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 Topic: BMZ and Skynightblaze

 (Read 79568 times)
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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #210 - April 04, 2009, 10:46 PM

    You mean you have no time to waste with people who can see straight through your preaching. Grin

    Are you talking on my behalf?
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #211 - April 04, 2009, 11:23 PM

    such clarity must be for the believers alone who shirk nothing with Allah

    According to your logic you explained that the reason for our confusion with Islam is because Allah did not want us to understand as we are inherently bad people, and henceforth put a seal on our hearts.  Why doesnt he make us good and remove this seal on our hearts so we may understand this religion?

    I dont know arabic but the point still remains, along with the supporting evidence from other sources (e.g. the ones Rashna supplied below), that the Quran was meant to be unambiguous and clear in its message.

    Hence the point still remains given the degree of confusion between us, the ummah and with yourselves  rofl

    However you failed to explain the reason why the ummah, or you & skynightblaze, do not agree on the message either.

    Does that mean that Allah failed to make his message clear, and hence contradicted his own claims that the Quran was unambiguous to believers?

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #212 - April 05, 2009, 12:29 AM

    such clarity must be for the believers alone who shirk nothing with Allah

    According to your logic you explained that the reason for our confusion with Islam is because Allah did not want us to understand as we are inherently bad people, and henceforth put a seal on our hearts.  Why doesnt he make us good and remove this seal on our hearts so we may understand this religion?

    I dont know arabic but the point still remains, along with the supporting evidence from other sources (e.g. the ones Rashna supplied below), that the Quran was meant to be unambiguous and clear in its message.

    Hence the point still remains given the degree of confusion between us, the ummah and with yourselves  rofl

    However you failed to explain the reason why the ummah, or you & skynightblaze, do not agree on the message either.

    Does that mean that Allah failed to make his message clear, and hence contradicted his own claims that the Quran was unambiguous to believers?

    Read my article again and you should find what you are looking for, but try to read it slowly this time
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #213 - April 05, 2009, 12:59 AM

    Obviously, like Allah, you have failed to make your message clear, Ahmed.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #214 - April 05, 2009, 03:27 AM

    That's my point Ahmed. Why would I waste my time refuting the intricacies of a moribund text when Islam fails in it's fundamental founding claims.

    I don't even have to read your Koran quotes to confidently say that they prove nothing.

    Islam refutes itself in so many ways.

    First you are commanded/asked to believe that the Koran is the perfect uncreated word of the creator of the universe.

    So you have a problem, first you have to believe that there are angels, then that when the Archangel was receiving the message from god, that he retained the message with 100% accuracy. Then you have to believe that Mohammad retained that message with 100% accuracy while he came down a mountain after having a very painful mystical experience then repeated it with 100% accuracy to a scribe who took it down with 100% accuracy.

    But as we know there was no attempt to collate these texts during Mohammad's lifetime. It was only years after he died that they gathered together and tried to remember what came first etc

    Now we have to assume that this meeting resulted in a text with 100% accuracy. Only then can you begin to believe that the Koran is a perfect text.

    Islam fails at the first hurdle. No need to refute your Koranic quotes.

    Islam claims that the Koran is for all people, for all time but it can only be read in Arabic. Therefore it's not for all people.

    It's full of barbaric medieval injunctions that Muslims say were appropriate to the time or should only be implemented in a perfect Islamic state.

    So it is not for non Arabic speakers to understand and large chunks of it's counsel are dependent on the date and the political situation.

    The book is open to interpretation, even pious Muslims disagree on so much that is found in the Koran.

    "There is no compulsion in religion, shirk is the ultimate sin."

    How can it be perfect if it produces such wildly different effects even amongst the faithful.

    You can say that Islam is perfect but Muslims are not so we shouldn't judge Islam by the actions of Muslims but it's a fact that the Koran cannot be perfect if it doesn't take into account the fallible nature of man.

    Mohammad was supposedly of perfect morality and is the model for humanity. Well then those who behead, maim, sleep with underage girls and try to build theocratic empires are the best of men and those who try to stop that imperialism, that barbarity and the exploitation of children are really the bad guys.

    Islam fails so completely in so many ways that there really is no point in pouring over it's scriptures. That would be like trying to refute witchcraft by quoting Wiccan texts.

