Needs to be made snappier, but here's my crappy submission (harder than I thought)
There was once was a man called Mo
A 20ft beard, he managed to grow
Wishing for a girl in pampers
His hopes, even his dreams would not hamper
So Allah miraculously decreed his marriage to her one day
After with dolls she would play
All I know is I wanna grab that beard,
and get it sheared
Nice one!
Here's mine
There was once a man called Mo,
Whom I find as horried as the swine flu!
Poor li'l orphan called Mo of Arabia got bigger,
He worked for rivh o'le Khadija, wed her & became a gold digger!
He stopped all work now & wandered off to caves to chill!
Poor ole Khadija looked after the kids & paid the bill!
One fine day, he claimed that he saw God!
He told all, but they all claimed that he was a fraud!
On being ridiculed & rebuffed, Mo got verry angry!
Having few followers, he decided to
but later avenge himself on all & sundry,
He & his merry men ran off to Medina,
There they established a caravan looting business & began to cause fitna!
Hoping to end this Mo menace the Jews & polytheists ganged up,
He told them to put up with jizya or he'll make them shut up!