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 Topic: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain

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  • More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     OP - March 28, 2009, 01:14 AM

    On March 27, 2009 6 MUSLIM men (more coming) were arrested for the sexual exploitation and rape of little/young girls. - once again this despicable pedophile ring is located in Northern Britain.  As usual, the police were obsessively concerned with muslim neighborhood sensitivities & political correctness -

     "A police spokesman said that it was important to maintain a low profile in order to keep the impact and disturbance caused to surrounding communities to a minimum.He added: "Uniformed officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be issuing leaflets to residents following the raid to reassure them and explain some details of the operation." see article below

    Recall from August 2007 where mother's had to beg police to intervene and stop the muslim men exploiting their young daughters:

    "A  hidden world in which Asian men ?groom? young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences.

    Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them.

    Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.

    ...Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it."  

    Clearly Hussain and Naveed were and are the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to predatory muslim men raping British little girls. Interesting to note that a television documentary that exposed the huge numbers of Pakistani muslim men involved in this pedophilia ring was stopped - twice- from being televised - eventually it was shown. Some surmise upcoming elections played a role in its initial cancellations.

    Apparently the feckless British police and vote whoring politicians, as shown by their persistent refusal to publicly condemn & swiftly deal with such actions, are happy to continue to keep (gangs of) muslim pedophile's exploitation and rape of young girls "hidden".


    This is fucked up.

    I don't think I blame Islam for that though, since the pedophiles actually drugged up their victims with alcohol and drugs before abusing them...I think they were just crazy fucks.  :'( So sad that girls as young as 12 were treated this way. So sad that authorities are afraid to act because they don't want to be labeled racist.  finmad

    I think the source if this article is particularly anti-Islam though...I read some of the articles and it seems to be particularly pissed off by Muslims in the UK.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #1 - March 28, 2009, 04:40 AM

    Islamic fanatics can still use drugs, sex, and alcohol to abuse their victims. Adnan Oktar i.e. Harun Yahya, the famous Islamic creationist, for example.

    The example of Mohammad probably encouraged these perverts, but of course, pedophile intentions do not derive from Islam directly.

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #2 - March 28, 2009, 06:43 PM

    it is not just an example set by one man. It is an entire system in which the woman is an object. And in any system in which a woman is an object, such abuses will occur. Islam paves the way for women to become objects through segregation, through permission of social beatings, through unfair divorce laws, unfair financial laws and unfair legal standing. Introduction of special rules for sex and ownership of slaves. On the whole made worse by segregating the word further into believers and infidels. But islam by no mean, holds the monopoly on offering methods for objectifying its women (and other women in the neighborhood too so it seems).

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #3 - March 28, 2009, 08:02 PM

    it is not just an example set by one man. It is an entire system in which the woman is an object. And in any system in which a woman is an object, such abuses will occur. Islam paves the way for women to become objects through segregation, through permission of social beatings, through unfair divorce laws, unfair financial laws and unfair legal standing. Introduction of special rules for sex and ownership of slaves. On the whole made worse by segregating the word further into believers and infidels. But islam by no mean, holds the monopoly on offering methods for objectifying its women (and other women in the neighborhood too so it seems).

    Peace Baal

    Which example do you think the secular world sets for women Baal?
    If you think that Islam,makes woman an object,you must know womans situation in western countries?

    The Quran gave womans some rights they did not have at that time,and in the storys we know from the Prophets time,they had a different life,the womans.They could be what they want to be,teachers,schoolars,soldiers,anything.

    A writer living in England,have found more than 8000 hadith schoolars of women,in the years after the Prophets time,that vanished from history.They taught men.

    Sometimes if I goes to the city,with friends to a pub or a bar,I meet sisters that almost dont wear clothes.Some of my african sisters,flaunt everything,when they go out.It does not mean that they,are "easy",but they are objects.