    Wicca is nonsense and we can safely say that without studying Wiccan text. If a witch came here and quoted an ancient Druidic script about unicorns would you waste your time pouring over her text looking for the glaring inconsistencies? I think not. As you know that would be giving her absurd claims the respect that they don't deserve.

  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #215 - April 05, 2009, 03:30 AM

    Now, I do not think that Allah needs to use a throne or a chair, to refer to His power or His authority, this is because He already told us about His power and His authority in clear words

    If you haven't noticed, your Allah constantly repeats himself in the Quran. Why does he tell us he put a seal on unbelievers hearts when he already told us he put a veil over their eyes? Is he repeating himself here, or should we take it literally? Should I have an X-ray to detect this seal on my heart? Will it impede my cardio-vascular performance?

    But for the others who go for a metaphor without any merit, they won't have such argument, in the case of the throne and chair for example, it can be simply said to them:

    Why not God should not have a throne and a chair?

    Because it is a stupid concept, that is why. Because chairs are for beings with asses and asses are for beings that shit. You think the creator of the universe builds himself a chair? He's a little over qualified for chair building isn't he? I can build a damn chair!

    Are the throne of God and His chair, like those we know for humans?

    What difers a throne from a chair? A throne is just a chair that is bigger or fancier than every one else's around. It's only purpose is to remind people that the guy in the big chair is in charge. I would assume that God kinda stands out in a crowd and doesn't need this earthly apparatus to reaffirm his greatness to us.

    The whole throne concept was thown into the Quran to impress upon the simpletons of the 7th century who lacked the imagination to concieve of an omnipowerful being without some comparison to the earthly tyrants of their time.


    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #216 - April 05, 2009, 04:25 AM

    such clarity must be for the believers alone who shirk nothing with Allah

    Shouldn't we first understand the message clearly, and then try to avoid shirk? Isn't it stupid to expect us to first do what Quran says and then, we shall understand?

    Why there is everything upside down with Muslims?

    Islam is a funny religion which is misunderstood by its scholars and correctly understood by ordinary Muslims.
    Faith is keeping your eyes shut when looking at the world, and/or keeping your eyes open only for the beauty of the world.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #217 - April 05, 2009, 04:47 AM

    Yes in order to see the perfection of the Koran you have to put your skepticism aside and read with "an open heart"

    The mistake we are making is not opening our hearts to the truth. Skepticism, logic and criticism are not paths to truth they are barriers. Switch off your mind and you will see. Eternal wisdom comes from faith and obedience to scripture.

  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #218 - April 05, 2009, 07:45 AM

    Hello All

    From all the above compelling Quran verses, we can conclude the following:

    1)The Quran never claimed to be clear, i.e. making things clear, rather it claimed to be clear, as clearly from Allah, and such clarity must be for the believers alone who shirk nothing with Allah

    Well then, the proof of how atrocious the pudding is can be clarified from eating it. The "believers" who sincerely believe in only this "Allah" are some of the least developed people on the planet. Muslim nations are mostly theocratic despotisms, or other sorts of despotisms, before the discovery of oil they were were mostly poor, Muslim become poorer than their neighbours wherever they happen to live, be it the Muslims of Singapore & Malaysia who're poorer than the shirkirs they live with- the Hindus & Chinese Buddhists & Christians'  or the Thai Muslims who're poorer than the Thai Buddhists or the Filipino Muslims who're poorer than the Filipino Catholics. They're often jihadis ie religious terrorists for Allah-in Thailand, Philippines,  Bali to Orthodox Russia & numerous other locations.

    Allah's "true believers" often murder other "true believers" from Pakistan to Algeria, they have some of the most misogynist laws in the places with most "true believers" like Saudi Arabia & its been ages since they've made any +ive contribution to the world.

    Meanwhile Shinto-Buddhist Japan which rampantly commits shirk is one of the world's most technologically advanced nations, Trinitarian Christians are so very rich in Europe & its off shoots & idolatrous Hindu Indians & Buddhist Chinese are far richer than Muslims in not only Singapore but also in Malaysia inspite of its Muslim favoring Bumiputra policies.

