Conservative or liberal
Reply #44 - September 25, 2014, 12:23 PM
I am intrigued by the sheer variety of opinions on this subject.
For the Marxists among you, perhaps you have never heard the story of the poor waiter in Paris. An hotel waiter brought Marx a bottle of Champagne which, unfortunately, had not been properly chilled. Marx created a terrible fuss about this, and demanded that the waiter be fired. (which he immediately was) Just like many religious leaders, Marx was more concerned with control over the masses than he was with their freedom.
As for the legalisation of all drugs, which was recommended by one contributor, my only concern is for the welfare of society. If someone is wealthy enough to be a drug addict without placing a burden on society, fine. For those who are drug dependent and rely on state hand outs and health care which is paid for by the rest of society, not fine. I think that the majority of Brits are sick to death of paying for the irresponsible behaviour of the few, and weary of the libertarian excuses that go along with their attitude to the rest of society.
As for party loyalties, this is the biggest con of all. The only way that the views of society can be properly reflected in the political life of our country is by Direct Democracy. I couldn't care less what politicians say, as the only true measure of right or wrong is majority opinion. I do not want to vote for people who are going to tell me how the country is to be run, I want to vote on issues which affect the day to day lives of our citizens. The gulf between political policy and public opinion is vast ---- so who do these shysters claim to be representing?
There was also a suggestion that conservative politicians had a down on homosexuality, but one look at the number of homosexuals in our parliament should allay those fears. It is rife in political circles, and practically compulsory in the liberal party.
Kind Regards,