was murdered or was this person killed by an accident, did the person commit suicide or he died a natural death etc etc. This is how each line of inquiry is exhausted and the death of the person is declared as one of the possibilities. For example, if a suicide note is found beside a dead body and gun and the bullet hole through the head of the dead person then it will look as if the person has committed suicide etc etc.
Process of elimination is used anywhere and everywhere to save time and energy. For example, if one has a headache and goes to a doctor, the doctor will not put on his machines right away and check him out in every way. That will be unnecessary because it will be a waste of time and energy. Instead the doctor will ask the patient what is wrong with you. In reply patient will say, I have a headache. Now doctor will only need to concentrate on what could be the cause of it and see what will cure it and that is how that problem is solved. The already existing information in a database will be found very helpful for any and every field including medical field. Standard ailments will have standard remedies. However if anything new comes up then full investigation will need to take place and database will also need to be updated for any future such cases.
Even at home we use process of elimination or cherry picking. For example, If I want to cook a chicken then I will make a list of things that will be needed for this purpose. Then I will go to a shop and get things I need instead of carrying the whole shop stuff with me back to my home. So if we have the purpose in mind for being or having or using or doing something then that helps us isolate things or minimise possibilities and that helps us get to the end result very quickly without wasting too much time or energy due to giving us context in which to tackle things or deal with them.
Likewise there are various other vitally important things as well which one has to know before one could decide things such as laws of nature as to what they are and how do we humans come to know them. Are these laws permanent or temporary and why they cannot be violated etc etc. What is proof and proving about. In this writing I will be discussing anything and everything about God and revelation in a purposeful way. All vitally important things will be explained in this thread in their own places when I explain their related things. So now one can decide for oneself, can anyone come to know anything at all purposefully properly without knowing these like things first? No way. If anyone thinks one can then I need to know how.
Origin of human language is nothing difficult to understand if we look at it in its purpose based proper context.
1)What is human language and where has it come from why and how? To begin with think about need for communication between people and between people and things as well as between things. So language is nothing more than a way of communication between people and between people and things and between things. Now think about what are words and signs or gestures and where do they come from and what are meanings of words and signs or gestures and where do they come from?
Basically human language is nothing more than some gestures and some noises. Even animals have their own languages to communicate with one another. To some degree all animals can understand each other or can make some meaningful sense by observing behaviours of each other and that is why they can interact with each other in the very same environment the way they do. However human language is a work of higher degree much more above other animals.
It begins with birth of a child who is born with ability to self program or to figure out things all by himself. This is how a child learns and builds on that learning more and more as time passes and so his life experience keeps on increasing or expanding. The main thing to understand is an interaction between a human mother and her baby. How they code and decode each other's gestures and noises and this is how coding and decoding of gestures and noises begins. For example, a human baby cries or gives a signal to his mother. Mother interprets this noise as a need for some attention from her by her baby. She due to her experience with her baby comes to know her baby cries when he is hungry or needs his nappy changed or when something else is bothering the baby etc etc. With time her hunches or conjectures or guesses about baby keep coming true. This is the beginning of human language ie of gestures or words and their meanings. For example, crying means to shout or to raise voice or alarm or draw attention or express happiness or sadness or sorrow or grief or regret or unhappiness etc etc. So one can see how a single and very simple act could mean so many things which are expressed in so many words in so many different ways. Then as a human baby starts talking he uses the very same word for everything till he learns more words for more things the baby wants to express.
As time passes and baby grows the baby begins to make different kinds of noises which his mother interprets by guessing and this is how a database becomes built up in the mind of the mother and likewise in the mind of the baby. Eventually these noise and gesture patterns are called words and signs between a particular group of people who have been interacting with each other over a long period of time. These codes we call words or signs are not understood by people of other groups because they did not interact with these people but likewise they also developed their own languages the same way. However if we place a person from outside into a group they can still communicate with each other but not at higher level rather just at very basic level ie they go back to gestures and noises or baby language and build on that from there onwards.
