What is the rational basis on which you are answering the question?
My own.
Before you said that the golden rule was your guide. What would the golden rule tell you?
That as long as they like it and I like it and it hurts no one, then it's totally fine, "do unto others" well I would never do anything sexually to someone that I wouldn't at least try out myself.
Would you prefer that a person you have sex with had made a marriage commitment to you?
A commitment at least.
Would you prefer that the person you marry had not had sex with anyone else?
No, I need no apology from anyone for people they slept with before they met me, I don't care if he had prior partners, I know I have.
Would your marriage not be enriched if you had shared that deepest level of physical intimacy only with your spouse?
Maybe, but to each their own on that front as long as no one is getting hurt.
What about limiting your exposure to STDs?
Condoms, Condoms, Condoms, and when you are ready to progress to no condoms (with contraceptive in place) a check up, followed by another check up 3 months later.
I can think of lots of reasons to restrict sex to marriage - completely apart from religious ones.
In this day and age of contraception and preventative measures I can't.
I find it interesting that you fundamentally distrust your conscience as a guide to right and wrong though. Kind of blows a hole in the case of those who say that their morality comes from 'following their conscience' for who can be sure that their conscience has not been similarly manipulated? And how do you distinguish those responses that arise from manipulation and those that are 'natural'?
We can't, we can only hope that a day comes when the majority of people aren't educated via religious morality to see what new morality arises and how or whether things will change, for good or bad.
A few hundred years of total global atheism would create interesting results I think.