    The shirker Trinitarian Christians in the Mid East are far richer than the non shirking believer Muslims inspite of gross discrimination, the Zoroastrians of Iran & India are extremely rich, successful & advanced while Iran is an abjectly poor theocracy inspite of its oil wealth.
    What a lot of harm such clarity does for the believers alone who shirk nothing with Allah  Tongue

    Hello All

    2)Allah has made the Quran damn hard for those who mock, reject, or shirk, His Quran with other things, to a degree that, for the kafirs when they hear it, they flee, and for the Mushrikoon, when they hear Allah mentioned alone in his Quran, they also flee, they want to hear others mentioned with Him, like Mohammed for example.


    Strange coincidence again! Those who reject the Quran, seem to be much better off & more successful, & even amongst Muslims those countries which reject bits of the Quran like Turkey, Indonesia & Kazakhstan are the most successful- those which attempt to follow all the Quran become as backward like Saudi Arabia.

    Even if I were to believe that the Quran is from someone called "Allah"-what sort of guy is this Allah? Everyone who truly tries to follow his guidance in the Quran becomes poor, misogynist & backward, while those who commit Shirk or reject Allah partially or fully become gender equal & successful-maybe Allah is a monster in disguise, who's given a book with complicated, violent & sexist teachings to a very questionable character called Muhammad, which is intended to damage nations & people?  Thinking hard thats' the best possible explanation I can think of.

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #219 - April 05, 2009, 09:33 AM

    Does that mean that Allah failed to make his message clear, and hence contradicted his own claims that the Quran was unambiguous to believers?

    Read my article again and you should find what you are looking for, but try to read it slowly this time

    I did, I still couldnt find it. That damn seal keeps getting in the way  Cheesy

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #220 - April 05, 2009, 09:40 AM

    Does that mean that Allah failed to make his message clear, and hence contradicted his own claims that the Quran was unambiguous to believers?

    Read my article again and you should find what you are looking for, but try to read it slowly this time

    I did, I still couldnt find it. That damn seal keeps getting in the way  Cheesy



    Islam is a funny religion which is misunderstood by its scholars and correctly understood by ordinary Muslims.
    Faith is keeping your eyes shut when looking at the world, and/or keeping your eyes open only for the beauty of the world.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #221 - April 05, 2009, 09:58 AM

    Coming to the topic of debate between skynightblaze and BMZ, I do think that the time has now come for skynightblaze to move on to the second part of the proposed debate as BMZ has failed to provide a credible reason why Kursi should be taken as allegorical in the verse in contention, or why should it NOT be taken as literal!!

    The declaration of a winner or loser of this round depends, of course, on the audience of COEM. I would not like to declare it explicitly as I am liable to be accused of a FFI-Bias Smiley

    Islam is a funny religion which is misunderstood by its scholars and correctly understood by ordinary Muslims.
    Faith is keeping your eyes shut when looking at the world, and/or keeping your eyes open only for the beauty of the world.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #222 - April 05, 2009, 11:26 AM

    Now, I do not think that Allah needs to use a throne or a chair, to refer to His power or His authority, this is because He already told us about His power and His authority in clear words

    If you haven't noticed, your Allah constantly repeats himself in the Quran. Why does he tell us he put a seal on unbelievers hearts when he already told us he put a veil over their eyes?

    Well, I do not know why, but I can guess that the heart and and the eyes and the ears, have different senses, for example, you may find one who is physically deaf and blind, but his heart is believing, now what Alahh is telling us that He will totaklly disable all these senses for a kafir

    Is he repeating himself here,

    Yes, the quran repeates itself to stress a specific issue, as it did with the unlimited power of Allah

    or should we take it literally? Should I have an X-ray to detect this seal on my heart? Will it impede my cardio-vascular performance?

    Well, but the seal on the heart and eyes and the ears, MUST be taken metaphorically, a child should now that.

    But for the others who go for a metaphor without any merit, they won't have such argument, in the case of the throne and chair for example, it can be simply said to them:

    Why not God should not have a throne and a chair?

    Because it is a stupid concept, that is why. Because chairs are for beings with asses and asses are for beings that shit. You think the creator of the universe builds himself a chair? He's a little over qualified for chair building isn't he? I can build a damn chair!

    So god should be suspended in the air, you reckon?

    Are the throne of God and His chair, like those we know for humans?

    What difers a throne from a chair? A throne is just a chair that is bigger or fancier than every one else's around. It's only purpose is to remind people that the guy in the big chair is in charge. I would assume that God kinda stands out in a crowd and doesn't need this earthly apparatus to reaffirm his greatness to us.