Since this is the way humans have invented or they have come up with their language or they have learned their language so if we place a human baby in any group of people he will be able to learn their language the same way without any problems. Not only that even if adult people from different languages live among another people they too can learn their languages by interacting with them. It is because we know the mechanism involved in learning a language ie all we do is learn coding and decoding in a new style that is consistent with new spoken or sign language.
Since we know origin of human language and its development therefore we know the mechanisms that are involved in all this process. We know how what we call words or signs got their meanings and mechanism. This is why anyone can give meanings to words and signs at any time as and when the need arises to do so. Therefore the questions like, why purpose based proper dictionaries tell us about origin and uses of a word and what does it tell us about usage of human language? Why and how people expanded meanings of words in human languages instead of inventing totally new words each time things did not work for them unless a new meaning was given to a word? So the idea that new meanings cannot be given to already existing words or signs is totally wrong because how can expansion of meanings of words or signs be valid for ancient or past people but not for current or people to come in the future if they use exactly the same basis or methods or mechanisms for doing so?
2)What can be the language of message of God for mankind and is it possible for human beings to decode and understand it, why and how? In other words what is the mechanism involved in the process of sending and receiving of the message of God for humanity and how decoding of language of message of God for mankind is achieved by mankind?
Just as one person sends message to another person through a medium of communication which carries the message so God also uses a carrier or transmission line or a communication method which is called purposefully perfect method of God’s communication to humanity or JIBREEL in Arabic. This carrier or transmission line is such that on one end it is operated by God for modulation of his message for mankind by using it and on the other end a human is enabled to recover the message of God from it by demodulating the message from it. This is why the alleged message of God for this final era is called the Quran. This is the reason why the Quran is called message of God because it came from God or it originates from God but it is also a human recreation so it is a human creation as well due to whatever part is played in this process by human beings. It is something like people using a microphone, amplifier and a speaker. The vice of a person to amplifier does not itself go through the amplifier rather it operates the amplifier through a microphone and likewise the amplifier operates the speaker at the other end and so we hear the voice of a person which is not the actual voice of the person. However it is faithful reproduction of the original voice or sound or message. This is why the message is at the same time of a person as well as of an amplifier due to the process that is involved.
As for the language of the message of God, it can be in any of the languages with which people are already familiar. However just as people do not understand languages of each other because they belong to separate groups due to not interacting with each other directly so people are not part of a group where they have God as a member of their group with whom they have interacted directly. This is why God is a stranger for people and so is his use of language for his message. However since people know how languages work and what mechanisms are involved in them therefore people are able to decode language of God as well provided they are familiar with things already explained in detail for this reason and purpose.
This is why anyone who claims to understand the message from God must demonstrate one's familiarity with the process and involved mechanisms in decoding message of God. Interpretation or explanation of message of God is not a simple task but a responsibility of a highest possible degree. It is because in a way one is trying to act as a spokes person for God to rest of humanity. Moreover getting things wrong also has terrible consequences for humanity and that is why humanity must do all it can according to the best of its God given abilities to interpret or explain the message of God as best as possible and purposefully properly. If people will interpret or explain message of God wrongly then they will never find the actual message of God but its opposite which will portray God as a devil or a monster or tyrant or bully or an oppressor instead of all good and perfect being. Message of God cannot be translated at all but only and only can be interpreted and that is because there are verses in the Quran which have parallel complementary meanings as well which no translation can accommodate but only and only interpretation or explanation can.
Only after knowing these like points in detail one can qualify to talk about God, his revelation and humanity otherwise not. It does not matter how many degrees or certificates one has from the top religious and secular educational institutions and training centres from around the world for studying secular and religious or ideologies or societies or politics or cultures or economics or sciences or philosophies etc etc. More key points will be explained as we go along. Rational consistency is of utmost and vital importance from start to finish. All things are supposed to be interlinked or interdependent or interconnected because they are part of the very same program of God be it revelation of God or creation of God. This is why first one must come to know purpose based proper way of life and rule of law that are allegedly advised by God for mankind through his revealed scriptures for purpose based proper guidance of mankind through his prophets and messengers or missionaries. After all this explanation we come to the question, why God has created this kingdom of his creation and particularly us human beings? It is because God decided to express himself and he did so in two ways ie through his creation and his revelation.
