Fair enough, judging by what you have written FFI and Sina can do some good.
Its impossible to know, but I wonder whether if you had found this site first, then if things would have been different. Would you have denounced Islam sooner, later or not at all.
Possibly not? The library here is not big enough, and I am not sure whether the arguments used here would have incensed & incentivised you enough to find out more.
As a Muslim, which posters there, left the greatest impression on you?
Interesting. I might have left Islam if I found this site. But in my opinion, I might have felt supported by more moderate ideas coming from people like Hassan, and might have found support for my reformist attitude, thus being complacent. The sharp shock provided by FFI was unique and helped me break the brittle belief system. Of course this is just theoritical and I can't test it.
Well, first poster their was doubtless, as he responded to my letter and I found his posts rational and calm. Other oldies like THHUXLEY, rainbow, Phedippes, the Canucks etc. When I went back, most of these oldies were retired/gone (the result of a dispute I had heard), but I found Haik Monsieurs debates interesting, especially as he single handedly won a lot of them against many differant people and worked tirelessly on articles.
That's about it really. Most of these people were agnostic/atheist/rational in their outlook, I don't know if this site would have turned me, but to be honest, I am a person who prefers complacency as opposed to radicalism, and would have probably been complacent after seeing a site like this.