    A throne is not a chair, mister confused, a chair is part of a throne

    please dismiss yourself

    The whole throne concept was thown into the Quran to impress upon the simpletons of the 7th century who lacked the imagination to concieve of an omnipowerful being without some comparison to the earthly tyrants of their time.


  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #223 - April 05, 2009, 11:29 AM

    Does that mean that Allah failed to make his message clear, and hence contradicted his own claims that the Quran was unambiguous to believers?

    Read my article again and you should find what you are looking for, but try to read it slowly this time

    I did, I still couldnt find it. That damn seal keeps getting in the way  Cheesy

    Well, tough luck to you then, however you can show enthusiasm by continue reading it over and over, but if you cannot find it at the end, then that is your problem, not mine. Life is tough, I know
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #224 - April 05, 2009, 12:00 PM

    I did, I still couldnt find it. That damn seal keeps getting in the way  Cheesy

    Well, tough luck to you then, however you can show enthusiasm by continue reading it over and over, but if you cannot find it at the end, then that is your problem, not mine. Life is tough, I know

    It must be tough for you as a chosen slave to Allah, not for me though.  Thankfully he has made it easy for me as I have a seal on my heart, so I am free to live as my conscience dictates.   Afro

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #225 - April 05, 2009, 12:09 PM

    Now, I am a literal type of guy, and when I read about the throne of Allah in the Quran, it quickly means for me that Allah has a physicla throne, nothing more and nothing less, now anything more may lead to such metaphorical understandngs which I believe has no merit

    Well, but the seal on the heart and eyes and the ears, MUST be taken metaphorically, a child should now that.


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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #226 - April 05, 2009, 12:25 PM

    Well, but the seal on the heart and eyes and the ears, MUST be taken metaphorically, a child should now that.

    Funny thing, but the people with those damn seals on their hearts seem to be living the most moral lives, getting better educated, contributing to science & technology & creating successful, advanced societies-while the people who's hearts Allah has left unsealed are often jihadi terrorists, mujahideen suicide bombers, stoners & inhabitants of the poorest & most backward societies. Allah supposedly sent his book to end slavery but non sealed nations were the last to end slavery, Saudi where Allah send down His book & Messenger ended slavery only in 1963, a millennia after heart sealed U.S.A., that too at the urging of Catholic Presedent Kennedy, a Mushrikeen who worships before images of Mary & multiple saints!

    Between a sealed & an unsealed heart, I know which one I prefer!  Wink

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #227 - April 05, 2009, 12:28 PM

    Quote from: AhmedBahgat
    Well, tough luck to you then, however you can show enthusiasm by continue reading it over and over, but if you cannot find it at the end, then that is your problem, not mine. Life is tough, I know

    And keep showing enthusiasm by "continue" reading it over and over till all your senses are dulled and all your reasoning abilities are half dead. Continue reading it till you get into a hypnotic state so as to gullibly and uncritically accept whatever that 7th Century Muhammad dished out to you in Quran.

    Then, and then only, the seals would be removed.

    I think you are much better off with those seals on you, Islame!!

    Islam is a funny religion which is misunderstood by its scholars and correctly understood by ordinary Muslims.
    Faith is keeping your eyes shut when looking at the world, and/or keeping your eyes open only for the beauty of the world.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #228 - April 05, 2009, 02:06 PM

    Quote from: AhmedBahgat
    Well, tough luck to you then, however you can show enthusiasm by continue reading it over and over, but if you cannot find it at the end, then that is your problem, not mine. Life is tough, I know

    And keep showing enthusiasm by "continue" reading it over and over till all your senses are dulled and all your reasoning abilities are half dead. Continue reading it till you get into a hypnotic state so as to gullibly and uncritically accept whatever that 7th Century Muhammad dished out to you in Quran.

    Then, and then only, the seals would be removed.

    I think you are much better off with those seals on you, Islame!!

    I feel sleepy.  I believe, I believe. Allah is almighty, and I am your lowly servent.  I will accept whatever you tell me.  If I dont accept it, then I understand that the problem lies with me and my limited understanding. 

    Teach me, and I will obey. I will accept all your teachings, and your paedophilic & murderous Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) as a perfect example for me to follow for now and forever.