    As a women,to come to Norway,from Africa,it was weird,to see women hanging on big comercial banners,with only underwear.Girls here,grow up all their life,seeing women potrated  like that,being an object for sale.And they are all beatyfull and skinny,with dangerous little food,in their stomachs.Not very healthy role models?

    Domestic violence in countries that never read bukhari,and his condolence of wifebeating,is as rampant,as in muslim countries.In Usa it is the biggest healtproblem for women,domestic violence.More than 1200 womens in usa,get killed every year,of their intimate partner,thats around 200 women every month,and all over the world,the most dangerous place for a women to be,is in her family.More women get killed by somebody they know,than a stranger.Figures from American Institute on domestic violence.

    I dont defend hadith Islam,but when it comes to being a women,that is difficult many places in the world.And not only in hadith Islam countries, women are objects. Cry
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #4 - March 28, 2009, 11:59 PM

    it is not just an example set by one man. It is an entire system in which the woman is an object. And in any system in which a woman is an object, such abuses will occur. Islam paves the way for women to become objects through segregation, through permission of social beatings, through unfair divorce laws, unfair financial laws and unfair legal standing. Introduction of special rules for sex and ownership of slaves. On the whole made worse by segregating the word further into believers and infidels. But islam by no mean, holds the monopoly on offering methods for objectifying its women (and other women in the neighborhood too so it seems).

    Peace Baal

    Which example do you think the secular world sets for women Baal?
    If you think that Islam,makes woman an object,you must know womans situation in western countries?

    Cheers Marleya,

    What about the situation of the Western woman Marleya. The Western woman is the most educated woman in the world. Now I understand that, you have a need, or more like an imperative, to portray the western woman in a negative light, but, on the planet today, the western woman is not the one with most pressing problems.

    Even in muslim countries. Some are more religious than others. Isn't the situation of women in the more religious countries worse, then the less religious ones.

    The Quran gave womans some rights they did not have at that time,and in the storys we know from the Prophets time,they had a different life,the womans.They could be what they want to be, teachers, scholars, soldiers, anything.

    Perhaps. perhaps the koran did give some rights women did not have. But at what price? What rights did the koran take away? The book is only ~6200 verses, how much rights did it take away and how many did it give them.

    Wasn't Khadiga a wealthy woman when muhammad married her?

    And what did the koran give the women. That is a question I have been asking here, on FFI, and on several other islamic sites. I have been asking the ex-muslim women who came here. I asked them since they were so close to islam, what rights did they know off, from the koran?

    Personally I found Three rights, here on earth.

    First The right to not be killed at birth. Technically, in the entire islamic sharia we have at our hands today, it is the only thing objectively new islam introduced to the quraysh people. And even that. Muhammad's grandfather and many rich people in Mecca, were offering to buy the daughters of the Aarabs (desert arabs), instead of letting the girls get killed. But at least, the koran turned it into a universal law in all the arabic land.

    A good right. today, secular laws cover this under the laws of murder.

    A Second right, was the right of a woman to keep her dowry to herself. A good right. Unfortunately, the right is later smudged off. A man can divorce a woman with a word, and the woman can divorce only through a court, and the koran encourages her, to give back the dowry, in order to gain her freedom.

    The Third right, I can not remember it now. Probably I will remember it tomorrow morning when I read this again.

    So perhaps you will know. What is it this Third right. Here on Earth. And the Fourth and the Fifth and the Tenth, etc. etc.. ~6200 verses, how can anyone go wrong. Should be an easy feat.

    And before you find a verse that mentions "equity", know that the word 'equity' does not exist in the koran. The word used in Arabic is 'maarouf'. It means 'what is known'. What is known, means what is known in the koran, the hadith, the sira, and the local culture. If the local culture is opressive, then too bad.

    A writer living in England,have found more than 8000 hadith schoolars of women,in the years after the Prophets time,that vanished from history.They taught men.

    You have been had Marleya. You have been had by desperate men, creating crop circles under the cover of the night: "..he found .. 8000 hadith.. that vanished from history.."