1)God gave human beings abilities to understand and use his creation and revelation purposefully properly but he left it entirely up to them to do so. The reason God gave freedom of choice to people and created them knowing nothing at all is so that people self program and find out all they need to know by themselves about God and things freely so that they could appreciate God as God wants them to do if they so choose or do their own things and face consequences God alerts or informs or warns them about.
2)God created human beings and gave them a task to complete or set them a goal to achieve for which he put mankind through a constant struggle or hard work. The question is, what is that assignment from God for human beings? It is to turn this world into a paradise for themselves with help and full support of each other according to the guidance provided for them by God himself. Here the first question one has to ask oneself is what is the best possible life people can have in this world and how can they bring it about? What is in it for human beings? A great life in this world for human beings as well as a reward for them for doing so in hereafter as well.
3)What is in it for God? Appreciation by human beings as God wanted for himself from human beings due to which he expressed himself and created all things including human beings and guided human beings for that very reason. This is why human beings think of God as a being full of nothing but goodness through and through. First of all God is appreciated or highly valued or regarded because he has guided humanity purposefully properly towards a great life in this world and once human beings follow that purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly and create that kind of life for themselves they will appreciate God and humanity yet more but things do not end there rather God will also appreciate his human creatures for doing what he wanted them to do. The day all this finally happens humanity will be happy with its God and God will be happy with his human creatures because God and people together will have achieved their intended end goal or objective. This is all what this creation is all about according to the purpose based proper Quranic teaching.
4)Now the question, how people are going to do that ie turn this world into a paradise for themselves? They are going to do that by organising and regulating themselves for this assignment given to them by God via the Quran. To organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community people need a purpose based proper constitution with its purpose based proper aims and objectives as well as its purpose based proper laws. From where this purpose based proper constitution and its purpose based proper laws are supposed to come? They will come from the Quran itself. How?
Before I explain all that one has to understand what a purpose based proper constitution is about and what are purpose based proper laws of a constitution about. One has to understand that a constitution starts with aims and objectives. Why? Because aims and objectives decide where a people based upon the constitution are supposed to be heading or trying to reach in their journey or what they are intending or trying to achieve or accomplish by following this constitution purposefully properly.
5)The Quran decides aims and objectives of a purpose based proper Islamic constitution for mankind in this age so it tells people the over all aims or objectives or goals or targets or purposes set for people are to turn this human world into a paradise for themselves as a duty from God. The aims and objectives are decided by purpose for which God has revealed the Quran or his earlier messages and for which God has created all things including human beings. These aims and objectives are unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and no aim or objective can be put in this constitution which could contradict its these main aims and objectives. Since we have the main aims and objectives from the Quran therefore all other aims and objectives or laws will have to be made consistent or in line with these main aims and objectives. This is to ensure that all people who agree with the message in the Quran go in the very same direction for accomplishing or fulfilling or reaching the very same goal or target or the very same end destination. Those who disagree with the message in the Quran they can do whatever they like and face the consequences for doing so. Messed up lives in this world are to be the consequences for doing that for mankind as well as they will face strict justice in hereafter as well. This is why people must never even think about inflicting painful suffering upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other's expense in this life let alone do them as they will end up regretting doing that when they will be made to face the consequences for doing so in here as well as in hereafter. So none is getting away with anything wrong they think, plan or do against anyone or anything.
6)Turning to formation of laws or legislation a question arises which is, what are guidelines in the Quran for making purpose based proper laws for the Quranic purpose based proper constitution and why are they needed? All one needs to do is pick out all the commandments from the Quran which tell its supporters and backers to think, plan and do all they should and can according to the best of their God given abilities for ensuring well being of humanity as a purpose based proper community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer without looking for any rewards from each other so that the set aims and objectives could achieved or accomplished as a reality in the human world for mankind. However when things begin the resources will be very limited so they will have to be used sensibly and purposefully properly to expand the ideology. This means in the beginning resources will have to be used in a targeted way so that there is a good return which helps expand the movement. This is why the movement will have to be based upon the idea of cooperation of the willing.