    Ameen   sheikh

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #229 - April 05, 2009, 07:48 PM

    Well, but the seal on the heart and eyes and the ears, MUST be taken metaphorically, a child should now that.

    Funny thing, but the people with those damn seals on their hearts seem to be living the most moral lives,


    that was the most funniest thing I have ever heard, I guess you should try a career as a stand up comedian

    getting better educated,

    Hahahahaha, again, most teen in Australia do not even fifnish years 12

    please dismiss yourself

    contributing to science & technology & creating successful, advanced societies-

    Great, thank you kafirs for working for us

    while the people who's hearts Allah has left unsealed are often jihadi terrorists,

    Are you holding your barbie doll right now?

    mujahideen suicide bombers, stoners & inhabitants of the poorest & most backward societies. Allah supposedly sent his book to end slavery but non sealed nations were the last to end slavery, Saudi where Allah send down His book & Messenger ended slavery only in 1963, a millennia after heart sealed U.S.A., that too at the urging of Catholic Presedent Kennedy, a Mushrikeen who worships before images of Mary & multiple saints!

    Between a sealed & an unsealed heart, I know which one I prefer!  Wink

    Dismissed, untill you get out of your Barbie world
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #230 - April 05, 2009, 08:33 PM

    here is a comment I just added on FFI:

    Exactly. And I don't see why would any Muslim argue with that?!!!!! Are there indeed Muslims who argue with this?!!!

    There are indeed Muslims who argue with that, I am not one of them though, the Throne and the Chair are literal as far as my understaniding to the Quran and its language

    The Bottom line is this, which I believe is simple enough, yet cannot be comprehended by those kafirs and their fellow Muslims, here it is simply:

    If everything around us including us is made bigger 1000 times, then no one should feel any changes, this is because if I am 5.8 tall, then after being magnified 1000 times, i will still be 5.8 tall, this is because the measuring length of foot has been magnified 1000 times as well

    Same with my weight, I will be exactly the same after getting bigger 1000 times

    And of course it works the other way around, i.e. if I have been made 1000 times smaller as well as everything around me in the heavens and the earth, i won't feel any change

    Such delusion, is indeed real, it is called Relativity, i.e. we really do not know what our real size is in comparison with a datum that is out of this world,

    Now, imagine a basketballer holding his basket ball between his two hands, then think of it as Allah is doing the exact same to the heavens and the earth, i.e. the heavens and the earth (as a ball)  is held between Allah hands, this means that Allah is way too big compared with the size of the heavens and the earth (from His perspective of course),

    With that in mind, then all the following statments will make great literal sense:

    1) Allah is AKBAR, i.e. Allah is bigger than anything
    2) His chair is big enough to encompass the heavens and the earth
    3) Allah is MOHIT (surrounding) everything
    4) Allah is always with us whereever we are

    And many more

    I indeed believe in such valid possibility that is even approved by the theory of relativity

  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #231 - April 05, 2009, 09:09 PM

    Well, I do not know why, but I can guess that the heart and the eyes and the ears, have different senses, for example, you may find one who is physically deaf and blind, but his heart is believing, now what Allah is telling us that He will totally disable all these senses for a kafir

    This is your flawed reasoning for Allah using the metaphor of veiling our eyes AND sealing our hearts? A more accurate reason is that he repeats himself like an old man with Alzheimer?s. Simply look at the babbling repetitions in the first verses of the Cow.

    "Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur).

    In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).

    Allah will throw back their mockery on them, and give them rope in their trespasses; so they will wander like blind ones (To and fro).

    Their similitude is that of a man who kindled a fire; when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in utter darkness. So they could not see."

    These all basically say the same thing. Why does Allah qualify this last verse as a similitude and not the first 3? Are the first 3 to be taken literally or is this just an example of an inconsistent writing style?

    You say that ?throne? can not be metaphoric for authority because Allah has already professed his authority, but as you can clearly see, Allah is not shy of repeating himself so your point is clearly mute.
    Here is yet another metaphor of the same thing.

    ?The lightning all but snatches away their sight; every time the light (Helps) them, they walk therein, and when the darkness grows on them, they stand still. And if Allah willed, He could take away their faculty of hearing and seeing; for Allah hath power over all things.?

    Allah is not talking about real lightning here, is he?

    Well, but the seal on the heart and eyes and the ears, MUST be taken metaphorically, a child should now that.

