I grew disillusioned on my mission and I realized I was pushing nothing more than self help, emotional appeals, and fallacies. I didn't know at the time about academia going though and showing how almost everything written as the basis of Mormonism was a forgery, plagerism, or shallow attempts at outright lying, at the time I couldn't reconcile the rigorous proofs for things in science, for the rules of evidence and persuasion in debate and the obvious slight of hand and wishy washyness of Mormonism's claims. I became a perpetual doubter, and eventually the claims of being true just faded away. The complete process took about a year and a half from getting back off the mission.
Where did your mission take you?
You must have had some bizzare experiences on your travels.
Of all the conversion stories I found this incredible,because this person is a professional Mathematician[I had read one of his text books in college],who has to deal with some form of logic day in and day out. How could such a person not see inconsistencies in the Koran. Did his logic fail him ,when he needed it the most?
Before he became an atheist he was a Roman Catholic.Probably his subconscious was not purged of all the shit it had filled in his head. He had a traumatic experience of his father constantly beating his mother. His sheer helplessness about doing something to help his mother,who he felt was suffering needlessly, made him lose his faith, FAIR ENOUGH. Looks like the format was not a clean format.
When as an atheist he is presented with an edited and repacked version of the same shit he goes gaga over it,and his logic fails him miserably! He eulogizes the poetry in the Koran from its translation!
Crazy emotions!
In the interview I saw, the Muslim interviewer even asked him if he analyzed the Qur'an to see if it had inconsistencies, and he said no. And then the interviewer was making the appeal to emotion about having "a clean heart", or something like that.