No, because a 'bible believer' clearly doesn't think that his own beliefs are 'unbelievable'. (I thought your question was a joke because this seems pretty obvious to me).
To him they may be believable, but from a non believers pov (like say, people on this site, all religions contain nonsense. But despite that, a rational being should still be able to see the point I'm making even if you are biased. Like an alcocholic running down the absurd life of a crack addict, it lacks credibility. But you don't think so, of course.
Hypocrisy involves inconsistency between a persons beliefs and their actions. It's ridiculous to assume a non-believers point of view and then claim that it results in hypocrisy for the believer.
It's frankly bizaare if you think you are making any kind of rational point.
Either you can't understand the question, or you can but have decided to bluster instead. The barrier.
So spell it out, Jack. There is no hypocrisy for a Christian to hold certain beliefs and question the evidence for the beliefs of a muslim. As a non-believer, you may think both sets of beliefs are 'unbelievable' (why else would you be a non-believer!) but that doesn't make the Christian a hypocrite.
The fact that you are either unable to express yourself well or have no idea how to make a rational argument says nothing about whether I am putting up a 'barrier' or not.