Do you ever debate anyone online about anything?
Give a list of 10 countries (Britain and Ireland don't count) you've been to if you have been to 10 countries, if you haven't, just give as many as you want.
I've been to France, Belgium, Spain and Andorra. That's it, apart from Britain and Ireland.
How do you spend your time when you arent working or online?
Reading, watching telly, socialising, visiting family, that kind of thing.
Can you cook (well)?
I can cook a few things well, but not many.
Do you like classical culture, IE art, history, museums, classical music?
Are all the guys you go out with taller than you, as in, do you prefer taller men?
Yes. I'm pretty short, so a man shorter than me would be practically a dwarf.
Do you go to the cinema often?
Not really. The last thing I saw at the cinema was The Boy in The Stripey Pyjamas.
Have you ever worked in an office environment? Do you like them?
Yes and yes.
Is Ireland as cool as they make it out to be on British TV?
Dunno. I've never seen much about Ireland on British TV.
The town where I live reminds me a bit of The League of Gentlemen.
Why, when I first came, did you welcome me rather than telling me to fuck off back to FFI like the rest? Are you a mature person IRL or is it because you wanted to go against the grain?
Because I read your testimony over there before responding to you, so I had a different impression of you than you gave in your first few posts here.