    Where are those 8000 hadith? We have access to 700,000 hadith. Most of them got chucked away down to less then 40,000 hadith (if i have the number correcly). Where are those 8000 hadith by women?

    Sometimes if I goes to the city,with friends to a pub or a bar,I meet sisters that almost dont wear clothes.Some of my african sisters,flaunt everything,when they go out.It does not mean that they,are "easy",but they are objects.

    Why do you point to the lowest common denominator from your friends, and claim this is the west. why you only protray your friends as either saints, either whores. Do you like this dichotomy? Do you like it to be employed on you? do you want people either see u as a Saint or see you as a Whore? No in betweens? You want people to judge your daughter as a Saint or as a Whore? Of course you do not. Then why you apply it on your friends?

    You and your friends and your daughter are mothers, sisters, daughters, cousins, girlfriends, fiances, teachers, students, doctors, nurses, engineers, writers, journalists. Why do you only tell me about your girldfriends, flaunting? How many days a week or amonth they flaunt? how many hours a day they flaunt? What do they do the rest of their lives?

    It is oppressive to the extreme to be slotted either a Saint or a Whore. Because let's face it, most of your life, 99.9% of your life, you will not be a Saint and you will not be a whore. You will be too busy for either.

    Enjoy your body Marleya, you will have it for 10-20 more years assuming no accidents la samah allah. The years will pass quickly. And plz, do not flaunt everything out. You do not need to flaunt everything out. You also do not need to cover everything out either. That is too unnatural and will cause you and your children to suffer rickets, the more you move north away from the birthplace of the koran.

    As a women,to come to Norway,from Africa,it was weird,to see women hanging on big comercial banners,with only underwear. Girls here,grow up all their life,seeing women potrated  like that,being an object for sale. And they are all beatyfull and skinny,with dangerous little food,in their stomachs.Not very healthy role models?

    A big hanging woman on a banner is a very beautiful banner. And now we are starting to put more men as the utilitarian body of men is becoming more accepted. But really, to avoid putting a woman on a banner, you have to be made a Saint? get your inheritance cut in half? get your witness in court cut in half? get divorced over sms 'talaq'? get covered up?

    Domestic violence in countries that never read bukhari,and his condolence of wifebeating, is as rampant,as in muslim countries.

    Not at all. In our countries it is legal and accepted and the cop or the judge will not raise a finger. It does not even register as a crime.

    In Usa it is the biggest healtproblem for women,domestic violence.More than 1200 womens in usa,get killed every year,of their intimate partner,thats around 200 women every month,and all over the world,the most dangerous place for a women to be,is in her family.More women get killed by somebody they know,than a stranger.Figures from American Institute on domestic violence.

    Yes, numbers do look bad but let's put the numbers in context. America is 360 million ppl. America has one of the worst numbers (the worst?) in the western world. A quarter of murder victims are women, Three quarters are men.

    Now here is a page with some stats collected on murder in the US & Canada: Link to murder stats

    Now, where are our numbers from back home? What are our numbers? Which of our countries is doing better then the rest? Which one has the lowest rates of rape and incest? We can not tell. Because our countries prefer to live in a perpetual mix of hypocrisy and fantasy. And that is not something I blame islam for. But it is something islam is now covered behind.

    I dont defend hadith Islam,but when it comes to being a women,that is difficult many places in the world.And not only in hadith Islam countries, women are objects. :'(

    Why do you have this need to believe the koran is actually good for women? Why is such a need important for you? We know that the koran contains more bad things for women than good. Ultimately, you can escape some of the bad stuff in the koran by using hadith, but you do not even want to do that. And what about the koran? It contains ~6200 verses. and many of the verses are wasted on things like 'look at the sun and the moon', 'look at the earth and the mountains', it does not contain enough to form a religion. Yet it contained enough information to subjugate women.

