well its good to see the opinions,.. some we have seen before...
Well on the first stanse, we are patriotic, not nationlist... nothing wrong in that for anyone ...
we are against extremists, of any religion, as there are other groups that deal with other religious extremists, there is no point being another in the line of them... but for this country and around the world the sudden use of extremism certain groups like hizb, islam4uk e.t.c.. are using here in Britain are not acceptable, and as our government will not remove them from our soil, we aim to be a pain in their sides where we can.....
We are also involved in protesting against E.U here in Britain, especially for a referendum... we also are 100% against peadophilia and aim to target protests in the future when they arise ...
we are not a racist group, we are not a group that jump on other groups and say "hey join us and support us" ...
as with any group, everyone has their own view, opinion, advantage to learn but our aim united is against the above realms....
it is amazing that racism seems to be a tag that people love to throw onto us.. but again that is free of peoples opinion as that is their right, but if you contacted searchlight, they will let it known we are not far right nazis, as most love to portray....
Unlike other groups that say they are not racist, but only accept one colour only... we are colour and religion free in that outlook....
it would be nice just to have a small alliance through a link, of course in time... and if a few of our members could attend an event your guys hold in future to chat and talk and see if there is a worth to unite and help each other where needed.
well feel free to fire any other remarks or questions you wish.