"weak" men = men who do not belong to the privileged class of men (can further be discussed in order for a definition, but I really don't feel like doing that so let us keep it like it is
). Just a note: a hierarchical pyramid is abut levels, but the fact is that for every male who is one step down in the pyramid, has women who hare even less than him. Women can
also climb up the patriarchal hierarchical pyramid if they agree to reproducing the patriarchal structures, but they will always be "under" the men at the top.
Patriarchy isn't good or beneficial for the majority of humankind in the long run, whether that be for men or women. However, women who do not climb up the patriarchal hierarchy will always be under the vast majority of men in society, that is how patriarchy works.
So yes, you are absolutely right. Men were/are "out there" working to provide for their whole (extended) family, but they don't do it for free. In return the women of the family must be obedient and compliant as payment for their master's so merciful provision. That is why we have phenomena like child marriages, forced marriages, honor culture, sexism etc etc etc that
mainly, but in no way exclusively, affects women.
Patriarchy is not a "natural" state for human civilization, it was a result of the agricultural revolution. Hopefully, humans have reached a point of intellectual and technological development which provides us of all possible and necessary means to get rid of this highly disadvantageous and unequal (for the majority of people) social system.