muslims themselves misunderstood about what is predestination god talking about
to (MY) understanding of predestination is, god talking about human destination not SINGLE PERSON
god created humans so he knows humans's brain capability
for example god knows in the biggining humans will have hard time finding food than humans will develop agriculture than humans will develop education than humans will build nation than humans will fight eachother than humans will develop weapon than humans will develop car than humans will develop plane than humans will go to moon than humans will travel in space etc
this is what god's already knows before he made humans
I don't understand what you are saying here?
Are you saying God doesn't know every tiny detail of every single persons life - what they will do and what will happen before it happens?
If you are, then you are denying a basic tenet of Islam.
why would god want to know how many time i have shit in my life time?
He may not want to know, but if you believe he is all knowing, then he does know
god is all knowing mean he have knowledge of all thing
Right, so he does know every single detail in our lives. You better hope he is merciful about these blasphemous posts you've been making on this thread about him not being all-knowing. Judging by his track record of mercy, I wouldn't hold out too much hope.
god does not programed us like a robot
No but he punishes blasphemers like you with eternal punishment in the Hell. Did you already plead for tawbah for your posts on here originally saying he wasn't all-knowing? You better get cracking on that. You don't know if you're going to live another minute. Hurry
And just to come back to you point about god not programming us like a robot. If God already knows exactly how we will live our lives before we are created, and then he creates us, how exactly have we not been created to do what God already knows we are going to do?