    Read my statement you are replying to, and tell me: Which of the conditions i stated against women, are from hadith, and which ones, are from the koran? Don't you think that, for the purpose of this post, I am being a koran only guy?

    "Ask the slave girl; she will tell you the truth.' So the Apostle called Burayra to ask her. Ali got up and gave her a violent beating first, saying, 'Tell the Apostle the truth.'"
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #5 - March 29, 2009, 09:19 AM

    Quote from: marleya
    Some of my african sisters,flaunt everything,when they go out.It does not mean that they,are "easy",but they are objects.

    And you really think Islamic women are not treated as objects? Really? The Quran states in no equivocal terms that women are inferior to men. What do you think of that?

    Islam: where idiots meet terrorists.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #6 - March 29, 2009, 05:58 PM

    Peace Baal!

    Honestly,I did not mean what you made me feel I meant. ???I did not deny that hadith islam,makes women into objects,in no way.I have visited many muslim countries,and know.The woman carrying the responsibility,of mens sexuality,and are to blame if a man rape her.

    If you take a look at rape statistic in western world,most men get away with rape,in western countries also.There are examples where a girl have to take the blame,in court,for being drunk and dressed to exite the man?

    I have choosen to live in the west,because the freedom I have here,to think my own thoughts and use my education in the society.So I know which object I would have been in a hadith muslim country.

    But there are clouds in other countries,when it comes too women and childrens situation.

    In most of the industrialized countries,domestic abuse,is the biggest violent crimes,we deal with.It is not murders in the streets or violent attacks by strangers,that happens most.No,it is wifes being beaten,and many to their deaths.The marked for porn,and children being exploited,is rampant,and very hard to deal with.

    In my country Gambia,it is a growing problem,with children being used as sextoys.And it is well grown germans,englishmen,americans,ugly,fat,white men,waiting for a little girl or a boy,to pick up.And the poverty,that our useless president have brought on gambians,makes it easy for the pedophiles.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #7 - March 29, 2009, 10:12 PM

    Peace Baal!

    Honestly,I did not mean what you made me feel I meant. ???I did not deny that hadith islam,makes women into objects,in no way.I have visited many muslim countries,and know.The woman carrying the responsibility,of mens sexuality,and are to blame if a man rape her.

    If you take a look at rape statistic in western world,most men get away with rape,in western countries also.There are examples where a girl have to take the blame,in court,for being drunk and dressed to exite the man?

    What?! Did I read that right?! Rape is seen as a very serious offence in the Western world. Seriously, how many cases do you know of where a woman has been to blame for being raped because of her dress code or soberness?!

    I have choosen to live in the west,because the freedom I have here,to think my own thoughts and use my education in the society.So I know which object I would have been in a hadith muslim country.

    But there are clouds in other countries,when it comes too women and childrens situation.

    In most of the industrialized countries,domestic abuse,is the biggest violent crimes,we deal with.It is not murders in the streets or violent attacks by strangers,that happens most.No,it is wifes being beaten,and many to their deaths.The marked for porn,and children being exploited,is rampant,and very hard to deal with.

    Domestic violence is HUGE in the Islamic world. Just because it is not reported (because it is seen, generally, as an acceptable thing for a husband to beat his wife and it is dishonorable for a woman to report her family for abuse in an Eastern country). Porn is growing in Eastern countries. Child exploitation ... right, like the 9 year olds getting forced to get married in the Islamic world?!

    In my country Gambia,it is a growing problem,with children being used as sextoys.And it is well grown germans,englishmen,americans,ugly,fat,white men,waiting for a little girl or a boy,to pick up.And the poverty,that our useless president have brought on gambians,makes it easy for the pedophiles.

    Pedophilia is rampant in Islamic nations too...what's your point? Just replace ugly, fat, white men with ugly, fat, old Muslim men.

  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #8 - March 29, 2009, 10:53 PM

    Nice to see some common sense around here. 

