I think you are missing the main point of this story. The lesson is not about marrying virgins. The moral is that camels are lazy, so if you are in a big hurry to get home and bang your wife, you should get a horse, or better yet a Dodge Charger.
Many of our criticisms of Islam are based on information gleaned from narrations where the important information was only tangential to the topic. Ibn Kathir's commentary about dolls and puberty is another example.
In fact the Koran mentions sexual relations with pre-pubescent wives
just in passing.
This kind of harmful behaviour was normalized for Muhammad and his companions, so they didn't make a big deal out of it.
Peace to everybody!
My name is Marleya,and I am new here.Been reading a little around,and you guys discuss many interesting things.
I am not an ex muslim,I am muslim,born with a norwegian mother and an african father.
You use a lot of hadith,when you critize Islam,but you should know there is many of us,who have thrown hadith to the fish,and only use the Quran as guiding.
Koran never mention sexual relations with pre-pubescent wives.The verse you are talking about is sura 65,vers 4
where the rules of divorce is layd out.The verse is long,so I will only wright the words you have in mind Aksel
"and for those women who dont started their period,the iddah(waiting time for remarrying)is also three months for them"
Here God speak about married womans that dont have their period yet.So,if you read history of us humans,you will find that before in times,we women got our period much later than today.Google it,and you will find it.
The body has to carry 22% fat on the body,before women will get their menses.Today,because of junk food and others,girls from their are nine can get their menses.
This was not something that happen before.Women in could get 18-20 years before they got menses.Because of their diet.But this girls were grown ups,in maturity,and therefor they could be married.
Grown up womens was married,before their menses,thats really how simple it is.
Historic details show Aischas age to be from 17-19,when she was married to the Prophet.In my hometown,I remember I told them about that hadith,saying that Aisha was six when she married the Prophet,and nine when he slept with her,They are muslims,but never heard that hadith,and thaey couldnt belive me,that it was there.I had to show them,and it maked them very unhappy,because they know for sure that things like that is wrong.
The Quran states that when people marry,they should be baligh(mature in the brain),when they marry.
I can not say what makes muslim belive that their Prophet married a six year old girl,a child and called that okey.
The shias feks do not belive in it,they dont use that hadith.
Thank you,hope I did not offend anyone,for writing here,not being and ex