Strafio I do not mean to be a jackass. It is just that, if you have your mind made up on Obama for one reason or another (like mcCain being a moron and palin being a monster), then what difference does it make what else u learn about him?
I admit that it would take some persuading to change my mind but I'm still interested to hear more of the story.
Secondly, although I have objections to both Palin and McCain, I still actually like Obama.
In previous elections, I wanted Gore and Kerry to win because they weren't Bush.
Having read Obama's books, I actually support the guy rather than just being anti-republican this time around.
Not sure what you're saying about his father being a goat herder.
He probably did some goat herding in his life but that wasn't his main profession.
His father was poor at first because he'd refused to get along at school and his own father hadn't wanted to bail him out so he'd had to take work where he could.
Because he was smart (he'd done very well at school when he'd tried) some missionaries saw his potential and got him into a scholarship program that brought him to America.
From there he could've gotten a very comfortable job when he returned to Africa but his political views caused him to have a run-in with the government so they stopped him from getting a good job.
The reason why I wanted the source and more details on the story is because I know that Obama (according to his book) considers himself close to his Kenyan family.
It doesn't surprise me that he'd support them in what they do.
That said, I can't imagine him agreeing with an Islamist viewpoint.
Maybe he trusts his brother to be a good ruler despite his Islamist views, that there could be worse vices from an African politician.
Either way I'd like to hear more about it.
If you want to know more about Obama's views on race, religion and his Kenyan family, as well as learn more about his background and upbringing, I recommend his
Dreams from my Father book.
Although it's an autobiography so liable to bias, you learn about him and his values just from how he tells the story, what kind of judgements/sympathies/assumptions etc he makes.
Having read his stuff, I find the idea that he's a closet Islamist absurd and beyond belief.