    How can we tell the difference between harmless Muslims, and dangerous Muslims?
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #9 - March 30, 2009, 07:21 AM

    Peace Heartbomb!

    I do not mean that in muslim countries no rape occour.How could I?

    Here is some links to rape and convictions in England and Usa.

    Less than 6% of reported rape results in conviction.I can not say it different,that in our world a lot of men get away with rape.

    For every 1000 rape,100 men get convicted in England,and 188 in Usa.   

    I want to fight unfairness,where we find it.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #10 - March 30, 2009, 07:28 AM

    Peace Heartbomb!

    I do not mean that in muslim countries no rape occour.How could I?

    Here is some links to rape and convictions in England and Usa.

    Less than 6% of reported rape results in conviction.I can not say it different,that in our world a lot of men get away with rape.

    For every 1000 rape,100 men get convicted in England,and 188 in Usa.   

    I want to fight unfairness,where we find it.

    Sorry, I can smell bullshit a mile off. You are bringing up this rape in the west rubbish because it's a usual muslim defence/counter-attack.

    How about dealing with the fact that in traditional Islam you need 4 witnesses to prove there was adultery and therefore 4 witnesses to prove the nature (whether it was rape or not)? Is this not injustice? How about the fact that there are virtually no middle eastern women's organisations/charities that deal with the issue of rape?

    How about the fact that in no Muslim country is marital rape a crime and no one is ever convicted for marital rape?

    Please don't try to cover poor Islamic defences as rational and objective criticism.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #11 - March 30, 2009, 07:29 AM

    Peace Heartbomb!

    I do not mean that in muslim countries no rape occour.How could I?

    Here is some links to rape and convictions in England and Usa.

    Less than 6% of reported rape results in conviction.I can not say it different,that in our world a lot of men get away with rape.

    For every 1000 rape,100 men get convicted in England,and 188 in Usa.   

    I want to fight unfairness,where we find it.

    Everywhere. Look around you. It doesn't matter if it's East or West, crime is everywhere.

    You've given me all the articles and stats to the Western world, but victims do not get stoned to death for adultery in the West because the Western legal systems do attempt to protect victims of such horrific crimes. It's only in Eastern societies where victims of rape suffer from stonings. That is just one example.

    I am not suggesting that the Western society is perfect, but to suggest that the Islamic society is a preferable option between the two is far fetched as I simply cannot turn a blind eye to the injustice that happens there.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #12 - March 30, 2009, 07:48 AM


    I dont understand,this stance you take here.

    I agree with you,in everything you say about crime against woman in hadith islam countries.And I know it maybe even better than you,since I have lived among muslim woman,from various countries.

    But does that mean,that you are not interested in crime against woman done in our midst?

    If we are going to deal with negativity,shouldnt it concern all negativity?

    Like most muslim,and you say I do the same,they will not talk about their own negativity,only others.

    Dont say that you knowledgeable people in here,want to do the same?To ridicule me,or give me thoughts that I dont have,dont change the fact,that men have roamed this earth,for centuries,and exploited woman.And still do it.

    I am not bullshiting in anys backyard,and I am not trying to make hadith islam look better,than it is.

  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #13 - March 30, 2009, 07:59 AM


    I dont understand,this stance you take here.

    I agree with you,in everything you say about crime against woman in hadith islam countries.And I know it maybe even better than you,since I have lived among muslim woman,from various countries.

    But does that mean,that you are not interested in crime against woman done in our midst?

    If we are going to deal with negativity,shouldnt it concern all negativity?

    Like most muslim,and you say I do the same,they will not talk about their own negativity,only others.

    Dont say that you knowledgeable people in here,want to do the same?To ridicule me,or give me thoughts that I dont have,dont change the fact,that men have roamed this earth,for centuries,and exploited woman.And still do it.

    I am not bullshiting in anys backyard,and I am not trying to make hadith islam look better,than it is.

    I didn't suggest that you are bullshitting. I didn't really understand your post.
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #14 - March 30, 2009, 08:09 AM

    Peace Heartbomb!