    The point is, Allah did not have to use a metaphor to express this but he did and did so repeatedly. He even says he hates not to do it.

    "Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as highest."

    So how you can say that he is not using ?throne? metaphorically without presenting any evidence to support your reasoning is quite baffling.

    So god should be suspended in the air, you reckon?

    God created gravity didn?t he? You think he should be subject to the earth?s gravitational pull that he requires some kind of external suspension? What did he do before he built himself a chair then?

    A throne is not a chair, mister confused, a chair is part of a throne

    Yes I am aware that you define a throne as some kind of chair/platform combo. I do not know where you get your definitions from but there have been thrones long before the Quran was concocted and all those thrones have been chairs.


    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #232 - April 05, 2009, 10:29 PM

    Now, imagine a basketballer holding his basket ball between his two hands, then think of it as Allah is doing the exact same to the heavens and the earth, i.e. the heavens and the earth (as a ball)  is held between Allah hands, this means that Allah is way too big compared with the size of the heavens and the earth (from His perspective of course),

    I indeed believe in such valid possibility that is even approved by the theory of relativity

    You dont believe in Evolutionary Theory, but you believe in the Theory of Relativity?  Because science is right, unless it contradicts Islam.  If this is the case, when was the last time you drank camel's piss for medical treatment?

    Coming back to the Theory of Relativity, its nothing to do with the size of basket balls   Huh? It was contributed by a Jew who said the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and E=mc2, revealing a relationship between mass & energy.   Cheesy

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #233 - April 06, 2009, 05:27 AM

    Notice how Ahmed has just ignored the highlighting of the rotten foundations of his religion and just presses on quoting moribund text as if the story behind the Korans perfection wasn't as flaky as a hypoallergenic sunburnt man suffering from a severe skin complaint.

    As if banging on about the Koran is somehow going to show us the errors of our ways.

    If you want to teach us the "truth" of your religion then try squaring the circle that is the wholly unsatisfactory story of the creation of Islam and the Koran itself.

    We are totally unconvinced!

    Koran quotation will only work on those who have closed the doors of critical thinking and agreed that the Koran is something more than mere literature.

    We are not in that gullible camp, we are not believers so quit with the Koranic bollo unless you are going to start at the top and give us a solid reason backed up by evidence why we should take the Koran seriously.

    So for the sake of argument, if I say there is a god and he spoke to Mohammad through an angel (which is about as likely as monkeys climbing out of my arse) but for arguments sake lets say it's true.

    Now can you give us a satisfactory reason why we should think that The Koran is the perfect uncreated word of this god. Not just a human chain of Chinese Whispers handed down by a man who if he was alive today would be shackled and bought to the Hague for crimes against humanity.

  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #234 - April 06, 2009, 05:37 AM

    Bob you quote The Cow, I read the Koran a couple of years ago and you have just reminded me what a bad read it was. Repetitive, incoherent, tedious, ignorant, cruel and vapid.

    The true miracle of the Koran is that anyone could believe it is anything more than a very bad book of plagiarized Bible stories.

    Muslims say that the Koran was Mohammad's only miracle. I say that anyone remaining a Muslim after reading the Koran is the one and only miracle ever to come from any monotheistic tradition.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #235 - April 06, 2009, 05:01 PM

    SB has concluded the first question, and my vote goes to BMZ. 

    IMO SB did not prove this to be a Quranic contradiction.

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  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #236 - April 06, 2009, 05:31 PM

    I also have to give that round to BMZ but I am optomistic that Sky can turn this around. He's got an arsenal of over a hundred alleged contradictions. He should be able to make at least one stick.


    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #237 - April 06, 2009, 05:37 PM

    I'm not willing to give the point to BMZ as he contradicted himself and didn't really make his point convincingly either.  Its a draw so far for me.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #238 - April 06, 2009, 05:41 PM

    Not only was BMZ's lack of Arabic knowledge disheartening but he made no attempt to ever disprove the contradictions, rather he contradicted himself many times while trying to explain his rehashed arguments.

    Obviously to SNB.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: BMZ and Skynightblaze
     Reply #239 - April 06, 2009, 05:48 PM

    On a side note, I would like to thank professor Ahmed for his lecture on how the Quran is not clear.

    I can't wait to throw some of that in the face of the next Muslim who says it is.


    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
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