the diffinition muslim is the one who believe in god and a good person therefore gandhi fit that diffinition
So polytheists can be Muslims, according to you?
Well, Muhammad & the Quran will disagree with you:
Polytheists have to convert to Islam or be killed.
Sura IX.5: "Then, when the sacred months have passed away, kill the idolaters wherever you find them ","and seize them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them." Ah, you might say, you have deliberately left out the words that come after those. Let us quote them then,
"If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful."
This means, that
polytheists would be spared only if the convert to Islam, Prophet Muhammad himself marched into Mecca, smashed the polytheistic idols, said that only those people who remained indoors would be safe, finally after smashing allowed people to come out & converted them to Islam. After his death, apostasy(ridda) wars broke out amongst the Muslims whom he'd converted, who were eager to throw off the yoke of Islam, & they were ruthlessly put down.
Christians & Jews are grudgingly tolerated, as long as they pay the jizya
Also Muslim men can marry Christian or Jewish women, Quran(5:5), but non Muslim men have to convert to Islam to marry Muslim women Quran 2:221. Also, shirk or polytheism is one of the worst sins in Islam.