    I do not mean that in muslim countries no rape occour.How could I?

    Here is some links to rape and convictions in England and Usa.

    Less than 6% of reported rape results in conviction.I can not say it different,that in our world a lot of men get away with rape.

    For every 1000 rape,100 men get convicted in England,and 188 in Usa.   

    I want to fight unfairness,where we find it.

    Sorry, I can smell bullshit a mile off. You are bringing up this rape in the west rubbish because it's a usual muslim defence/counter-attack.

    How about dealing with the fact that in traditional Islam you need 4 witnesses to prove there was adultery and therefore 4 witnesses to prove the nature (whether it was rape or not)? Is this not injustice? How about the fact that there are virtually no middle eastern women's organisations/charities that deal with the issue of rape?

    How about the fact that in no Muslim country is marital rape a crime and no one is ever convicted for marital rape?

    Please don't try to cover poor Islamic defences as rational and objective criticism.

    I am not covering anything.How can I cover what you already know?

    But maybe you did not know the poor numbers of convicted rape in the west?

    Does that mean that I dont recognize the crime done against woman in hadith islam countries?Because I know somethings about crime against woman in our midst?
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #15 - March 30, 2009, 08:11 AM


    I dont understand,this stance you take here.

    I agree with you,in everything you say about crime against woman in hadith islam countries.And I know it maybe even better than you,since I have lived among muslim woman,from various countries.

    But does that mean,that you are not interested in crime against woman done in our midst?

    If we are going to deal with negativity,shouldnt it concern all negativity?

    Like most muslim,and you say I do the same,they will not talk about their own negativity,only others.

    Dont say that you knowledgeable people in here,want to do the same?To ridicule me,or give me thoughts that I dont have,dont change the fact,that men have roamed this earth,for centuries,and exploited woman.And still do it.

    I am not bullshiting in anys backyard,and I am not trying to make hadith islam look better,than it is.

    I didn't suggest that you are bullshitting. I didn't really understand your post.

    Peace Heartbomb!

    It was FinallyFree that suggested I was bullshiting.Sorry!
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #16 - March 30, 2009, 09:13 AM

    On March 27, 2009 6 MUSLIM men (more coming) were arrested for the sexual exploitation and rape of little/young girls. - once again this despicable pedophile ring is located in Northern Britain.  As usual, the police were obsessively concerned with muslim neighborhood sensitivities & political correctness -

     "A police spokesman said that it was important to maintain a low profile in order to keep the impact and disturbance caused to surrounding communities to a minimum.He added: "Uniformed officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be issuing leaflets to residents following the raid to reassure them and explain some details of the operation." see article below

    Recall from August 2007 where mother's had to beg police to intervene and stop the muslim men exploiting their young daughters:

    "A  hidden world in which Asian men ?groom? young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences.

    Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them.

    Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.

    ...Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it."  

    Clearly Hussain and Naveed were and are the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to predatory muslim men raping British little girls. Interesting to note that a television documentary that exposed the huge numbers of Pakistani muslim men involved in this pedophilia ring was stopped - twice- from being televised - eventually it was shown. Some surmise upcoming elections played a role in its initial cancellations.

    Apparently the feckless British police and vote whoring politicians, as shown by their persistent refusal to publicly condemn & swiftly deal with such actions, are happy to continue to keep (gangs of) muslim pedophile's exploitation and rape of young girls "hidden".


    This is fucked up.

    I don't think I blame Islam for that though, since the pedophiles actually drugged up their victims with alcohol and drugs before abusing them...I think they were just crazy fucks.  :'( So sad that girls as young as 12 were treated this way. So sad that authorities are afraid to act because they don't want to be labeled racist.  finmad

    I think the source if this article is particularly anti-Islam though...I read some of the articles and it seems to be particularly pissed off by Muslims in the UK.

    How come this was not in any of the mainstream media?