God has already provided us human beings with all things we will ever need for creating the best possible world for ourselves for as long as it will last according to the plan and purpose of God. Since God has provided us with all we need for the purpose of creating the best possible human world therefore ball is in our court to get up and get on with the job for doing what is told or expected of us by God. God has given us all we needed free of charge but only for fulfilling his assigned task or assignment. This is why to mismanage God given things has serious and severe consequences for us human beings as a hugely large human family. We can make lives of each other a paradise with all that as well as we can make lives of each other a living hell in this world. The choice is ours alone to do so and be rewarded or end up in terrible suffering by hands of one another. This is why we humans need to educate ourselves purposefully properly about program of God so that we could come together and make this world a paradise for all of us rather than staying ignorant and foolish and doing stupid things to each other whereby we ruin everything for ourselves as a big human family. This is what actual Islamic way of life and rule of law of God is all about and the rest is all false propaganda by slaves of ignorant and foolish people who think of themselves as secular and religious rulers of this world.
Next, pick out all the commandments of God from the Quran which tell people to not to do anything to anyone or anything which may bring harm or destruction to them. When people will have all these commandments from the Quranic text and base their legislations upon them then one can see what kind of human world will come about as a result of this. This is how mankind can have what we can call the actual sharia law which is purposefully properly based upon the Quran itself. No need to detail things here as to how many departments we need to make in a governing body nor how many layers of governing body or how office holders are supposed to be selected and elected or appointed by ummah itself etc etc or what are their rights and responsibilities etc etc. They are all easy to work out because they are to be dictated by the needs of the purpose based proper human community that comes together or will come together for building such a human society. The basic thing here to realise is that Islamic governing or government is not about a few people ruling all the other people but about all people serving God by fulfilling needs of all people to the very best of their God given abilities as a purpose based proper human community. This is an opposite governing system in the human world than all those invented and imposed governing systems whereby a few dominant people in human populations govern the rest of people in those human populations to rule them in order to fully control them by baseless incentives and use of force for their own stupid and anti humanity agendas. God advised governing system is based upon cooperation of the willing and it is a self regulating system wherein people are supposed to complement each other purposefully properly for fulfilling the God given purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines. It is a system which suits only and only those people who are most knowledgeable, most motivated and most active people. This is why people who are ignorant and stubborn or arrogant and haughty can never bring about such an Islamic state in the kingdom of God.
In other words shariah or Islamic law is all about people themselves imposing upon themselves everything as a duty that helps them move in the direction which is set by the aims and objectives told in the purpose based proper Islamic constitution for the purpose based proper human community in the human world. Not only that but it is also about stopping people from thinking, planning and doing anything at all that stops or hinders or slows them down from moving in that direction which is unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer. This is how people are suppose to purposefully properly live and abide by the constitution and its laws which are purposefully properly based upon the Quran. This has nothing at all to do with religion based manmade shariah, which is an absolute disgrace whereby religious and secular dominant people rule the rest of people in their human populations. This gives very bad name to actual Islamic way of life and rule of law which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of God purposefully properly. It is because dominant religious and secular people in human populations have created their own versions of so called Islam which they call religion of Islam whereas actual way of life and rule of law of Islam are neither religion nor secularism as it has been clearly explained in reasonable detail in this writing. Each and every person can confirm these facts from the Quran itself provided one has prepared oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of one’s creator and sustainer.
Now that we know what actual purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of God are or can be the question arises, how can we the human beings bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in a place in the human world in the kingdom of God wherein purpose based proper human community could live and abide by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law or governing system called Islam in the human world? The simple answer is, by preparing ourselves purposefully properly with help and full support of each other for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of our creator and sustainer purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly. This means we must learn these things ourselves purposefully properly and pass them on to rest of humanity as well as help them do the same. Once people become convinced by this message they are supposed to and they will come together to form and maintain a purpose based proper human community and after that they will need to keep on expanding this purpose based proper human community as much as they can till people of all places all over the world in the human world themselves are ready to exchange their own governing systems with the purpose based proper governing system from their creator and sustainer.
Learning the actual purpose based proper message of the Quran purposefully properly and spreading it worldwide purposefully properly then letting people decide whether they wish to live by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of God as told in the Quran or not and instead they wish to continue living by different versions of religious and secularist ideologies and governing systems. However before people make that choice it too is absolutely necessary to explain to them what different versions of religion and secularism are all about so that people could then make real comparison between the actual purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of God as told in the Quran purposefully properly and understood by actual learned people who study the Quran in light of real world realities and explain it for the rest of human beings purposefully properly the way it should be explained. This should clearly show to mankind why and how purpose based proper way of life and rule of God can help mankind completely eradicate poverty and disease as well as all the rest of problems which people create for each other between themselves which no version of religion and secularism can ever get rid of or overcome no matter what. They ( ie different versions of religion and secularism) if anything are causes of poverty and diseases and all other kind of problems between human beings as we ourselves can observe with our own eyes and understanding. This has been the case throughout times and places in the human world.
So one can see why purpose based proper education and training of people is absolutely necessary so that they could gain the needed skills to think, plan and do what needs to be thought, planned and done if we truly want our human world to be good for human beings to live in. Not only the Quran wants mankind to bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer for themselves but this is what human beings themselves also need for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for the multiple reasons contained in this explanation of things. So it should be very much obvious for all people from this explanation what actual way of life and rule of law of Islam is or has to be if the Quran is truly from God in actual fact. Islam is a purpose based proper program for mankind with goals for them to accomplish according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines. This is why it is a project assigned for mankind as a mission to carry out and complete by their creator and sustainer. The purpose, goal or objective of project for mankind is to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why mankind must bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer? It is because on one hand it is a requirement of the creator and sustainer of mankind to do so but on the other hand it is absolute necessary need of human beings themselves as well so that they could have a purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community.
It is because we definitely need help and full support of each other therefore we need to purposefully properly educate, train and instil needed skills in each other so that we all become useful and productive members of our purpose based proper human community according to the best of our God given abilities. In other words we need to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition each other for this purpose for these reasons so that we could bring about and maintain an environment in the human world which is conducive, friendly, compassionate, loving and respectful for all human beings. So that we could look after each other by giving each other all the needed help and support the best we can and so that we could get the needed help and support of each other the best we can with compassion, respect and love for each other. So one can see why, how and what kind of human society and institutions we human beings need to bring about and maintain so that with help and full support of each other we could have the best possible life we can have by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is what actual way of life and rule of law of actual Islam are all about which are purposefully properly based upon the Quran. This is what purpose based proper Islam is all about. This is what Islamic purpose based proper education and training are all about so that all people could have the needed purpose based proper education, training and skills to fulfil and complete this project purposefully properly by being able to think, plan and do what needs to thought, planned and done. This is why mankind cannot afford to waste their time in thinking, planning and doing things which take them in the opposite direction or in any other aimless direction which wastes their time and energy. This is why people need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them. This is why they need to study the kingdom of creation of their creator and sustainer as well so that they could interpret his provided purpose based proper guidance in the Quran purposefully properly for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is because the creation and the revelation of the creator and sustainer for mankind need to be understood in light of each other.
This is why all those people who reject and oppose these things and create needless disputes, divisions, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind are enemies of God as well as humanity. These like people come about because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly. This makes it very obvious and clear for mankind which interpretations of the Quran are purpose based proper and which are works of ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled, foolish and unthinking people or which are works of people who have misguiding, misleading, confusing and manipulative harmful and destructive agendas against humanity. Regardless of what foolish people are up to the Quran is the main book upon which way of life and rule of law of Islam are based. To understand the Quran purposefully properly it is absolutely necessary for a person to establish or accept an already established undisputable purpose based proper foundation to interpret the Quranic text purposefully properly according to that. This purpose based proper foundation is facts about real world realities which none can deny and which stare in the face of the whole of mankind throughout times and places in the human world all the time and of which I have already mentioned some here in this explanation.