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #17 - March 30, 2009, 09:19 AM

    On March 27, 2009 6 MUSLIM men (more coming) were arrested for the sexual exploitation and rape of little/young girls. - once again this despicable pedophile ring is located in Northern Britain.  As usual, the police were obsessively concerned with muslim neighborhood sensitivities & political correctness -

     "A police spokesman said that it was important to maintain a low profile in order to keep the impact and disturbance caused to surrounding communities to a minimum.He added: "Uniformed officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be issuing leaflets to residents following the raid to reassure them and explain some details of the operation." see article below

    Recall from August 2007 where mother's had to beg police to intervene and stop the muslim men exploiting their young daughters:

    "A  hidden world in which Asian men ?groom? young white girls for sex has been exposed with the jailing yesterday of two men for child-abuse offences.

    Zulfqar Hussain, 46, and Qaiser Naveed, 32, from east Lancashire, were each jailed for five years and eight months after exploiting two girls aged under 16 by plying them with alcohol and drugs before having sex with them.

    Parents have complained that in parts of the country with large Asian communities white girls as young as 12 are being targeted for sex by older Asian men yet the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist.

    ...Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about it."  

    Clearly Hussain and Naveed were and are the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to predatory muslim men raping British little girls. Interesting to note that a television documentary that exposed the huge numbers of Pakistani muslim men involved in this pedophilia ring was stopped - twice- from being televised - eventually it was shown. Some surmise upcoming elections played a role in its initial cancellations.

    Apparently the feckless British police and vote whoring politicians, as shown by their persistent refusal to publicly condemn & swiftly deal with such actions, are happy to continue to keep (gangs of) muslim pedophile's exploitation and rape of young girls "hidden".


    This is fucked up.

    I don't think I blame Islam for that though, since the pedophiles actually drugged up their victims with alcohol and drugs before abusing them...I think they were just crazy fucks.  :'( So sad that girls as young as 12 were treated this way. So sad that authorities are afraid to act because they don't want to be labeled racist.  finmad

    I think the source if this article is particularly anti-Islam though...I read some of the articles and it seems to be particularly pissed off by Muslims in the UK.

    How come this was not in any of the mainstream media?

    I didn't think of that! Duh, silly me. Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe The Opinionator IS an anti-Islam site?
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #18 - March 30, 2009, 09:21 AM

    I googled it and the only link I could find was something that linked to the BNP. Explains a lot!  finmad
  • Re: More Muslim Pedophiles Arrested in Britain
     Reply #19 - March 30, 2009, 09:35 AM

    I read the article and I knew it was going to have something to do with the BNP. You can tell by the language.
    Obviously there is a tiny little bit of truth in it, in that there were some men, who happened to be Muslim, were grooming young girls.
    But the way in which this article is written, it makes it sound like there is a Muslim conspiracy going on around the country to groom young white girls and force them into sex slavery (the BNP also use the "your right-hand possesions" verse to tell people that this is happening because Islam allows and encourages Muslims to take girls as sex slaves, even though these men probably don't even give a shit about these verses).
    It failed to mention if this gang were grooming any asian girls or black girls, which they probably were. 
    It also failed to mention the countless white or black gangsters who are doing the same thing.

    Apparently the feckless British police and vote whoring politicians, as shown by their persistent refusal to publicly condemn & swiftly deal with such actions, are happy to continue to keep (gangs of) muslim pedophile's exploitation and rape of young girls "hidden".

    The "feckless British Police" do what they need to do. If there is a criminal investigation to be had, there will be a criminal investigation and arrests. This last paragraph makes it sound like accross the country, the Muslims are taking young white girls into sex-slavery and the Police and the politicians aren't doing anything because they don't want to upset Muslims.

    My main issue, however, is it makes this sound like a Muslim phenomenon and the poor white people are having their daughters forced into prostitution by these nasty Muslims and if there were no Muslims in the country, this problem would no longer exist.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
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